You know what? I absolutely respect that opinions are given most of the time to help someone out. I don't think anyone has an agenda to give out shitty info or inaccurate info. However, I do think we are sometimes quicker to assume that steroids are the problem to everything that ails a steroid user.
I hear a very negative tone in this thread about the potential to have kids and what your sex life will be after being on steroids for a long time. Now, I will NOT say that steroids are completely safe and without consequence but I will say that we should not always assume that what ails us is because of steroid use, either.
Just because someone's sperm count is low doesn't mean that it is because of steroids. It certainly COULD be but there are A LOT of guys out there that have very low sperm counts and have never touched a steroid. There are also plenty of couples that can't have children for whatever reason and the guy is not on steroids. Just because you have used steroids or are even ON steroids doesn't mean that you can't have children.
I can't tell you how many clients and friends over the years have conceived children either while on cycles or very shortly after cycles and even on MASSIVE cycles for LONG periods of time. I can think of one that was on for over 3 years and average dosing was a total of about 2500mg and yet conceived a child. Just because you don't hear much about it, believe me, it does happen and it happens more than you might think it does.
I also think it is not fair to assume that because someone is on for 3 or 4 or more years that when they are older they will have sexual issues or performance issues. This is purely speculation. Not saying that it can't happen BUT I have seen it happen that guys are on for long periods like this and they come off and they note no problems either physically, sexually or psychologically. Hell, some don't believe in PCT, either. From what I have seen I am not going to believe that most guys have problems coming off after long periods of time. Quite the opposite, in fact. The majority don't have problems and for those that do, they are usually not for an extended period of time.
My point is that there are many other factors that need to be taken into account before pointing the finger at steroids just as the general public does. What about the fact that alot of guys that are into using gear and bodybuilding are narcissistic, ego centric dicks? Are we to say that the gear caused this or were they like this prior to using gear? What about all of the other shit that most guys do that use gear? Alot of guys still drink quite a bit while on gear so could that cause a lower sperm count, liver problems, sexual issues later in life? What about smoking or doing rec drugs? What about not eating well and actually taking care of yourself from a nutritional standpoint? How many of the guys complaining of lower sperm counts have a nutritional plan that has been consistent and healthy? Maybe it is nutritional and not gear related?? What about stress from life or your job or whatever?? There are a TON of variables and assuming everything is steroid related is not terribly fair.
In my opinion, gear should be no more or less looked at than should stress, nutrition, bodyweight/bodyfat, cardiovascular health, lifestyle choices, etc..
Remember, I am not saying steroids are good for you. I just believe that alot of assumptions are made as to them being the problem for alot of ailments without much to back this up.