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A little help, at your convience.


New member
Mar 13, 2005
Hello, I'm James. Recently I found out that I would be getting to go to mexico. And everyone knows what that means, plenty of drinking, plenty of beaches, and tons of great looking girls running around. I've been tied up for 4 years, and I'm now single, I want to look as great as possible for this trip. So, I'm very curious, having been working out for a couple weeks now, the first week I noticed quite a size/tone improvement, but now I am stuck at a point where I am not getting anything. I've been reading alot through these forums and saw alot of great information. I've been following, BigA's routine, however I have free weights and a bench thats it, so I cannot follow alot of the workouts he has there. If anyone wishes to drop me some kind of free weight routine, I would follow it devotely, and if any decide to write one up for me, inexchange I can teach you how to play guitar. >=)
Heres some information maybe useful to writing a routine.
Weight/height: 145lbs, 6'2"
Diet: Alot of meats, junk foods, breads, alot of beer, a protien shake per day
Time I currently have to achieve my goal: 2 months, 15 days
Results: As much muscle, as possible
Excericise currently: Biking, occasional running, lifting 3 times a week
Conculision:I do not care how harsh this work out is, how much I have to eat, or what I have to eat, I'll do it, I am beond motivated. The only thing that is not possible for me is "Roids".

Thank you,
Hi James

A bench and free weights is all you need. Everything else is pansy stuff ;)

Follow my routine in the Growth principles for beginners thread and do all the exercises there with free weights.
MAke sure you strive to improve with every workout. Make sure that your form is perfect at all times. That is the most important thing in training!

Most important thing overall is eating.
If you want to look good, cut out all the junk food. Eat nutritious meals every 2 hours (lean meats, fish, eggs, beans, bread with peanut butter, etc) and if you can afford it have a protein shake with every meal.

You do the above for the 10 weeks you said you have left you will notice a HUGE difference in your body by the time of your holiday.
Also remember one thing, at your age you have as many hormones running through your body as a steroid user, so there is no excuse for you not to grow if you do everything else properly!

And remember a second thing :) , the key word to everything is consistency - never miss meals, never miss workouts, never miss sleep.
You sound like a classic ectomorph - given your size and exercise output.

Do as Big A stated and avoid the cardio - that is if you only want to slow your muscle gains/development :)
man, i was in your shoes

hey man, let me be the first to tell you (actually 3rd) that there is hope. I promise, as long as you stay consistent and do get proper rest and nutrition, you will be on the road to great size. when i graduated high school i weighed 138lbs. at 6' tall. now i didnt start working out til age 21 and since then, i have managed to go from 150lbs to 210lbs. in four years.
You can do this, just be prepared to hit plateaus and deal with them AND BUST THROUGH THEM.
if you are trying to get muscular, size, anything,
i would drop the beer, first off.
that wont help this blaster plan of yours any, it will only hold you back.
ditch the junk food for more nutritious food. ground beef, potatoes, chicken, tuna, salmon, pork, seafood, anything, and you need to eat alot of it. because in order to grow, you are going to need more food than you are currently eating. and when you do eat, a good rule of thumb to follow is eating every 2.5 hours. eat a balanced mean every time. balanced meaning a protein(meat) carb(potatoes,bread) and some healthy fats(olive oil) in each and every meal, and you can allow say 1 greasy cheesburger everyother day since you are so tall. with a name like sticks, you should go ahhead and drop any cardio activity if you want to gain weight. and instead of a protein shake, make a weightgainer or get a premixed one. i like cytogainer, but other guys might like other stuff. and eating before bed is critical also. when you wake up, eat right away eggs bacon and toast or potatoes. your body will be in a catabolic mode after sleeping 8 hours. and by the way, make sure you sleep at least 8 hours nightly. and now for the workout:
stick with basic princples assuming you only have a bar to work with:
day 1: chest triceps sholders
bench press 5 sets
close grip bench press 3 sets
seated sholder press 4 sets
wide grip (really wide) bench press 3 sets

day 2: legs abs
squats 6 sets
walking lunges 3 sets
stiff legged deadlifts 5 sets
crunches 6 sets of 50 reps

day 3: back biceps
bent over rows 4 sets
str bar curl 4 sets
1 armed rows 4 sets
deadlifts 4 sets

Now this is no master workout plan or anything, just something basic. hope this works for you, some others may have some better ideas than mine. ;)
My Hat's Off to You!

Sticks said:
Conculision:I do not care how harsh this work out is, how much I have to eat, or what I have to eat, I'll do it, I am beond motivated. The only thing that is not possible for me is "Roids".
I'm glad you have the mindset that you can do this without GEAR. So many people view things just the opposite - think that GEAR is the "magic" solution. All the advice you're given here is solid and you can achieve your goals by STAYING FOCUSED!

And, by the way - WELCOME! :)
So awesome.

You guys are beond great, increditably helpful. Thank you all very much, this information has answer every question I had. I will say, this forum is quite possibly the most helpful/friendly place I've seen on the web.
I will keep pushing hard, and eatting like a horse. I'll post an update before I head out on the trip.

Thanks again,
no problem

no problem sticks, everyone here is very helpful. and will always ask your questions. i would recommed studying on the info forum. reading has done me more good than anything elso.
good luck and stay consistent
There's a Rally's commercial here on the east coast (don't know where you are) that gives you all the advice you need. YOU GOTTA EAT!!

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