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Flex Wheeler Reveals 1993 Cycle

In that video flex talked about his diet, it was very loose to say the least, but he could get away with it so he did. Lol he said he had French fries all the way through the diet cause that's what he was use to eating 🤣
I never saw him train myself. But i have seen many people from that time besides Dorian talk of him not training hard or following a diet strictly. And at 3+ grams it seems he usually competed in the 220's-230's from what i remember. So that is where i am drawing my info from.

He definitely could have done more. I was just highlighting the end result and at one point he looked that way so it still obviously worked but I do actually agree with not being 100%. I just don't think if he had suffered more he would have looked better (in my eyes not the judges). Most of us have heard the stories about Flex not sticking to his diet. Chris Cormier was the same and I believe he even partied one night before the Olympia. I have heard stories of not training hard and maybe that is true but in the videos (snippet of time) he trained hard. Some guys can definitely get away with more than others.
People need to believe the genetic outliers used more than what they say because their egos can’t handle the reality. There aren’t many extreme outliers, which is why it IS hard to believe.

Some of these guys didn’t analyze or understand what they were doing much because they didn’t have to. Guys with average genetics lean on precision and planning. Guys with good genetics can do 80-90% and still win.

The only asterisk with this is… He described the GH in units. It’s likely that he didn’t remember or pay attention to how much GH is in 10iu on an insulin pin. The water volume provided yields a certain number of units per 10iu on a slin pin. I forget what Humatrope is, but Serostim is 1.8iu per 10iu. So he could have been in the 2-4iu range in the early stages.
Yeah I think this one is probably legit. There was another one with chris cormier saying fairly high amounts of halo and nandrolone. It's a lot closer to the truth than jay's “500mg of test and 600mg of eq offseason that's it bro”.

So basically 800mg deca, winstrol tabs+winstrol inject, anavar, test prop, and probably we can guess around 3-4 amps of parabolon. I think he's probably telling the truth.
The pro I'm 100% certain is truthful with his cycles is Milos. Moderate test, moderate deca, low tren and high dbol all together offseason isn't exactly a small cycle and he gives similar "double 19-nor" cycles to most clients as well.
I think he said test prop at 300mg which I think he ment a week(guess) due to later conversations saying he was talking to someone about his test to anabolic ratio. He also states people didn't talk to other people about gear but then several minutes later reveals all the people he did talk to which I found a little strange. He seemed pretty open and honest about things saying he just didn't know(about gear) at times. Which is pretty revealing as he doesn't seem to be ego driven.
Not true, Flex had no funky muscles prior to turning pro or in his first year or two as a pro. It was multiple years into his pro career when Shawn accused him of implants. I think Shawn even said a few years ago the implants thing was just an attempt to fuck with Flex’s head and he knew it was just site enhancement.
Well, I very well might misremembering.

Both Wheeler and Yates said on the same podcast that their first steroid was Dianabol. I thought one or both had mentioned Anavar as the first steroid, but I might be misremembering there too. Chris Cormier said his first steroid was Dinabol too. One single 5mg tab made him immediately gain 10lbs. Milos said his first cycle was tren acetate. Said he thought you were supposed to remover the whole cap so when he pried the metal cap off it it slipped and he lost half. I think he said even that half bottle gave 20lbs of weight (iirc).
I read that Flex would inject Esiclene and later synthol into every muscle before a competition. The article stated a Dr would do it. I was under the impression this info was well known.

I doubt there was any doc involved, though the same was said wrt to his Synthol use, but later he said the Esiclene made him crasch out cold on the bed as soon as they were done with the injections. Flex also said Esiclene wasn't even a steroid, it was legal. Obviously not very clued in as to what he was using.

One complete rumor I read that might have been true, some guy said Flex would just stab his calves repeadely with a large needle to create even more scar tissue. I think I've seen a few guys say that Synthol "muscle" is just scar tissue, like I think luki. Dusty Hanshaw said his delts refused to build scar tissue from site injections unlike his triceps.
Great find and post, Bio. I interpret his "600 milligrams of Winstrol, I think 100 milligrams a day of Winstrol tab" as a clarification of the prior part and not an addition to it. Basically, I do not read this as 1.3 g/w of stanozolol, half orally and half injected. I read it as he took 600 mg of stanozolol tablets (he probably took Sunday off from everything for a break; like most still do).

