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Industry Advice

I'll drop this here for young guys thinking similarly:

If you're serious about bodybuilding then find a career that pays really well - aka not personal training or anything in the industry.

Bodybuilding can be quite expensive if you take it all the way - plenty of quality food, health supplements, PEDs, gym memberships, etc. A big part of the reason I've been able to go so far with bodybuilding is my career and lifestyle let me basically put as much money as I want into it.

Besides the financial aspect there's the lifestyle aspect. I work in corporate for one of the big banks everyone knows and I work from home most days. I can sleep in until 5 minutes before my first meeting, I can cook whenever I need to, I can hit the gym at 3:30PM to beat the after work rush, etc.

If you want to maximize your bodybuilding then set up your life so it's the priority.
Agreed man, it’s an extremely expensive sport. Some great points and I wish I had been into bodybuilding when I was younger, as it’s become a bit of an obsession lol. You were able to create a life that accommodated your interests. Thats what dreams are made of!
How did your show go?

I placed second in the lightweight open bodybuilding class. In hindsight I over dieted and didn’t fill out properly for the stage. Also, my posing was weak. I have since dropped my coach, and I’m coaching myself - I’m hopefully gonna do a show in late winter/spring 2025. Once I was stage conditioned it was apparent to me that There was a lot I had to improve - primarily size.
Agreed man, it’s an extremely expensive sport. Some great points and I wish I had been into bodybuilding when I was younger, as it’s become a bit of an obsession lol. You were able to create a life that accommodated your interests. Thats what dreams are made of!
I did and I appreciate the kind words, but know that it came through tons of hard work, long-term plans, good gut instincts, and some hardcore tragedies. Everyone sees the final product and envies it but I know probably only 1% would be willing to go through all what I did to get there. That's why I say the discipline and consistency that bodybuilding teaches is so valuable - it's what got me through.
I did and I appreciate the kind words, but know that it came through tons of hard work, long-term plans, good gut instincts, and some hardcore tragedies. Everyone sees the final product and envies it but I know probably only 1% would be willing to go through all what I did to get there. That's why I say the discipline and consistency that bodybuilding teaches is so valuable - it's what got me through.
I believe it man, I didn’t mean to sound like I thought it was easy for you. The level of focus and sacrifice required to achieve high level, long term goald is something few people have. Hats off to you and congrats on your hard work and success!
There’s no money in personal training.

Can you earn a good living “coaching” absolutely. But you’ll need a roster for that and/or look the part year round to attract the right guys.
Thanks for responding. I had some clients (lifestyle, everyday joes just looking to lose some weight) I coached last summer (like 6) but it seems like client retention is an issue. Also seemingly no one has the discipline to follow a meal plan which was so frustrating to me.
I’m considering slowly transitioning from my career as a union bridge painter into Personal training. I know there are quite a few trainers/coaches on the forum and I was looking for advice.

How critical is obtaining a cert in the industry? If so is NASCM the preferred certification?

How realistic do you guys think it would be to train part time to start (evenings/weekends)?

The trainers in commercial gyms seem to typically earn small amounts per client, do you think this would be a necessary starting point?

Do you find this field to be lucrative?

I’m hoping a discussion could generate additional questions/concerns I haven’t even considered. Any other advice is much appreciated!
Not trying to be sarcastic . . . well maybe a little bit . . . but when I was going to art school many people wanted to
pursue the do fine art (whatever that means) path and the advise most often given was find a rich husband / wife.
I did and I appreciate the kind words, but know that it came through tons of hard work, long-term plans, good gut instincts, and some hardcore tragedies. Everyone sees the final product and envies it but I know probably only 1% would be willing to go through all what I did to get there. That's why I say the discipline and consistency that bodybuilding teaches is so valuable - it's what got me through.
agreed brother, success is hardly like the lotto, its not an overnight event for most, takes blood tears and soul and true grit with a heavy dash of persistence, discipline and drive. Truth is NOT EVERYONE is built for that, nor has what it takes, and one can argue everyone has it in them, ok, fine, that's why they are all in that comfortable financial position in life lol RIGHT- but whats even more is a waste of talent and healthy ambition. Some of us are imbued with this via the TLC we receive and positive reinforcement we experienced growing up, the others like myself have to develop this in life , but its attainable. sometimes it TAKES GETTING GHETTO for a few years while you save up to live a better life after! make proper investments like you said along the way. think of the big picture

