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Any Of You Guys Ever Worry..


Nov 17, 2002
That our current gear usage will effect us down the road when it is time to have KIDS. I dont plan on having kids anytime soon being that im only 24....but in my past at a pretty young age 19 i was using gear pretty heavy. Took a long break after 2 years of using them for about 2 years.....This cycle im currently starting will be my last for a while(basically til after i start a family) I know there has been some talk on the subject and I have heard so many different views on if previous use will have an effect or troubles making kids.......even after being off for a few years!!!!!! Sorry so long, just thinkin a bit and want to know what u guys have to say!

I do worry bout this, anyone shed some hopeful light of lets says u were in a similar situation and you managed to still have kids...
I know a few guys who gotten their women pregnant while on very heavy cycles.
That our current gear usage will effect us down the road when it is time to have KIDS. I dont plan on having kids anytime soon being that im only 24....but in my past at a pretty young age 19 i was using gear pretty heavy. Took a long break after 2 years of using them for about 2 years.....This cycle im currently starting will be my last for a while(basically til after i start a family) I know there has been some talk on the subject and I have heard so many different views on if previous use will have an effect or troubles making kids.......even after being off for a few years!!!!!! Sorry so long, just thinkin a bit and want to know what u guys have to say!


I never worry as it didn't cause me a problem with my kids.:D

No but I worry about other things as I get older...............
good pct should help here, id only been `off` for 3 weeks when my partner got pregnant!
No problems

Cycled for 6 years...waited about a year have 2 healthy sons age 14 & 11....the key is between use & abuse...Like Jay Cutler doesn't have kids..I don't think he can.
I look at it this way. You run that risk if you use gear. Looks like everyone here had no problems after using gear. I'm 53 and have a friend that used gear for about four years. He had already had a boy prior to using. Then him and his wife decided they wanted one more and you guess it....no way Jose.

All I can say is if the above happens to you, you'll never get to enjoy the life of being a parent and this I wouldn't wish upon anyone. This is what's so good about life, you have the choice to decide what's more important.
Gunsbigguns said:
All I can say is if the above happens to you, you'll never get to enjoy the life of being a parent and this I wouldn't wish upon anyone. This is what's so good about life, you have the choice to decide what's more important.

Well spoken. :cool:
Creator_11 said:
Well spoken. :cool:
Thank You so much. I have two boys 33 and 31 and also have 7 grand kids. I wouldn't trade any of the above for anything.
huge-inc said:
Cycled for 6 years...waited about a year have 2 healthy sons age 14 & 11....the key is between use & abuse...Like Jay Cutler doesn't have kids..I don't think he can.

His wife was pregnant a few months ago, but she is no longer.
I have the same worries, I've been on for the last 4 years, only at about 500mg of test a week, nothing big and the wife wants to try and have a baby in a year or so. Believe it or not I don't mind going off and getting smaller it's more the side effects of "acne" that worries me. I had it bad when I was in high school and then it went away, I got on test and some came back but I controled it and it's fine now but I don't wanna go back to those days. I know it sounds silly but man acne aint kewl :\.
Well I have to admit Im worried as well....

We have been trying for a couple years however I was supplementing. I have now been clean for at leas8-9 months. My sex drive is crap. However I did go to get the old sperm count done. Which was a real bitch because I know everyone in the Hospital and they know me (at least by name). The sample showed a low sperm count. Now mind you not negative like some of the others I knew who had supplemented. So where to go from here. Its time to have my women checked out as well. I feel this is a big piece of our lives that is missing. However im a sellfish bastard and this is seriously going to hinder my so called "normal" lifestyle. In the end though I always knew I wanted to be a father. I am a father now but my fiancee had a child before we met. He was 5 yrs old at the time. I love him with all my heart. I have to admit though in the beginning I did not know how to be a role model or how do discipline. The first time he said "I love you" it almost brought me too tears. He also said "now I have a dad". Which made me go in the other room and cry. I was raised without a father till I was 14. My father died in a fatal car accident when I was 6. I try to be a good man and role model for him however I find myself being very hard on him about discipline and hard work like helping around the house. I just have never had a man who was a loving role model. It just felt "odd" that A child said I love you to me of all people. So now after hijacking this thread I hope and pray to god that I can concieve at least one child. If not we will addopt. It is a serious downer though to know I self inflicted this. :confused:
Anyone else....

Anyone else.....with problems with having children due to supplement use?????:(


Zephyr...this is what it took for my wife and I to finally have a child.
It wasn't an easy task. IVF with ICSI was the only way I could have ever become a father. Today... I marvel in watching my daughter grow, now 6 months old, and thank technology for giving me the opportunity to overcome years of selfishness and plain ignorance in what the long term risks "could" be just so that I could carry around 50 to 60lbs of extra muscle on my frame.

