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Anavar in offseason your opinion

Maik Ravioli

New member
Apr 19, 2023
Hello guys.
Anyone there used anavar in offseason? If answer is yes what dosage do you use and how long?
I'm thinking about trying it on top of my test/npp/gh i consider dosage between 50mg-100mg ed.
I will be grateful if you describe your experiences
Anavar is actually the only oral that I would recommend using in the offseason - it is 100% metabolized in the kidneys, not the liver, it does not cause problems with appetite, is low-toxic, gives huge strength gains and can be used for a relatively long time if necessary.

50-100mg is a good dose depending on your weight, if you are over 110kg I would use closer to 100mg
Anavar is actually the only oral that I would recommend using in the offseason - it is 100% metabolized in the kidneys, not the liver, it does not cause problems with appetite, is low-toxic, gives huge strength gains and can be used for a relatively long time if necessary.

50-100mg is a good dose depending on your weight, if you are over 110kg I would use closer to 100mg

Oxandrolone will also undergo 17aa first pass metabolism by the liver, whilst its negative effects are mild compared to other AAS.

2.2.2 Metabolism
In marked contrast with other oral AASs that are metabolised extensively, oxandrolone is relatively resistant to liver biotransformation.[13,14] Approxi- mately 28% of oxandrolone is excreted unchanged and unconjugated in the urine.[13,15] Metabolites of oxandrolone are 17-epioxandrolone and 16α- and 16β-hydroxyoxandrolone. The presence of an unu- sual δ-lactone group and lack of a 4-ene function in the A ring of oxandrolone may contribute to its greater stability against metabolic transformation. Hydroxylation is mostly suppressed during phase I metabolism,[13] and no glucuronidation occurs be- cause of steric hindrance of the 17β–hydroxyl group with the glucuronic acid moiety in phase II transfor- mation. Instead, oxandrolone is preferentially sulphated to 17-epioxandrolone. The lack of appre- ciable biotransformation and the high degree of pro- tein binding result in oxandrolone having higher plasma levels than methyltestosterone.[11]

Source: https://www.doping.nl/media/kb/7120/Orr et al 2004.pdf
Oxandrolone will also undergo 17aa first pass metabolism by the liver, whilst its negative effects are mild compared to other AAS.

2.2.2 Metabolism
In marked contrast with other oral AASs that are metabolised extensively, oxandrolone is relatively resistant to liver biotransformation.[13,14] Approxi- mately 28% of oxandrolone is excreted unchanged and unconjugated in the urine.[13,15] Metabolites of oxandrolone are 17-epioxandrolone and 16α- and 16β-hydroxyoxandrolone. The presence of an unu- sual δ-lactone group and lack of a 4-ene function in the A ring of oxandrolone may contribute to its greater stability against metabolic transformation. Hydroxylation is mostly suppressed during phase I metabolism,[13] and no glucuronidation occurs be- cause of steric hindrance of the 17β–hydroxyl group with the glucuronic acid moiety in phase II transfor- mation. Instead, oxandrolone is preferentially sulphated to 17-epioxandrolone. The lack of appre- ciable biotransformation and the high degree of pro- tein binding result in oxandrolone having higher plasma levels than methyltestosterone.[11]

Source: https://www.doping.nl/media/kb/7120/Orr et al 2004.pdf
everything we put into our body passes through the liver - that's no secret
Anavar is actually the only oral that I would recommend using in the offseason - it is 100% metabolized in the kidneys, not the liver, it does not cause problems with appetite, is low-toxic, gives huge strength gains and can be used for a relatively long time if necessary.

50-100mg is a good dose depending on your weight, if you are over 110kg I would use closer to 100mg
Thank you luki. I have the same thought process about it and you confirmed to me that's correct. My weight right now is around 103-105kg.
Any other orals have impact on my appetite and digestive system, I eat 5500-6500kcal depends on body part that i train. Would you split the dosage to 2x times a day? am pm or take daily dosage prewortkout and split only on rest days?
Anavar is actually the only oral that I would recommend using in the offseason - it is 100% metabolized in the kidneys, not the liver, it does not cause problems with appetite, is low-toxic, gives huge strength gains and can be used for a relatively long time if necessary.

