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Anxiety/panic Attacks on Test-E


New member
Sep 1, 2010
Hi im Jay Im from the Uk this is my first post so thought i best introduce myself and just say Hi to you guys :headbang:

Right the problem is.....i had my first Test-E jab (450 mg) on sunday night and since then i have had two small anxiety/panic attacks and have generally being feeling quite down and depressed since monday.

I was expecting the opposite to be honest ( loving life, high libido etc).......What do you guys think the problem is ???

Should i lower the dose and see how i feel and if i then feel ok gradually raise the dose ???

Just stop taking it ???

Or is the anything i can take to help with this ???

Thanks for taking the time to read this guys.

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It is preached by many here to start with low doses, assess, then bump up. Correct me if I'm wrong, but you are going to pin the test 2x a week, for 900mg of test?

Personally, I saw results with 300mg of test a week. Cut your dosages in half and go from there.
May be something else going on there, have you had anxiety attacks and depression before? Androgens act as slight stimulants. So you may be triggering a pre-existing condition if the dose is too high. I know I get anxious on strong androgens like Masteron, and Im generally mellow as hell.

Otherwise, the above is good advice. Whenever I get sides, I lower the dose, even if it's already low. It's my body telling me to slow down and that it can't process and use as much as Im taking.

In any case, you can't expect to feel much better adding more to the mix after a few days. You may be the lucky person who needs much less to grow.

I always feel better on lower doses for longer periods, and have yet to raise the dose a whole lot, yet still getting good gains with diet/training modifications and more rest.

When Ive gone higher, the benefit to sides ratio was not worth it.

Good luck, Mate.
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Thanks guys really appreciate the replies.

Im just shooting 450 mg once a week....im gonna try 300 mg next time and see how i get on with that...hopefully ill feel better.

Have you guys heard of anything like this before, because ive searched the net and havent found any info on it ???
Hi im Jay Im from the Uk this is my first post so thought i best introduce myself and just say Hi to you guys :headbang:

Right the problem is.....i had my first Test-E jab (450 mg) on sunday night and since then i have had two small anxiety/panic attacks and have generally being feeling quite down and depressed since monday.

I was expecting the opposite to be honest ( loving life, high libido etc).......What do you guys think the problem is ???

Should i lower the dose and see how i feel and if i then feel ok gradually raise the dose ???

Just stop taking it ???

Or is the anything i can take to help with this ???

Thanks for taking the time to read this guys.


i was just curious whats up with all the spacing between senteces like 5 or 6 spaces in between each?
sorry dude, i must of got carried away. fixed now buddy :)
Everyone reacts differently. Some guys get anxiety on test at as low as 250mg a week, while others get the opposite "alpha" feeling on the same dosage. Maybe you're one of those guys in the first category and might have to ride it out at low doses or find alternatives you respond better to.
Everyone reacts differently. Some guys get anxiety on test at as low as 250mg a week, while others get the opposite "alpha" feeling on the same dosage. Maybe you're one of those guys in the first category and might have to ride it out at low doses or find alternatives you respond better to.

Yea I was running 250mg, which is a good dosage to start off with, btw. I would get anxiety when I was in a stressful situation, but in any other situation I was feeling completely alpha. So it all depends on the person, just remember to breathe and relaxxxxxxxxx :D
I have to agree with all the above post. The androgens is triggering the anxiety. It sucks because I have the same problem as well. My personal expereince is after a few weeks my body adjusts to the change and I start to chill back out. Between all the food, supplments, injections, and everything else, its a big change on the body and sometimes I get overwhelmed. I feel like my body is telling me to chill out. I take a small dosage of anxitey medicine right now to keep from having panic attacks. The doctor is saying until I stop what I do, I'm probably going to have to stay on the low dose. I didn't even have any anixety problem until I was 22. When it first started happening, I felt like a werido/freak because I thought I was going crazy. After researching the problem, I was suprised at how many people has the same issue and some are even worst. I have been blessed because now I can tell if I have a panic attacking coming, and I have been getting better at controlling it.

I hope this helps. Good luck. If it continues, consider stoping even though I know its hard to do.
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Thanks for the reply Big D.

I know how you feel man, it freaks me out everytime it happens.... i can honestly say its the worst feeling (non-pain) ive yet to experience.

Do you think i should lower the dose to say between 250-300 and see how i feel from there bro ?
Thanks for the reply Big D.

I know how you feel man, it freaks me out everytime it happens.... i can honestly say its the worst feeling (non-pain) ive yet to experience.

I agree by it being the worst feeling. Its like something is going on your head that you can't control. I was really frustrated at first because I felt like I was turning into a nut case :banghead: . It happens though, and its just something we have to work through.

Thanks for the reply Big D.

Do you think i should lower the dose to say between 250-300 and see how i feel from there bro ?

My vote is yes. I am not the best here so wait for some more opinions. To me it seems that by lowering the dosage, you can increase weekly or bi-weekly depending on how you feel. Maybe this way it won't be such a dramatic change/shock to your body. Good luck. :headbang:
Big D thanks for your advice bro...i really appreciate it.

Anyone else got an opinion on this...or has it all been covered ?
High red blood cell count is a possibility. I got anxiety attacks on 800mg of EQ/week, and never had them ever before. Figure out what could be causing your high RBC count. Taking any Anadrol? Too much iron?
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Thinking too much about it?

Jay- don't take this wrong, but I can't see injecting 450mg Sunday making you have a panic attack on Monday. Is this your first cycle? Now if you said you were taking 800mg of EQ for 8 weeks and then had issues I would completely understand. And I understand the "test flu" that hits quickly as your body tries to reject the new compound, but you don't sound like you have that problem.

I know that (24 years ago) when I took my first dbols I would have some weird feelings in my mind... like WTF am I doing? I'd kind of freak out for a few minutes.

In any event, I'd suggest injecting Test E twice a week or more to keep your test levels more stable. A few people I know inject E every other day just to keep hormone fluctuations, and thus sides, to a minimum.

I hope you get through this ok and have a great cycle- panic attacks suck.
Had some anxiety on 900mg En switched to sus all good now 250X2 week good to go. No sides. Feel good wake up with wood!
Do you guys know of any natural supps i could take to ease the anxiety......maybe L-Theanine ??
Beta blockers sorted me out, go to your doc and tell them about your anxiety.
Your test-E either isn't or isn't only test-E. What brand is it? I had this happen to me once and nearly lost my shit on a specific brand. I speculate it had tren in it judging by the sides I got.

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