I'm 40 yrs old, been lifting on & off since about 16 yrs old. Recently started up again after being away almost 2 yrs. I'm debating whether to prepare for a cycle in a couple of months (trying to get my diet in check & trying to lose some BF in the meantime) or consider doing low-dose year round "blast & cruise" style usage( basically TRT with occasional "cycles"). i've done a few cycles over the years, last time about 3 yrs ago & never more than 8 wks long. What would be best? Anyone my age have any advice for me? Would it be harder for my body to recover from a 12 wk cycle? Would I crash too hard no matter the PCT? And If I did the year round low-dose, how many mg's a wk, and how often should I do a "blast? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!