and for anyone struggling its never too late, I have had my share of legal set backs which affected my business in last 13 years, only to resurrect and come back stronger. I lost over 100k in 2020 total on my case, E350 AMG CLASS , 30K+ worth of coveted 80s and 90s sports memorabilia, electronics and much more all seized, had another hiccup this summer but have ben rebuilding ever since , yes I had to get ghetto for a bit, my finances were flatlined with attorney fees fighting MAJOR time
I placed second in the lightweight open bodybuilding class. In hindsight I over dieted and didn’t fill out properly for the stage. Also, my posing was weak. I have since dropped my coach, and I’m coaching myself - I’m hopefully gonna do a show in late winter/spring 2025. Once I was stage conditioned it was apparent to me that There was a lot I had to improve - primarily size.
Congrats man.

Anybody who steps on a bodybuilding stage gets my respect . . . win, lose, or draw.

“We learn, when we learn, only from experience, and then we only learn from our mistakes.
Our successes only serve to reinforce our superstitions.”
Thanks for responding. I had some clients (lifestyle, everyday joes just looking to lose some weight) I coached last summer (like 6) but it seems like client retention is an issue. Also seemingly no one has the discipline to follow a meal plan which was so frustrating to me.
Coaching takes some true patience. There’s a reason I don’t do it. I used personal training as one job to pay my way through school over a decade ago now. Truth be told, I made nothing from it. What’s worse is that it made me hate being at the gym to do my own workouts because I was always there.

My best advice is to stay away from trying to make money from this sport. You do this because you love it and to be better.

Keep painting and be the best damn painter, find a side hustle and begin to grow that while doing painting. One day if done right that side hustle will be your purpose and career making you a great living. An overnight success is 10 years in the making. People forget that.

I agree with everything @danieltx said. But there’s no quick gig or path to success. You will also sacrifice more than you ever expect to get there. Is it worth it? Like bodybuilding, you bet your ass it is.
and for anyone struggling its never too late, I have had my share of legal set backs which affected my business in last 13 years, only to resurrect and come back stronger. I lost over 100k in 2020 total on my case, E350 AMG CLASS , 30K+ worth of coveted 80s and 90s sports memorabilia, electronics and much more all seized, had another hiccup this summer but have ben rebuilding ever since , yes I had to get ghetto for a bit, my finances were flatlined with attorney fees fighting MAJOR time
I 100% agree.

@R3aper7 there is more information freely available right now than at any point in human history. In one weekend you can make a career change if you really want to - for example, Alex Hormozi often gives the example of investing $1,000 for a single weekend of training to become a phlebotomist and up your income to $20-25 per hour. You could buy - not build, I mean buy one that already exists - a lead generation website for $10,000 and now have $3,000 monthly income with little work required. The opportunities are truly endless but you have to put in the work to get there.
I 100% agree.

@R3aper7 there is more information freely available right now than at any point in human history. In one weekend you can make a career change if you really want to - for example, Alex Hormozi often gives the example of investing $1,000 for a single weekend of training to become a phlebotomist and up your income to $20-25 per hour. You could buy - not build, I mean buy one that already exists - a lead generation website for $10,000 and now have $3,000 monthly income with little work required. The opportunities are truly endless but you have to put in the work to get there.
I did phlebotomy and worked in field before owning my own biz , there are programs if you want to go the student loan route (KAPLAN, UEI, MERRICK)

you have to have an edge and a niche, and cater to peoples needs in business IMO if you want to be successful espec in fit industry that's why these jenny craig group training type gyms are popping up everywhere, and kickbox cardio LMAO, people want to be a part of something, fellowship and membership and social inclusion

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