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200-400mgs test weekly

IMO TRT is 100-150mg/week, depending on how much you need to put you at 600-800 total test, once you start doing 200mg/week you start to see 1200+ total test, you are not doing TRT.

One thing to remember about longer low dose cycles is that Hematocrit levels increase over time at about the same rate on any dose, low or high (just my personal experience).

Im glad someone else on here is stating this for others to read. Ive been posting this for awhile. So many guys on here seem to think that taking 200 mg+ per week is TRT! They dont ever even get a CBC to see where their hematocrit/hemoglobin is. Im willing to bet there are a lot of guy on here walking around with a hematocrit of 56 or higher.

Mine was measured just last week and its 56 on just 120 mg/wk.
actually using too little testosterone will cause ONLY NEGATIVE results. let me explain:

assuming you are normal - that is your test levels are normal for your age, a small amount of test will only give you what you already have - so you gain nothing. you do however suppress your own natural production even with that small amount. also that small amoutn can affect your LH and IGF-1 negatively.

take a look at this chart
Testosterone dose-response relationships in healthy young men -- Bhasin et al. 281 (6): E1172 -- AJP - Endocrinology and Metabolism

look at the 125mg and below amount. massive drop in IGF-1 and LH. tes levels are normal or less!!!!!!!

now i know you said 200 to 400, but its possible a low amount like 200 could have similar negative results. from this chart it appears 300 is prob the minimum effective dose

Thanks stewie, good info as always
actually using too little testosterone will cause ONLY NEGATIVE results. let me explain:

assuming you are normal - that is your test levels are normal for your age, a small amount of test will only give you what you already have - so you gain nothing. you do however suppress your own natural production even with that small amount. also that small amoutn can affect your LH and IGF-1 negatively.

take a look at this chart
Testosterone dose-response relationships in healthy young men -- Bhasin et al. 281 (6): E1172 -- AJP - Endocrinology and Metabolism

look at the 125mg and below amount. massive drop in IGF-1 and LH. tes levels are normal or less!!!!!!!

now i know you said 200 to 400, but its possible a low amount like 200 could have similar negative results. from this chart it appears 300 is prob the minimum effective dose

Do you think this still applies if you introduce other AAS for a syngergistic effect, such as 200mg/Test + 200mg/EQ + 100mg Tren? The anabolic/androgenic ratio of Tren alone should make the low dose Test sufficient for most. But curious what your opinion is.
Do you think this still applies if you introduce other AAS for a syngergistic effect, such as 200mg/Test + 200mg/EQ + 100mg Tren? The anabolic/androgenic ratio of Tren alone should make the low dose Test sufficient for most. But curious what your opinion is.

first off let me say when i was reading your post, i tried to squish the bug on my screen - then i realized its in your signature. based on this anything i say might be pretty stupid - keep that in mind ;)

AAS have differing ratios of anabolic/androgen, like you said tren is very androgenic. these are inherent to the substance they don't 'rub off' on your test levels. tren will suppress natural test strongly - it doesnt matter that tren is androgenic your test level is still depressed. unless you take some form of exogenous testosterone your test level will be depressed no matter what you take. it doesnt matter that the other things MIMIC some of testosterones functions, they are different chemicals.
first off let me say when i was reading your post, i tried to squish the bug on my screen - then i realized its in your signature. based on this anything i say might be pretty stupid - keep that in mind ;)

AAS have differing ratios of anabolic/androgen, like you said tren is very androgenic. these are inherent to the substance they don't 'rub off' on your test levels. tren will suppress natural test strongly - it doesnt matter that tren is androgenic your test level is still depressed. unless you take some form of exogenous testosterone your test level will be depressed no matter what you take. it doesnt matter that the other things MIMIC some of testosterones functions, they are different chemicals.

Haha, yeah that bug sticks out quite well on a nice big bright white screen!

Perhaps I should have clarified a bit more. I was trying to ask whether adding a couple synergistic AAS to a lower amount of Test would make the overall effects of the Test cycle more effective than the Test alone? Maybe I'm just confusing myself now and perhaps your reply already addresses this. Sorry for being nebulous.
Haha, yeah that bug sticks out quite well on a nice big bright white screen!

Perhaps I should have clarified a bit more. I was trying to ask whether adding a couple synergistic AAS to a lower amount of Test would make the overall effects of the Test cycle more effective than the Test alone? Maybe I'm just confusing myself now and perhaps your reply already addresses this. Sorry for being nebulous.

Practice makes perfect. Or something like that. Why dont you experiment with low doses of just Test and work your way up. There is no magic number. Everyone is different. I would hate to see another person wreck his health due to massive doses over extended periods of time with no regard for bloodwork or even something as simple as monitoring blood pressure. You may just find that anything over 300mgs makes your hair start piling up in the sink. You need to know your own body. No one here can tell you what you need.
Practice makes perfect. Or something like that. Why dont you experiment with low doses of just Test and work your way up. There is no magic number. Everyone is different. I would hate to see another person wreck his health due to massive doses over extended periods of time with no regard for bloodwork or even something as simple as monitoring blood pressure. You may just find that anything over 300mgs makes your hair start piling up in the sink. You need to know your own body. No one here can tell you what you need.

I was just more curious about the science behind it, that's all. I've been through my share of cycles and when I do I closely monitor the vitals including blood.
I'm seriously thinking about going this route for my first cycle just to keep things simple. I've put the necessary time in the gym and with a focus on my diet. I'm 36 years, 235lbs with 8-9% bodyfat. I'll probably go with Test@250-300mgs for 12 weeks and see where it takes me.
My first cycle was 150- 300mg a week. I did a pyramid dosage. I put on 18 pounds during the cycle and kept 12 pounds when all was said and done.

I wouldn't actually recommend starting with test personally. I would say start with something milder and take test in a later cycle. But test is normally the easiest thing to get so most start with it just like I did.

Whatever you do.. DO NOT listen to this post. :banghead:

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