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Anyone had a PRP injection?


Mar 23, 2009
I am scheduled to get a PRP injection friday on my left knee (patellar tendon). I have a pretty bad tear that wont seem to heal. My insurance is going to pay for this and thought I would give it a go.

Is this a pretty painful procedure?
Did it help you alot?
How long was the down time with the bodypart injected?
Was it real sore afterward?

I am kinda nervous about doing this but I have been through therapy and done everything I could and still have issues with my knee. I was hoping to get some feedback from some people who had a PRP injection.

A close friend of mine who competes had PRP injections performed on both his knees for patellar tendon issues a year or so again. He reported that the procedure was quite painful, with pretty substantial pain lasting for a week or so. In the end he has quite happy he did it, and has had only minor pain since, whereas before he could barely train his quads on some days. He says the pain of the procedure was definitely worth it.
Dam! I dont like hearing about alot of pain! But it sounds like it worked out for him which is a good thing. I am a little nervous now! I am hoping I can go back to work and not have many issues. I am going to be off 5 days so I hope that helps.

thanks for the info.
Dam! I dont like hearing about alot of pain! But it sounds like it worked out for him which is a good thing. I am a little nervous now! I am hoping I can go back to work and not have many issues. I am going to be off 5 days so I hope that helps.

thanks for the info.

The fluid they inject is quite viscous, and is the reason for some of the pain. My friend said if the had to do it over again he would without thinking twice. If it helps it's worth it. Good luck Bro.
OK I got this injectiond done yesterday for those interested in it here is how it is thus far.

They first took some blood from my arm for the plasma injection. They then left and put it in a centrifuge to spin it.

They numbed my knee up very well and hooked up this imaging machine to my knee to look at my patallar tendon. He found some tears and then stuck about a 21 gauge needle in my tendon into the tears and proceeded to scrape them up. He said that by scraping them and making them bleed it will promote healing. I would say the needle was three inches in my knee but did not feel one things during this whole process! I didnt even know he was dong it because I wasnt looking. He then injected the blood/plasma into the damaged tendon.

They put a band-aid on it and he wrote me a script for vidodin. He gave me a full leg brace which i did wear for the first night. I was told no legs for at least 4 weeks and no cardio for 4 weeks as well. He said I could probably do the eliptical after 4 weeks. This sucks! I was cutting up and this is going to throw a kink in my plans.

The soreness and pain the first night after the numbing medicine wore off was pretty painful! I thought I could go without the pain medicine but I didnt last long and took one. This is day two and now its not bad at all, more a dull sore really ad flexibility is not good at all.

I am going back to to work wednesday and I hope I am able to function ok because I have a somewhat physical job. I think It will be fine.

I am hoping this pays off! I have had a problem with this knee for almost 2 years and I am looking for some relief.

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