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Anyone here suffer from IBD or IBS


Dec 10, 2017
So just found i have IBD (irritable bowel syndrome)
So in other words my stomach is a complete mess all the time. Was wondering how you guys have delt with it being on gear and taking orals. Ive been taking test and tren havent had much issues with those. Started melatan and that ruined my stomach and so has winstrol orals. Curious to see what works for you guys
There are several members here that have these issues. The one that comes to mind is Getnbiggger. I'm sure he'll post if he see's this.
I could write a book about gut health and recovery after my own problems.

what worked for me: regular long fasts to reset the gut biome, then refeeds on carnivore diet and some fruits. I do not eat grains or even much fiber anymore. When i eat purely meat diet all my issues go away. Probiotics and prebiotics can help but they probably wont save you. Fecal transplant can really help but it you need a compatible and healthy donor. Too much fiber fucks me up, but i know there are some benefits so i am training myself to tolerate more.

Were you breastfed as a kid? Did you take antibiotics? My health problems started after abx for a routine throat infection, i took them before i knew any better. It all went downhill for my gut aftet that in an insidious manner.

Nothing about the BB diet works for me, the frequent eating, the rice and grains etc, nope. Do an elimination diet and use fasting to get inflammation under control. Research every strain of probiotic and do not just take them wildly, many commercial strains in supplements are not necessarily all good for your specific health. There is a new prebiotic called HMO which is in some baby formulas and special dietary supps now that really helped me. Some probiotics helped like align and florastor and miyarisan but you basically need to keep taking them and it gets expensive. It is better to use foods to manipulate your biome if it isnt too fucked yet.

Oral steroids and most pharma drugs act like antibiotics in a way too, they can alter, suppress, your gut bacteria populations. I would not use oral steroids if you are actively trying to treat it. It can take time, i have been through a major journey in past year turning it around.

Taking a half tblspoon of turmeric when i am suffering if i eat the wrong thing helps alot. Also fermented soybean (natto) a popular japanese dish is something i try to eat everyday. Otherwise i avoid legumes, grains, too much plants. There are tons of gut protocols out there in every flavour.
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Wow so much info to absorb. Yeah so i started taking align and your right, that shit is expensive. So im cutting out all carbonated drinks. Energy drinks, pop because ive noticed it tears me up. But yeah spicy foods cause me to flame up. So would you suggest like a fast to reset you gut biome? But yeah this all new to me and boy does this suck more then anything. Ive also heard cbd oils/supplements help a ton. Not sure if you have any experience with cbd?
Once again thanks for so much info!
I could write a book about gut health and recovery after my own problems.

what worked for me: regular long fasts to reset the gut biome, then refeeds on carnivore diet and some fruits. I do not eat grains or even much fiber anymore. When i eat purely meat diet all my issues go away. Probiotics and prebiotics can help but they probably wont save you. Fecal transplant can really help but it you need a compatible and healthy donor. Too much fiber fucks me up, but i know there are some benefits so i am training myself to tolerate more.

Were you breastfed as a kid? Did you take antibiotics? My health problems started after abx for a routine throat infection, i took them before i knew any better. It all went downhill for my gut aftet that in an insidious manner.

Nothing about the BB diet works for me, the frequent eating, the rice and grains etc, nope. Do an elimination diet and use fasting to get inflammation under control. Research every strain of probiotic and do not just take them wildly, many commercial strains in supplements are not necessarily all good for your specific health. There is a new prebiotic called HMO which is in some baby formulas and special dietary supps now that really helped me. Some probiotics helped like align and florastor and miyarisan but you basically need to keep taking them and it gets expensive. It is better to use foods to manipulate your biome if it isnt too fucked yet.

Oral steroids and most pharma drugs act like antibiotics in a way too, they can alter, suppress, your gut bacteria populations. I would not use oral steroids if you are actively trying to treat it. It can take time, i have been through a major journey in past year turning it around.

Taking a half tblspoon of turmeric when i am suffering if i eat the wrong thing helps alot. Also fermented soybean (natto) a popular japanese dish is something i try to eat everyday. Otherwise i avoid legumes, grains, too much plants. There are tons of gut protocols out there in every flavour.

Also on top of my previous response they gave me dicyclomine to take twice a day. Seem to help tbh. Any experience with that?
Ulcerative Colitis 25yrs but I can't complain the medication I'm on has done great over the years.
Also on top of my previous response they gave me dicyclomine to take twice a day. Seem to help tbh. Any experience with that?

That is a symptomatic treatment, and you should use it as reccomended by your doctor at your discretion, but i am of the mind that it is better to avoid all pharma drugs unless absolutely necessary, the way they interact with your gut commensal bacteria is really complex. If you get your diet and lifestyle to fix it, it shpuldnt be necessary.

Fasting is what helped my gut have a break and let all that inflammation heal. In the meantime there is so much sources to choose to believe and learn up on. For me, i know a mostly raw animal and some plant foods diet leaves me feeling healthiest. Even knowing the best path to health i still eat lots of cooked foods and even some stuff i shouldnt eat, but these habits are hard to break.

