You really need to keep the estrogen as low as possible.
Nolvadex is refered to as a Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator (SERM) because it is specific for breast tissue. This is why it is used in estrogen-sensitive breast cancer. This as an absolute MUST for you, and probably at dosges something like 40 mg per day.
THe aromatase inhibitors, such as Arimidex, will block the aromatase enzyme that converts androgens like testosterone into estrogen. This happens to a great degree in fat cels, so the greater your bodyfat levels, the greater a problem this will be.
I'd recommend BOTH Nolvadex and an aromatse inhibitor (there are several). You'll need to do this thoughout your cycle, and for a good 4-6 weeks after your last shot of test.
I've presonally not liked the Liquidex - it didn't seem to work for me anywhere near as well as Nolvadex. Oral ingestion of compounds not specifically designed to get through the First Pass mechanism does not work well. I haven't compared the chemical structure of Liquidex to Nolvadex, but if any of the functional groups differ, this may explain my experience.