I think assuming 700 mg/w of testosterone is probably too high an assumed weekly dose of testosterone for that era, that era being characterized by the view that testosterone was a "dirty drug" but having learned of its essential place for synergy and sexual function after earlier trial & error. But fair to you point, we'll hold it at 700 mg/w. So, when I do the math assuming, generously, 700 mg/w of testosterone, I get 2.3 g/w.

I think that his low GH doses make a lot of sense for the era, considering that it wasn't until 1993 that the medical conditions approved for the use of rhGH (the E. coli method only having been formalized in 1986; so still early days) expanded by one (1) to include chronic renal insufficiency (and of course childhood GHD). Nowadays, it's far more widely available, being used off-label for "anti-aging" and adult GHD.

He might have been confusing mg with IU, though (1 mg = 3 IU GH).

I anticipate now that the high dose guys will pile on, I'm naive, etc.

I think (opinion) that he probably used more like 1.8 g/w (<2 g) - in line with this discussion and his stance (that doses are way higher now than they used to be). I'd think 200 mg/w of testosterone is closer to what he probably used as we know this was common; as was 2-300 mg of Deca, during this time, for synergy and to keep aromatization low; but with heavy reliance on synthetic nonaromatizable stuff. These guys didn't like the bloat and didn't have effective, if any, AIs.

At the end of the day, would this really shock you? That guys at this level are more talented and therefore need less drugs than you?!
Great find and post, Bio. I interpret his "600 milligrams of Winstrol, I think 100 milligrams a day of Winstrol tab" as a clarification of the prior part and not an addition to it. Basically, I do not read this as 1.3 g/w of stanozolol, half orally and half injected. I read it as he took 600 mg of stanozolol tablets (he probably took Sunday off from everything for a break; like most still do).

I think assuming 700 mg/w of testosterone is probably too high an assumed weekly dose of testosterone for that era, that era being characterized by the view that testosterone was a "dirty drug" but having learned of its essential place for synergy and sexual function after earlier trial & error. But fair to you point, we'll hold it at 700 mg/w. So, when I do the math assuming, generously, 700 mg/w of testosterone, I get 2.3 g/w.

I think that his low GH doses make a lot of sense for the era, considering that it wasn't until 1993 that the medical conditions approved for the use of rhGH (the E. coli method only having been formalized in 1986; so still early days) expanded by one (1) to include chronic renal insufficiency (and of course childhood GHD). Nowadays, it's far more widely available, being used off-label for "anti-aging" and adult GHD.

He might have been confusing mg with IU, though (1 mg = 3 IU GH).

I anticipate now that the high dose guys will pile on, I'm naive, etc.

I think (opinion) that he probably used more like 1.8 g/w (<2 g) - in line with this discussion and his stance (that doses are way higher now than they used to be). I'd think 200 mg/w of testosterone is closer to what he probably used as we know this was common; as was 2-300 mg of Deca, during this time, for synergy and to keep aromatization low; but with heavy reliance on synthetic nonaromatizable stuff. These guys didn't like the bloat and didn't have effective, if any, AIs.

At the end of the day, would this really shock you? That guys at this level are more talented and therefore need less drugs than you?!
There’s nothing to interpret if you listen to the podcast. He clarified after questioning that he meant both inject and tab winstrol and specified 600 mg of Winstrol V which is an injectable.

The only thing unclear is if this was all ran simultaneously or if he phased things in and out.
This thread is hilarious though. Ordinarily you have the high dose guys doubting what the pros say. Totally reversed here. It’s coming straight from the horse’s mouth but people are still disputing and downplaying his use 😂🤣
There’s nothing to interpret if you listen to the podcast. He clarified after questioning that he meant both inject and tab winstrol and specified 600 mg of Winstrol V which is an injectable.

The only thing unclear is if this was all ran simultaneously or if he phased things in and out.
I stand corrected! Thanks, brother. If it was simultaneous, it would strike me as totally ludicrous, honestly. He definitely had to have periods of jaundice from that level of use if so. It's funny how even when these pros do, and I think he was being forthright, reveal their use, there's such ambiguity.