Align does work, but it is hella overpriced. B. Infantis is just a subspecies of the broader bifido longum species, and many sub strains show benefit. If it does help you, you could try learning to ferment yogurt with it as a starter to save money. Also the HMO prebiotic should be available in USA now, it is called Heliogos and it directly feeds these specific bifido strains.

Some people have good results with reistant starch like green bannanas, plantains, cooked and cooled potatoes, etc. It really depends what your specific issue is.

You could learn all this stuff yourself over time and experiment, or try finding a good functional med doctor or naturopath. Alot of them are worthless but find the right one with he knowledge and they can really help.

Try fasting and dietary restriction before going crazy on supps and appts tho. Save yourself some money. If all else fails, a carnivore diet for 30 days will calm your gut, still nourish you, and you can alowly add back in some foods and gauge your reactions.

Also just simple things like chew thouroghly, make sure your stomach acid is strong around meals by not diluting it with alkaline water, etc. It is good you reached out to your doc but understand they just want you in and out and treat your symptoms. You can rely on drugs or you can address the issue. Gut health is related to all health.
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Fasting is what helped my gut have a break and let all that inflammation heal. In the meantime there is so much sources to choose to believe and learn up on. For me, i know a mostly raw animal and some plant foods diet leaves me feeling healthiest.

Try fasting and dietary restriction before going crazy on supps and appts tho. Save yourself some money. If all else fails, a carnivore diet for 30 days will calm your gut, still nourish you, and you can alowly add back in some foods and gauge your reactions.

Also just simple things like chew thouroghly, make sure your stomach acid is strong around meals by not diluting it with alkaline water, etc. It is good you reached out to your doc but understand they just want you in and out and treat your symptoms. You can rely on drugs or you can address the issue. Gut health is related to all health.
Yeah and thats what im learning right now. When you say fasting do you mean solids and liquids. (Liquids as on protein shakes ect). Im seriously taking this into consideration. Ive noticed when i eat is when my symptoms get worse. And when i did my liquid fast for my colonoscopy my stomach afterwards actually felt pretty strong and really little to no issues.
So im getting pretty desperate to get this nipped in the butt sooner then later seens how this is effecting gym performance and normal life things. I really do apperciate your suggestions. Also any experience with cbd and if so whats your experience?
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Yeah and thats what im learning right now. When you say fasting do you mean solids and liquids. (Liquids as on protein shakes ect). Im seriously taking this into consideration. Ive noticed when i eat is when my symptoms get worse. And when i did my liquid fast for my colonoscopy my stomach afterwards actually felt pretty strong and really little to no issues.
So im getting pretty desperate to get this nipped in the butt sooner then later seens how this is effecting gym performance and normal life things. I really do apperciate your suggestions. Also any experience with cbd and if so whats your experience?

Fasting as in no calories. After 3-5days your immune system can regenerate upon refeeding and you may find improvements. Cbd might help you but it is expensive.

I would log your diet and see what are common irritants. Like i said, meat is pretty benign for gut issues. It seems like the safest food. Fiber and plant lectins and other "toxins" can irritate a sensitive gut. Meat and berries seems fairly safe for most folks.
Holy smokes no calories for 3-5 days. How did you prep yourself for that?
Yeah ive heard good things about cbd and if helps and ornworks i guess its worth it!
Holy smokes no calories for 3-5 days. How did you prep yourself for that?
Yeah ive heard good things about cbd and if helps and ornworks i guess its worth it!

Practice IF and low carb diet. Then the transition is easy. Drink electrolytes while fasting.
has a lot to do with systemic innflamation.
standard "bb" practices will make it all worse.

if type diet should help a lot, more so if you pay attention to the types of foods you eat then stick to ones that work well for you after some experimentation.

i think that serotinin has more then a little something to do with this. as do drugs that fuck with it, like ssri's. :lightbulb: bad idea, and good idea to suppliment with things that can help with that... i like theanine.

processed carbs n flour make it worse.
dairy prob make it worse.
drugs for sure make it worse.

just playing with diet and lowering aas can make a big difference for many.
What helps me is less alcohol and eating organic and fresh foods. I eat about 1500 calories a day. Ie. Oatmeal , fruits, vegetables, and tuna. Throw in some probiotics
Nothing about the typical bodybuilding works for me.... the frequent meals, the carbs, the 4-5k calories per day (2000 is pushing it for me).

I wouldn't say I'm ever in a ketogenic state, but I eat as close to a keto diet as possible. I can't handle carbs, I can't really handle most highly concentrated fiber either. I reduced my protein to around .5-.6 grams per lb of body weight. After three years I lost a lot of fullness, due to major lack of glycogen, but my measurements are all exactly the same (except waist a bit smaller)..... so, honestly, I just lost a bit of fat and retained muscle (on TRT)

I'm going back on gear now, in large part to make up for this. I can't eat properly so yes, I'm going to use the drugs to cheat a little bit.

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