With that said, Bodybuilding is/has been an extremely positive force in my life. It's given me discipline, shown me how to aspire to have a goal and then fulfill it. The fields of nutrition, exercise physiology, kinesiology, human biology, pharmacology...all learned to a certain degree because of this sport/hobby.
If there's any take home message here than it's to listen to your conscience. If you have concerns then do what you need to do to either quell them or simply deny that voice in your head like I had done for years as suffer the consequences. Be proactive in your health. Know the effect that your use is having on your organs, fertility and mental stability. In short, take care of your body because it's the only one you got.
The Downside of Juicing

I am sure you guys can come up with many more examples, eddie, trevor, stk, ragnar, and on and on..... the young guys that died from chronic high dose steroid use. They may have called it heart failure or flash pulmonary edema but don't kid your self. I am always impressed to see Batista ( did I spell it right? ) and his vascularity and I say to myself thats a bomb waiting to explode. Thats the real risk with roids in my opinion what occurs anatomically and physiologically and phsychologically over long term.

The problem is a psychological and physiologic one and unfortunately everyone talks about steroids being this big demon, but there is very little help out there for a guy who needs to get off after years of juicing.

Most everyone who has juiced for years will need some kind of HRT. Unfortunately, the dosages prescribed may only slow the loss of size and mildly blunt symptoms.

But you won't ever know what a normal sex drive for a man of 50 should be if you have been jacked up since you were 44. You may have some of the similiar but opposite psychological problems that anorexics have in that you will never be big enough again and you may have a diffficult time adjusting to that.

Thats why if you are middle aged and you need to get off for whatever reason you need to do your last injection ( no PCT ) and 30 days later show up at a docs office who specializes in HRT complaining of depression, fatique, lack of concentration, low stamina, low sex drive, impotence. And if you are lucky you can be honest with him and he may agree to get your test levels to the level of a guy in his late 20's or bring you down slowly over a period of 18 months.

You should qualify for insurance and over a period of 12-18 months you may be able to adjust physiologically and psychologically and accept yourself.

But I have just not seen much in the medical literature about AS use cuasing infertility or birth defects. But it isn't a subject I've studied.

You know what? I absolutely respect that opinions are given most of the time to help someone out. I don't think anyone has an agenda to give out shitty info or inaccurate info. However, I do think we are sometimes quicker to assume that steroids are the problem to everything that ails a steroid user.

I hear a very negative tone in this thread about the potential to have kids and what your sex life will be after being on steroids for a long time. Now, I will NOT say that steroids are completely safe and without consequence but I will say that we should not always assume that what ails us is because of steroid use, either.

Just because someone's sperm count is low doesn't mean that it is because of steroids. It certainly COULD be but there are A LOT of guys out there that have very low sperm counts and have never touched a steroid. There are also plenty of couples that can't have children for whatever reason and the guy is not on steroids. Just because you have used steroids or are even ON steroids doesn't mean that you can't have children.

I can't tell you how many clients and friends over the years have conceived children either while on cycles or very shortly after cycles and even on MASSIVE cycles for LONG periods of time. I can think of one that was on for over 3 years and average dosing was a total of about 2500mg and yet conceived a child. Just because you don't hear much about it, believe me, it does happen and it happens more than you might think it does.

I also think it is not fair to assume that because someone is on for 3 or 4 or more years that when they are older they will have sexual issues or performance issues. This is purely speculation. Not saying that it can't happen BUT I have seen it happen that guys are on for long periods like this and they come off and they note no problems either physically, sexually or psychologically. Hell, some don't believe in PCT, either. From what I have seen I am not going to believe that most guys have problems coming off after long periods of time. Quite the opposite, in fact. The majority don't have problems and for those that do, they are usually not for an extended period of time.

My point is that there are many other factors that need to be taken into account before pointing the finger at steroids just as the general public does. What about the fact that alot of guys that are into using gear and bodybuilding are narcissistic, ego centric dicks? Are we to say that the gear caused this or were they like this prior to using gear? What about all of the other shit that most guys do that use gear? Alot of guys still drink quite a bit while on gear so could that cause a lower sperm count, liver problems, sexual issues later in life? What about smoking or doing rec drugs? What about not eating well and actually taking care of yourself from a nutritional standpoint? How many of the guys complaining of lower sperm counts have a nutritional plan that has been consistent and healthy? Maybe it is nutritional and not gear related?? What about stress from life or your job or whatever?? There are a TON of variables and assuming everything is steroid related is not terribly fair.

In my opinion, gear should be no more or less looked at than should stress, nutrition, bodyweight/bodyfat, cardiovascular health, lifestyle choices, etc..

Remember, I am not saying steroids are good for you. I just believe that alot of assumptions are made as to them being the problem for alot of ailments without much to back this up.

I use my cycles as a low performance birth-control myself. Low sperm count suits me fine. I'm not ready for those type of responsibilities. I'm doubtful I will ever want children after seeing what I did to mine, whew, I was a hellion!

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