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20 Rep Squat Routine


New member
Jul 11, 2018
This is an altered article showing a Stuart McRobert interpretation of the classic routine for adding size in a hurry, a simple enough version of the 20 rep squat routine:

1.) Situp
2.) Squat, followed immediately by
3.) Light Breathing Pullover
4.) Calf Raise
5.) Bench Press
6.) Stiff Legged Deadlift (once a week only) followed immediately by
7.) Light Breathing Pullover
8.) Pulldown, Bent Row or Chin
9.) Barbell Curl
10.) Close Grip Bench Press

The squat has been placed second in the routine because in the later going it’s so tough that it needs all your energy and motivational reserves. Some people prefer to leave it till the end of the routine, but we recommend you do the squat early and take a good 15 to 20 minute breather following the accompanying pullovers. Take as long as you like, as long it takes to do justice to the rest of the routine.

Squat in good form, use heavy weights with lots of breathing, and add weight every workout. Eat lots of high-protein foods, rest and relax as much as you can and maintain a positive outlook.

You’ll be doing ONE TOP SET for each exercise. Precede this with a warmup set or two.

The cycle lasts nine weeks. For the first three workouts you’ll be training within your limits. Don’t just jump into the hard stuff immediately, get some momentum going. Start out using easily managed poundages and add to them so that by the 4th workout you’re pushing hard to get the required reps. The next seven weeks will test you and your desire to attain.

Keep the reps at 20 for the squat, pullover and calf raise. 12 for the deadlift and 6 to 10 for everything else. The idea is to time things so that you are starting the full bore effort in the 4th workout. At this point, don’t stop a set because you’ve reached the repetition goal. One set each, no holding back, increase your poundages each workout.

Of course, you’ll also be increasing your consumption of food and drink during this period, if you want to make gains. There are just 10 exercises in the program. Crunches are not done to the limit and pullovers are done with a light bar for the stretch, breathing and ribcage expanding benefits. You have only 8 hard sets each workout. Add nothing. Maintain the workout by workout squat increases at all costs, even if that means dropping other exercises near the end of the cycle.

The routine is to be done twice a week. Take an extra day off if you really need it.



After the 4th workout you’ll have to psych yourself to add 10 pounds every week to the deadlift and 5 to the squat. You can do it if you want it.
Easy on paper, hard under the bar.

Give it all you’ve got and be amazed.
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This out of the box old school stuff always intrigues me. But of course me, being me, I would want to do this 2x per week as prescribed and then add 2 push (chest/shoulders/tris/quad iso) and 2 pull (back/bis/hams iso) days and train 6x per week.

I have never felt that I have overtrained….perhaps this one would push that threshold for me. Hmmm.....
Interesting read, Im gonna get caught up on that routine.
My best SOLID growth came when I trained legs 2x per week.
I would do one session usually Tuesday with what ultimately would end up with 2 working sets of 20 reps for squats,
Then the second leg training session, which was Friday, I would go with 6-8 reps with a heavier weight this time.
Squats have many variables that can render then ineffective, but done correctly they will give you gains all over.
Interesting read, Im gonna get caught up on that routine.
My best SOLID growth came when I trained legs 2x per week.
I would do one session usually Tuesday with what ultimately would end up with 2 working sets of 20 reps for squats,
Then the second leg training session, which was Friday, I would go with 6-8 reps with a heavier weight this time.
Squats have many variables that can render then ineffective, but done correctly they will give you gains all over.

I completely agree. I lowered my squat about 200 pounds by changing my foot position to almost eliminate my glutes from the exercise. I have seen weekly differences in the separation and development of my quads, even though I'm squatting 200 pounds less
It's been a while since I last saw this routine. If I remember correctly it was in 1999 or 2000, from the "Brawn beyond Belief"? or something to that effect.("Big Beyond Brawn"?)

HIT training similar to Mentzer, Arthur Jones.
If I keep a wide stance and focus on exercise rhythm I can do 315x20 no problem.

If I keep an in-close stance and focus on a 3-4 second negative, emphasizing quad contraction through the entire ROM, I can probably only get 205 for 20, if I'm lucky.

It really depends on how you do the exercise. Just saying a number and how many reps you did it for isn't so impressive witohut knowing how the reps were performed.

If you do 315 for 20 with a 3-4 second negative, keeping tension through all 20 reps, you're a fucking animal.
good article. Ive used the 20 rep squat rep range many times. at my peak in lake 20's 315 for 20 was so hard for me but boy did my legs look good.. as Ive aged i use 225 and focus on total control. I would highly recommend for anyone but seems like guys all about weight.. their knees and back will be fucked after years possibly with that approach
My legs are burning just reading the rep range, little nauseous too
I have done this routine before and it is brutal. We did it for 8 weeks leading up to summer. The year 1989, I’m old
Super squats was always my plateau buster!

I primarily do powerlifting type programming..but every once and a while I will do this..I don’t limit it to squats though..I also do it with bench(or incline) and seated overheads...

my frequency is also higher..I will do squats, bench, and OHP on the same day, EOD, no days off...and accessories EOD..

I always get my best results like this..but anymore than the 9 week programming and I start to slow down and stop making my reps.

keep in mind, I don’t cycle, I’m not on any PEDs...back in the day when I was I didn’t try this..I can only imagine I could have taken it further
pullovers are done with a light bar for the stretch, breathing and ribcage expanding benefits
Don't believe it myself about expanding the rib cage.
Any pullovers I do are for my lats.
The old timers even used a special bench called a moon bench.
Don't believe it myself about expanding the rib cage.
Any pullovers I do are for my lats.
The old timers even used a special bench called a moon bench.
We never used that, just a regular bench. When done right, pullovers are excellent for your chest because of the stretching movement.
We never used that, just a regular bench. When done right, pullovers are excellent for your chest because of the stretching movement.
I personally would if trying to work chest use a dumbbell.
Bent arm barbell pullover I use for lats.
Just what works for me.
Talking of pullovers..
You don't see the pullover & press nowadays do you.

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