50-100mg is a good dose depending on your weight, if you are over 110kg I would use closer to 100mg
Interesting point of view, that I share with you.
The lack of appetite suppression in most users coupled with
1) no extra water retention while you're bulking and already looking puffier/having BP issues
2) being able to sustain its use for a relatively long time without excessive organs stress
Make it a clever choise in a gainining phase.
Thank you luki. I have the same thought process about it and you confirmed to me that's correct. My weight right now is around 103-105kg.
Any other orals have impact on my appetite and digestive system, I eat 5500-6500kcal depends on body part that i train. Would you split the dosage to 2x times a day? am pm or take daily dosage prewortkout and split only on rest days?
it's actually a matter of preference, personally during the offseason I would take anavar only in short periods to break the strength wall, so let's say in the 10th week of the offseason you hit a clear stop in strength development and then you throw in anavar for, say, 4 weeks only on training days but I would divide the dose into 2x on during the day
Oddly enough, I have never used anavar but I will for the first time in a few weeks at 50mg. Probably just as an add on to my TRT
I thought this was an interesting study. No significant difference between a 6 week and 12 week course of anavar. It's in old people but probably still relevant for everyone.

Makes a strong case for using 6 weeks at a time and then taking breaks
Anavar is actually the only oral that I would recommend using in the offseason - it is 100% metabolized in the kidneys, not the liver, it does not cause problems with appetite, is low-toxic, gives huge strength gains and can be used for a relatively long time if necessary.

50-100mg is a good dose depending on your weight, if you are over 110kg I would use closer to 100mg
I have Anavar from a compounding pharmacy that's I've run at 25 mgs per day with insane pumps

100 mgs would be one hell of a dose if properly dosed
I thought this was an interesting study. No significant difference between a 6 week and 12 week course of anavar. It's in old people but probably still relevant for everyone.

Makes a strong case for using 6 weeks at a time and then taking breaks
May make a strong case for incressing a bit the dose once gains stop 😝
It's a very nice add for strength - a lot of people underrate it here. I've swapped from 50mg var ED to 50mg drol and lifts suffered heavily for a week or so until drol got going. Only thing I don't care for is the pumps as it related to limiting my activities. Back pumps and related suck. Hits your HDL and lipids though not horrible for me.

I'm doing a long strength and tightly controlled bulk run now with test/deca base. Will likely use var/win in combination if I throw in orals down the road (week 5 of 20ish now so a ways off). Drol is also an option but I'm a long way off from that point so will decide when I get there. Currently feeling good and enjoying putting in the work.
...or you're too big to notice much from sane dosages (I don't have to mention the underdosed crap issue as it's even too banal, right?)
Idk…. When I was lighter I was taking 60mg straight from the pharmacy.
Recently took 100mg ugl

Neither had any discernible effect 🤷🏻‍♂️

Everything else I can tell I’m taking SOMETHING
I must be the only one that thinks it’s garbage 🤷🏻‍♂️
Nope, I think it’s total garbage too. Have a bunch laying around from the pharmacy I’ve never touched.
Ran it up to 100mg a day. Only results I got were extreme fatigue to the point where if I wasn’t sleeping it felt like the world was quicksand, and a complete dulling of all masculine drive/motivation, from the gym to libido to work
Any oral can be used for a bulk, but you're better off using Anadrol than Var. TUDCA reverses my appetite suppression from orals , i swear by it.
Nope, I think it’s total garbage too. Have a bunch laying around from the pharmacy I’ve never touched.
Ran it up to 100mg a day. Only results I got were extreme fatigue to the point where if I wasn’t sleeping it felt like the world was quicksand, and a complete dulling of all masculine drive/motivation, from the gym to libido to work
finally someone else
Anavar is actually the only oral that I would recommend using in the offseason - it is 100% metabolized in the kidneys, not the liver, it does not cause problems with appetite, is low-toxic, gives huge strength gains and can be used for a relatively long time if necessary.

50-100mg is a good dose depending on your weight, if you are over 110kg I would use closer to 100mg
Destroys my appetite (as do ALL orals) within a week and produces biblical volumes of acid reflux unfortunately. Even 40mg of omeprozole didn’t touch the sides!

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