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Another bust


Featured Member / Kilo Klub
Featured Member
Kilo Klub Member
Mar 16, 2007
He's a good guy. He's been a moderator on some boards.

I wonder how many of these guys get busted because of the REC Drugs. Seems like every time we see one of these there are other drugs involved.
A bust in Baton Rouge LA last week
Owners of a nutrition store went down for importing and manufacturing.
I wonder how many of these guys get busted because of the REC Drugs. Seems like every time we see one of these there are other drugs involved.

YOu have to think that it was the pot that got him busted. A lot of the homebrewers do it just for their own use but when LE sees all of those bottles,in their minds, its got to be a dealer.
I wonder how many of these guys get busted because of the REC Drugs. Seems like every time we see one of these there are other drugs involved.

Sometimes i honestly wonder if people in rec drug circles say, "I wonder how many of these rec drug dealers get busted because of the AAS? They should'nt have f'd around with the roids."

And I don't know or pretend to know the details of this case, but let's be real. If there was any sort of investigation by LE on this guy it sure wasn't for friggin weed.
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Sometimes i honestly wonder if people in rec drug circles say, "I wonder how many of these rec drug dealers get busted because of the AAS? They should'nt have f'd around with the roids."

LOL, yeah I bet it goes both ways.
My guess would be that he pissed sombody off or some flunky he dlet with got popped and ratted him out.

Whats gonna fuck him over is the growing and "producing" along with having guns their , it all stacks up then it gets into how he got his supplys then trafficing comes in.

sadly he could probably get away with little more than probation if he roles on sombody else.

I know I personaly have kicked in doors to bust dealers where ALOT of drugs money and weapons were presant only to see them out the next day because they rolled on a bigger fish.

An at the same time you get some guy selling just enough shit to cover his usage gets popped for a couple bottles of test and is loyal but then he does time for it!!

The legal system is fucked up
My guess would be that he pissed sombody off or some flunky he dlet with got popped and ratted him out.

Whats gonna fuck him over is the growing and "producing" along with having guns their , it all stacks up then it gets into how he got his supplys then trafficing comes in.

sadly he could probably get away with little more than probation if he roles on sombody else.

I know I personaly have kicked in doors to bust dealers where ALOT of drugs money and weapons were presant only to see them out the next day because they rolled on a bigger fish.

An at the same time you get some guy selling just enough shit to cover his usage gets popped for a couple bottles of test and is loyal but then he does time for it!!

The legal system is fucked up

I agree, most people will roll over names so fast to get out of trouble
The whole system is fucked up. The priority put on AAS considering all the other issues in this country right now is crazy. Seems like a convenient scapegoat to simply appear to the public that the government is doing something. Pisses me off to no end.
You want to know how these guys keep gettin gpopped, watch the show DEA on Spike. They bust a nickel & dime guy and build the case to the distributor. When they are after the guy for pot, they find ecstacy, crack, heroin, a bunch of stuff. Unless the guy is busted with AAS alone, it is the rec drugs that are getting them busted.
My guess would be that he pissed sombody off or some flunky he dlet with got popped and ratted him out.

Whats gonna fuck him over is the growing and "producing" along with having guns their , it all stacks up then it gets into how he got his supplys then trafficing comes in.

sadly he could probably get away with little more than probation if he roles on sombody else.

I know I personaly have kicked in doors to bust dealers where ALOT of drugs money and weapons were presant only to see them out the next day because they rolled on a bigger fish.

An at the same time you get some guy selling just enough shit to cover his usage gets popped for a couple bottles of test and is loyal but then he does time for it!!

The legal system is fucked up
What gets me is the crack dealers that get popped and are out the next day! Crack is Schedule 1, steroids are 2!! The best part is the crack dealers will have priors or additional charges for robbery, auto theft, burglary, etc. Its all a money making ploy. Crack dealers don't have accounts to seize and they rent cars. AAS guys do. Its all money. Usually the guys that do the dirty work (bust open the doors) are usually just as frustrated by the BS. There's 5 crackhouses on each block here....
This guy posts under the name quadsweep over at RXmuscle. He has a huge mouth on there about smoking weed and his cycles. I guarantee he wouldn't shut up about it in person.
What gets me is the crack dealers that get popped and are out the next day! Crack is Schedule 1, steroids are 2!! The best part is the crack dealers will have priors or additional charges for robbery, auto theft, burglary, etc. Its all a money making ploy. Crack dealers don't have accounts to seize and they rent cars. AAS guys do. Its all money. Usually the guys that do the dirty work (bust open the doors) are usually just as frustrated by the BS. There's 5 crackhouses on each block here....

I don’t want to generalize by saying "all" or "everyone", so I will just say in my opinion, there are police, DA's, judges etc. that yes want the drugs of the street, but also want the money in. I don’t here of too many of the top guys getting busted for moving crack, it’s the runners, that carry a little on them and then when get popped, they don’t have shit, no car, no home etc. so what will the system get from them?
Example: My coworker got in a small fender bender 2 months ago, when local police came, they said “we smell burnt marijuana" Do you give us permission to search your car, then said we really don’t need it since I have probable cause with the odor. so then my Coworker said, well you just said you don’t need it, so no. Well that got the dogs called and they searched his car. Found 3 pill vials (like what you get from pharmacy) with a little bud in each. Now my coworker is a good guy, hard worker etc. but instead of booze or other things, he relaxes with some weed, and he sure knows this stuff, has all kinds of different names, types etc. So anyhow, he had (what he calls) a large bud of 3 different types in the pill containers. Well they charged him with possession, intent to deliver etc. think 4 charges, i don’t know how weight is done with weed, but the law here is .2 grams under is personal and anything from .3 to 2.5lbs is the same charge here!! he had.27 grams of weed!! They took his car "as evidence" and have had it for 7 weeks. At his arraignment, the cop came to the lawyer and said "we can’t offer this now, but when before we go to trial, we are going to offer to drop all charges to a criminal mischief if HE DONATED his car to the township police. The car is worth about 18k on Kelly blue book.
It just happened here in Pennsylvania also. Here's the link from Steroid Times:

**broken link removed**

Be careful if you are buying over the Internet. I trained with Brian Chamberlain for 9 months. You couldn't find a nicer guy. He really doesn't deserve for this to happen to him. One of his bodybuilding buddies (see article) turned rat and then turned informant.
This post by him at Rx-Muscle pretty much does the job explaining some things.


Jeff is a good guy though, and I wish him the best. Sad he is in this situation, whether it was created and exacerbated by himself or not.

This post by him at Rx-Muscle pretty much does the job explaining some things.

Puzzeling Happenings with me... - RX Muscle Forums

Jeff is a good guy though, and I wish him the best. Sad he is in this situation, whether it was created and exacerbated by himself or not.


I hope that he doesnt get the book thrown at him because he is a good guy. I can think of a whole lot more guys out there that deserved to be behind bars. He has a young son that needs him.
I hope that he doesnt get the book thrown at him because he is a good guy. I can think of a whole lot more guys out there that deserved to be behind bars. He has a young son that needs him.

Honestly, I don't really feel sorry for him. If he has a young son, he shouldn't be selling and growing weed. Completely irresponsible. Owns his own gym and is still selling weed and steroids.
Honestly, I don't really feel sorry for him. If he has a young son, he shouldn't be selling and growing weed. Completely irresponsible. Owns his own gym and is still selling weed and steroids.

This is true, but do you feel sorry at least for his boy? Did he chose to do those things? Is the boy at fault too? His son may suffer more from this than him if he does a lot of time.

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