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200-400mgs test weekly


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Kilo Klub Member
Mar 23, 2010
There are some who disagree, but the concensus of board members seems to be that first cycles should include test only, ranging from 200 to 400 mgs a week of test e or cyp. Many veterans fondly remember the great gains they made from this relatively small dosage. I thought it might be helpful to younger guys, if those of you that started with a low dose, could go a bit more in depth about your experience. Many call 200mgs a TRT dose, but I've heard others say they gained 15lbs of muscle in 10 weeks. All input is appreciated!
There are some who disagree, but the concensus of board members seems to be that first cycles should include test only, ranging from 200 to 400 mgs a week of test e or cyp. Many veterans fondly remember the great gains they made from this relatively small dosage. I thought it might be helpful to younger guys, if those of you that started with a low dose, could go a bit more in depth about your experience. Many call 200mgs a TRT dose, but I've heard others say they gained 15lbs of muscle in 10 weeks. All input is appreciated!

While everyone is different and its difficult to quantify, 200-400mg/wk can be a nice level for some maybe even most. Im sure there are some who can gain 15lbs in 10wks on 400mg a week. There are also those who will at that dose level with lose hair or develop gyno. The prediction factor is a best guess. Although we probably have enough data to speak of trends and tendencies.
Personally, I am in the blast and cruise lifestyle and my cruises are as little as 200mg of test and 200mg of mast per week. At that level I dont lose anything from my blast phases in terms of mass and weight and it really delays the eventual and inevitable lose of strength after coming off tren
I highly doubt they gained 15lbs of muscle ona ten week trt cycle. If they gained 15lbs it was some muscle, some fat, and some water weight. You are lucky if you gain 5-8lbs of muscle from a serious cycle. If we could all gain 15lbs per cycle most of us would only need to do 2-3 cycles to reach our goals. But I think you really need to do at least 500mg a week to have a good cycle. I'm on 400mg a week of test enth and I cruise on that for about 10 weeks and then drop it to 200mg a week when I start a tren cycle and then back up to 400mg a week until my next cycle. I make and keep great gains this way. I'm also on trt anyways so this kind of thing isn't for everyone. When I reach my goal of 225lbs and around 9% body fat next year I'll just crusie on a trt dose of test and just through in the ocassional cycle if I feel I need to bulk up a bit or cut.
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Thanks for the replies! I'd really like to hear from guys who began with these dosages as cycles in themselves, rather than as blast/cruise dosages...:D

First cycle was a simple 400 mgs per week of Upjohn test c for 10 weeks. I don't remember the exact lbs gained but I remember my strength going way up.
iI put on a solid 10 lbs in about 10 weeks doing 250mg/wk test cyp for my first cycle.
I did susj redijects 250mg weekly for 10 weeks. Gained 15lbs, that was my first cycle a decade ago.

Matter fact, my first 3 cycles were test only.
1st 250mg wk
2nd 300mg wk
3rd 250mg wk

Now i do way more then that.
My first cycle was 150- 300mg a week. I did a pyramid dosage. I put on 18 pounds during the cycle and kept 12 pounds when all was said and done.

I wouldn't actually recommend starting with test personally. I would say start with something milder and take test in a later cycle. But test is normally the easiest thing to get so most start with it just like I did.
My first cycle was 500mg. I am on 750 right now and this is the perfect dose. The worst side effect is it fucks with my head a lot but besides that it's fine. Different strokes for different folks.
great stuff. If anyone has before and after pics from their first cycle at this dosage, those would be cool to see as well!

My first cycle was 500mg. I am on 750 right now and this is the perfect dose. The worst side effect is it fucks with my head a lot but besides that it's fine. Different strokes for different folks.

Thanks for the reply. I'm hoping to stay in reference to the 200 to 400 range.:)
would you guys consider 200mg of enth a week trt or a blast?

like if its trt, youd never come off of that dose
would you guys consider 200mg of enth a week trt or a blast?

like if its trt, youd never come off of that dose

I am on 200mg of test for TRT have been for a about 5 years. I can stay relatively muscular with it, but its no cycle.
what is the cutoff you think? could you do 300 every week with no break and call it trt? when does trt become a cycle?
I would start at 200mg/week, maybe increase to 300mg after your natty test shuts down completely (1-2months?), then maybe 400mg for the 3rd-4th month. Low dose test lets you cycle longer and make great gains.

Remember that you will always do some permanent damage to your natty production when you cycle, be OK with that reality before you start. Don't let anyone convince you your natty test will come back 100%, if you are lucky it might come back to 95% or even 99%, but not 100%.
what is the cutoff you think? could you do 300 every week with no break and call it trt? when does trt become a cycle?

IMO TRT is 100-150mg/week, depending on how much you need to put you at 600-800 total test, once you start doing 200mg/week you start to see 1200+ total test, you are not doing TRT.

One thing to remember about longer low dose cycles is that Hematocrit levels increase over time at about the same rate on any dose, low or high (just my personal experience).
My first cycle was test E at 250 a week,that was 13 years ago, loved it, in 10 weeks I put on 15 lbs and my bench went up 40 lbs. Have never gone over 700 mgs a week, and I don't think you need to. God bless you bros.
My first cycle was 1 amp of Omnadren every 6th day for 12 weeks and gained 22 lbs. I was in college and wroking at a health food store so I had ample time train and ate extremely clean.
My first cycle was test e at 200 mg ew... gains were minimal...only about 5-10 lbs... Mostly because of training and nutrition errors...

Several years later... my second "first" cycle was sust250 @ 500 mg ew... I gained a bit of water weight but for a total of about 20 lbs... I back loaded with Prop for about 4 weeks while the long esters from the sust dwindled down and lost most of the water weight during that time....

I ended up with about 15 solid pounds....

However for a first cycle I would definitely recommend test only, simply to see what kinds of gains you will make. I would also recommend 500mg EW. for no less than 10 weeks... preferably 12-16

But... I am no doctor...
actually using too little testosterone will cause ONLY NEGATIVE results. let me explain:

assuming you are normal - that is your test levels are normal for your age, a small amount of test will only give you what you already have - so you gain nothing. you do however suppress your own natural production even with that small amount. also that small amoutn can affect your LH and IGF-1 negatively.

take a look at this chart
Testosterone dose-response relationships in healthy young men -- Bhasin et al. 281 (6): E1172 -- AJP - Endocrinology and Metabolism

look at the 125mg and below amount. massive drop in IGF-1 and LH. tes levels are normal or less!!!!!!!

now i know you said 200 to 400, but its possible a low amount like 200 could have similar negative results. from this chart it appears 300 is prob the minimum effective dose

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