This thread is hilarious though. Ordinarily you have the high dose guys doubting what the pros say. Totally reversed here. It’s coming straight from the horse’s mouth but people are still disputing and downplaying his use 😂🤣
Yeah I see your point.

What I doubt on a basic level, though, is not that he used more than 2 g / w or whatever; but that he doesn't actually make the point that he thinks he's making, where his statements are so clearly open to interpretation (ambiguous).

That is to say, if his point is that doses were lower, then, I think that it's very likely they were. It's very probble that he's just not communicating clearly what he was actually taking, given the obvious ambiguity, not to mind obvious lack of expertise, as he mentioned a guy that was managing the PEDs for him in the excerpt that I read.

Hanlon's Razor is the principle that one should, basically, err towards assuming incompetence, impatience, laziness, or stupidity, when someone makes a claim that is apparently not accurate or truthful. It's usually not malicious unless there is some obvious motive.
I stand corrected! Thanks, brother. If it was simultaneous, it would strike me as totally ludicrous, honestly. He definitely had to have periods of jaundice from that level of use if so. It's funny how even when these pros do, and I think he was being forthright, reveal their use, there's such ambiguity.

Yeah I see your point.

What I doubt on a basic level, though, is not that he used more than 2 g / w or whatever; but that he doesn't actually make the point that he thinks he's making, where his statements are so clearly open to interpretation (ambiguous).

That is to say, if his point is that doses were lower, then, I think that it's very likely they were. It's very probble that he's just not communicating clearly what he was actually taking, given the obvious ambiguity, not to mind obvious lack of expertise, as he mentioned a guy that was managing the PEDs for him in the excerpt that I read.

Hanlon's Razor is the principle that one should, basically, err towards assuming incompetence, impatience, laziness, or stupidity, when someone makes a claim that is apparently not accurate or truthful. It's usually not malicious unless there is some obvious motive.
I could believe that except Flex said he kept notebooks of all of his cycles. Based on that, while I think he took a very casual approach to his diet he probably placed more emphasis on his PEDs, resulting in higher doses. He’s also stating that guys take more nowadays than back then. I think his cycle example still proves that. As far as total mg of AAS that’s probably not too far off what the average user here uses. It’s almost certainly much less from a gh/insulin standpoint.

There’s definitely some uncertainty in what he’s saying though just based on the 1 iu GH EOD thing but the rationale @Big Dave Smith gave makes sense.
I've said this for years and years.. especially when it comes to the " legends ".. they lie or understate the amounts.. why? They don't want to have their effort downplayed by gear talk.. they want everyone to believe that it was hardwork and great genetics..
But in wheeler case I can see it as mainly truthful based on his admission of heavy site injection use in his delts and arms.. so since he would have admitted that then he might be honest here..
But I can damn well guarantee you that his " pro" cycles were a bit more.. and thats fine.. he wasn't the only one.. it was the norm ..
These threads will always go around in circles. Some guys will believe everything someone says, others will think everyone is lying and the rest are somewhere in the middle. A lot of it comes down to what you think is possible. There are guys on here who think anyone who looks like a top pro has to be taking ridiculous amounts of drugs (5g +) and won't even believe a guy saying he took 3 grams. At the same time there are guys who believe Mike O'Hearn and take everything as the truth. I believe certain guys can look incredible (pro status) on a typical 1st cycle for a gym rat but I also see the other side of things.

I believe most of them bullshit and there are many reasons for that. Some of it is obvious and many pro's have come out with complete nonsense recently including Platz's 20mg winny and 300mg deca for all his contests over 10 years. Do I believe Flex could look like he did using approx 2 grams of gear... 100%... even half that amount. I don't think there is a huge difference between 1.5, 2, 2.5g etc. Yes there is some difference (obviously) but guys with elite genetics could attain their look on a decent cycle but nothing has to be crazy. At the same time some of these guys just leave out the whole story. Even the likes of Rich Piana and I recall him stating his highest doses and they were high and he was very open but he couldn't be honest about the blatant site enhancement. Guys mention the low part or they miss out 1 element and only a small % tell the complete truth imo.

