Hi i'm new to this site. a lot of you guys seem to know a lot about this stuff andi need some help with my new cycle. I'm looking to bulk up, this is my third cycle and i'm not sure if its a little too much for some one of my expirience.
so here it is:
Andropen 275
Decabol 250
D-bol 50mg/tab
I was thinking of taking Andropen 500mg/wk split into two injections and the same with the deca. The dianabol i wanna take 50mg a day split into three times daily for the first five weeks.
(the first two weeks and the last two weeks i was thinking of taking half the dosages???)
My stats are:
23 years old
around 12%bf
I also thought of taking igf1 lr3 at around week five of my cycle but still not sure.
My PCT will be:
Start two weeks after last injection
Hcg 5000iu first injection then 2500iu two times a week for three weeks
clomid 100mg first three weeks and then down the dosage to 50mg for the last two weeks
i might throw in some nolva if pecs begin to feel tender from the hcg but i heard clomid is enough.
so here it is:
Andropen 275
Decabol 250
D-bol 50mg/tab
I was thinking of taking Andropen 500mg/wk split into two injections and the same with the deca. The dianabol i wanna take 50mg a day split into three times daily for the first five weeks.
(the first two weeks and the last two weeks i was thinking of taking half the dosages???)
My stats are:
23 years old
around 12%bf
I also thought of taking igf1 lr3 at around week five of my cycle but still not sure.
My PCT will be:
Start two weeks after last injection
Hcg 5000iu first injection then 2500iu two times a week for three weeks
clomid 100mg first three weeks and then down the dosage to 50mg for the last two weeks
i might throw in some nolva if pecs begin to feel tender from the hcg but i heard clomid is enough.
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