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Anyone here have calf "implants"??


Oct 31, 2009
just interested. I know some "guys" who have em. If ya do are you happy with result?
couple of guys i train got em. small ones at that but you would never know. they have small scar at popliteal fold (right behind knee) but ya have to look closely. maybe increases size by 2" and makes them symetrical.
couple of guys i train got em. small ones at that but you would never know. they have small scar at popliteal fold (right behind knee) but ya have to look closely. maybe increases size by 2" and makes them symetrical.

sounds like they may as well just use synthrol for those types of results.
The guy who maufactured my equipment got calf implants a few years ago.Cost him a fortune and he said it hurt like hell. Funny thing is I never noticed that he had small calves before nor big ones after.
Do these guys with calf implants compete?
Can't remember now who but a high profile competitor had his legs x-rayed to prove he did NOT have implants.
thats straight up just cheatin.you dont have to put any work in to achieve those.i think you should just train calves as hard as you can and if there lagging so be it.calves are mostly genetics and not many people got them.please just think twice before you put that shit in your body.its way worse than juicin.trust me!
Can't remember now who but a high profile competitor had his legs x-rayed to prove he did NOT have implants.

that was wheeler......and i believe it was ray who accused...ha
Genetics play a big part but hard work will develop calves, we all know this. We all have human DNA and skeletal muscle. Hard work and dedication will build decent calves. Mine aren't huge by any stretch but over the last year I have increased an inch on them and have a nice split down the middle.

I would never get implants. I know many guys at my gym that have huge upper bodies and skinny little legs. I figure if they have the genetics to put that kind of muscle on their arms and chest, they could probably put some decent, quality mass on calves, quads and hams if they would just work them.

Most people won't ever even know their genetic potential until they work their ass off. That's what I am doing right now and damnit, I will figure out what my genetic potential is, even if it takes me the next 5 years!
Ok, decided to ask a friend of mine who's a doc - he's not a plastic surgeon but has some knowledge of this type of thing. He said that the material that calf and pec implants are made of is inert, won't cause any problems. It's also solid, not fluid filled sacs like dem big fake titties.

As for an x-ray, he says it's very possible they wouldn't show up depending on how it was done, rather something funny might possibly be seen or nothing at all. He said guys have chest x-rays all the time for physicals, TB etc. and the pec implants don't show at all in a lot of cases, same for calves. I doubt he's pulling my leg on this. I can bet there's more than a couple of guys out there right now with some calf 'inserts'. Look at the "Synthol" use or whatever.

Also looked around at the stuff about Wheeler, I guess his calves just 'popped up' one day, and while he offered to be x-rayed it's not sure whether anything was really done or officials looked the other way. Don't know. Don't care. I'll be there's scores of guys with implants. There's probably delt implants, even though I've never actually seen anything about them.

Arnold was accused of calf implants too. But I'm not sure they were doing that back in the day.

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