Flex's cycle is very believable and I am sure he used that or something similar to it at times. I also wouldn't be surprised if he tried more (and less) at different times as well. I definitely don't disbelieve it and if I had to have guessed a cycle it would have been something like he stated. 1.5-2.5g's especially in his earlier days when he wasn't chasing Ronnie and trying to get as big as possible.

I definitely didn't think he was using 1 gram or 10 grams and most (90's and after) tend to be in the 3-5 gram range but others a bit lower (1.5-2.5g). What you take is more important than the total dose and you could be taking an intense cycle which could produce incredible results in that lower dose bracklet (1.5-2.5g). Adding more drugs could go against your results and it's not always more is better. The guys before Flex I would guess are in that lower dose range. The likes of Dorian I believe used higher doses.
These threads will always go around in circles. Some guys will believe everything someone says, others will think everyone is lying and the rest are somewhere in the middle. A lot of it comes down to what you think is possible. There are guys on here who think anyone who looks like a top pro has to be taking ridiculous amounts of drugs (5g +) and won't even believe a guy saying he took 3 grams. At the same time there are guys who believe Mike O'Hearn and take everything as the truth. I believe certain guys can look incredible (pro status) on a typical 1st cycle for a gym rat but I also see the other side of things.

I believe most of them bullshit and there are many reasons for that. Some of it is obvious and many pro's have come out with complete nonsense recently including Platz's 20mg winny and 300mg deca for all his contests over 10 years. Do I believe Flex could look like he did using approx 2 grams of gear... 100%... even half that amount. I don't think there is a huge difference between 1.5, 2, 2.5g etc. Yes there is some difference (obviously) but guys with elite genetics could attain their look on a decent cycle but nothing has to be crazy. At the same time some of these guys just leave out the whole story. Even the likes of Rich Piana and I recall him stating his highest doses and they were high and he was very open but he couldn't be honest about the blatant site enhancement. Guys mention the low part or they miss out 1 element and only a small % tell the complete truth imo.

Flex's cycle is very believable and I am sure he used that or something similar to it at times. I also wouldn't be surprised if he tried more (and less) at different times as well. I definitely don't disbelieve it and if I had to have guessed a cycle it would have been something like he stated. 1.5-2.5g's especially in his earlier days when he wasn't chasing Ronnie and trying to get as big as possible.

I definitely didn't think he was using 1 gram or 10 grams and most (90's and after) tend to be in the 3-5 gram range but others a bit lower (1.5-2.5g). What you take is more important than the total dose and you could be taking an intense cycle which could produce incredible results in that lower dose bracklet (1.5-2.5g). Adding more drugs could go against your results and it's not always more is better. The guys before Flex I would guess are in that lower dose range. The likes of Dorian I believe used higher doses.
Yes.. I believe that dorians admitted cycle was not truthful.. not even close
I was waiting for O'Hearn to come up haha
What i see as a supporting argument for the low-dose guys is the fairly large sample of elite competitive athletes who are heavily drug tested and still have crazy physiques (with that said, surely there are athletes getting away w cheating... ahem, Balco) but like what if someone like Ezekiel Elliot, Austin Ekelar or JJ Watt ran 2.5 g/w of gear? Or any number of Olympic track athletes. Shit, any of those 3 i listed could prob be top level bodybuilders if they had chose that path
I was waiting for O'Hearn to come up haha
What i see as a supporting argument for the low-dose guys is the fairly large sample of elite competitive athletes who are heavily drug tested and still have crazy physiques (with that said, surely there are athletes getting away w cheating... ahem, Balco) but like what if someone like Ezekiel Elliot, Austin Ekelar or JJ Watt ran 2.5 g/w of gear? Or any number of Olympic track athletes. Shit, any of those 3 i listed could prob be top level bodybuilders if they had chose that path
I'm guessing you're referring to drug testing in professional sports and that is a joke. Guys are protected - star players don't fail tests.
I said this earlier, keep in mind that Flex is just referring to 1993 and said he used more later. This isn't him talking about his entire career! I wish every member of that podcast would list what they used each year!! I would be very entertained!

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