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Anyone here have hernia surgery? How long until you were back in the gym?


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Kilo Klub Member
Verified Customer
Sep 18, 2014
Had umbilical hernia surgery around 5 weeks ago, doc said I would be good to start working out somewhat around 6 weeks which is coming up but honestly I don't feel like I can start pushing any kind of real weight without doing damage right now. I don't know if I'm just being a pussy but I really don't want to go through this shit again. Totally sucks because I look like shit right now and hate it, spring is coming up.

Anyone else who has had hernia surgery how long until you legitimately starting pushing in the gym again? I don't think I have lifted anything over 40lbs thus far and I still feel it in my stomach a bit when I lift things at work.
I was back in the gym doing machines after 3 or so weeks
Had umbilical hernia surgery around 5 weeks ago, doc said I would be good to start working out somewhat around 6 weeks which is coming up but honestly I don't feel like I can start pushing any kind of real weight without doing damage right now. I don't know if I'm just being a pussy but I really don't want to go through this shit again. Totally sucks because I look like shit right now and hate it, spring is coming up.

Anyone else who has had hernia surgery how long until you legitimately starting pushing in the gym again? I don't think I have lifted anything over 40lbs thus far and I still feel it in my stomach a bit when I lift things at work.
I think I have a hernia right now, but haven’t went to the doctor to confirm. Whenever I sneeze, my upper abdominal area contracts and forms a ball. I massage it down and it goes away. I can’t do any strenuous abdominal work like reverse crunches or it will flair up and it’s the end of my workout. How did you know you had a hernia?
I think I have a hernia right now, but haven’t went to the doctor to confirm. Whenever I sneeze, my upper abdominal area contracts and forms a ball. I massage it down and it goes away. I can’t do any strenuous abdominal work like reverse crunches or it will flair up and it’s the end of my workout. How did you know you had a hernia?

My belly button would go from innie to outtie and I could push it in, it would even make a squishing sound. I had it for years before I finally got it fixed, it was getting progressively more bothersome.
I was back in the gym doing machines after 3 or so weeks

Good god you monster, did you have mesh put in? Like full weight machines and it didn't hurt your stomach?
Good god you monster, did you have mesh put in? Like full weight machines and it didn't hurt your stomach?

yes mesh. i had a very tiny hernia... but the surgeon said those are the most dangerous - which makes sense when you think about it

full weight machines that werent ab or leg press/hack squat

full training after 6 weeks
I took two months off.Started back up very very light.After four months was pretty much back to normal minus any heavy squatting and pulling from the floor.If you start to feel any type of discomfort stop immediately.Good luck!
Was 3 weeks for me after umbilical hernia surgery at 43. But I didn’t lift very heavy the first several weeks back in the gym. I’d imagine 6 weeks should be enough. Especially if you ran anything like GH or Bpc.
6 weeks? That's crazy. I had the mesh done for my umbilical hernia, surgeon made a mess of my incision. I couldn't stand up straight for 3 days and was primarily bed ridden. After one week, I was doing light cardio(not dr approved). Two weeks post surgery, my Dr told me that there was no damage I could possibly cause and I was restriction free. The pain was self limiting. I couldn't go 100% until probably 4-6 weeks but if I could give 50-75% and know the pain was only that, pain, not damage, I wasn't just going to sit around.
At 6 weeks you should be healed enough , I had inguinal hernia mesh put in and I was training in a couple weeks. Just not full tilt but in the gym , I laid off heavy squats for a bit . Your gonna feel some lingering pain , especially at the end of the day as your body is tired in general. My doctor said that was normal and even after years , when your run down you can feel soreness in that area and sometimes I do still , it's been over 20 years since surgery. Depending where the surgery was, get a waist trimmer to wear , if only for peace of mind
It was six weeks off for me. When I got back into the gym, I went very light for two weeks, just to get some blood flow to the various muscle groups. It's amazing what that did to help me "feel" better. At the 8 week mark I slowly started working out harder, and by the 10 week time frame, I was pretty much back in business.
Alrighty thank you fellas for confirming I am indeed just being a pussy. So what you guys are saying is that even though I can feel it that doesn't mean I'm doing damage....right?
I usually cut Dr.s recovery time in about half. As they plan for it for the least physically healthy person they deal with for the most part. They do not taylor it to each person. I go back in and start with baby weights and increase and see where i am at. I find being active usually helps the healing process from most surgeries.
I had an inguinal hernia repair done in 1984...biodegradable staples on the inside and metal staples on the outside...took about 1/2 year to get back to normal activity.
A lot will depend on your surgeon and how well it went. 12 days I was riding the stationary bike. 3 weeks back on some machines that did not have any abdominal force. 6 weeks I was back cranking full steam. I knew a guy that had mesh and it messed him up. Stomach swollen for 3 months, drains in, bad. I went to dr in Fort Myers that only does hernia surgery with no mesh. My scar is nearly invisible 1/2" curve in base of belly button, no stitches just steri-strips. I flew home the day after surgery!
What type of training are you looking to do?

Have you been eating clean and doing cardio?

What about using machines starting with higher reps and really isolating the muscle?
This isn't a simple answer. Depends on what type of hernia you have versus what someone else has and the severity of it.
Alrighty thank you fellas for confirming I am indeed just being a pussy. So what you guys are saying is that even though I can feel it that doesn't mean I'm doing damage....right?
My dr told me two weeks no gym before surgery, cleared me at two weeks post surgery, I was in the gym the next day. BUT, had my dr put a weight restriction on me of say 200-250lbs, it wouldn't of mattered because it still hurt too much to try and lift that much. I kept it easy because my abdomen was sore.

I work construction, so I look at it like this, if I'm physically capable of going to work, I'm physically capable of being in the gym, might just not be the intense gym session I want.
Had it in July - 4 weeks til “light weight” 3 months til I felt good enough to really push it. I’m stronger than before now.
Umbilical repair about 8 years ago with mesh. Could still feel it occasionally for a couple years, but after 2 weeks I started lifting again, just the bar. Trained every day adding a pound or two a day for a month, then back to normal lifting, keeping in mind where I was after that much time off. No issue with the hernia since.

Everything else... now that's another story. Not much I havent' torn at this point it feels like.

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