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The dumbest thing I have yet to see at the gym.


Verified Customer
Kilo Klub Member
Verified Customer
Oct 4, 2002
Well I am at my new gym and the place has been pretty sweet since starting there. Until yesterday, there is this dude in there talking on his phone and looking at it with speaker on. He speaks English and half something else mixed in together. I can hear him over my headphones which are earbuds so I take one out and this dude and his buddy are loudly talking about banging chicks and commenting on features they like. There are chicks around and one chick saw me looking at him at then I looked at her and she started busting out laughing, which was kind of what I needed as I started laughing myself. So he props the phone on some dumbbells and stands in front of it as I realize now he is on facetime. So he is working out blabbering at the same time with his buddy on facetime the whole time he is there. He literally works out so his buddy can hear and see him the whole time in front of the dumbbells. He had on jeans a t-shirt and those stupid yellow glasses that in the 2000's let people know you do x and go to rave parties. I told the kid at the front desk about it and he was kind of like "ok, let me go ahead and file that in nowhere"

It happens again I am just going to go get the manager and if that doesn't work I am just going to go stand next to him and scream shit as I lift weights. Talk like that snap into a slim jim guy. It was the dumbest thing I have seen at the gym, to date.
I dont suppose you happen to be taking Tren right now?
Fuck I wish, but I had to roll with some old ear buds that don't have noise canceling as I have misplaced my new ones charger. Like I could hear him over my headphones, plus.there were.young people around...like take your banging chicks chat in the yoga room, they got.15lb dumbbells in there as well.
You are lucky of that isn't dumbest thing you have seen. Lol. I've worked out at home for a long time now but still remeber some of the strange things I used to see. I'm sure he was an annoyance but doesn't sound too out of the ordinary for a younger guy. Seems people can't go five minutes without a phone in hand now a days.
I make it a point to listen to what is going on around me. Often brings a smile to my face. That and trying to figure out what some people are actually doing with the movements they are doing.
I don’t think Stack’s reaction is unreasonable. That ass fuck loser shouldn't be in a public gym…

Oh I dont disagree. I just find this sort of thing gets under my skin a lot more when I am on Tren, to the point I too could end up making a post like this lol.

People that behave the way this guy in the gym did, tend to live pretty miserable and unfulfilled lives. Clearly anyone within 25 feet of him at the gym knows hes a piece of shit.
Oh I dont disagree. I just find this sort of thing gets under my skin a lot more when I am on Tren, to the point I too could end up making a post like this lol.

People that behave the way this guy in the gym did, tend to live pretty miserable and unfulfilled lives. Clearly anyone within 25 feet of him at the gym knows hes a piece of shit.
This is hilarious, you too could make posts like this if you take tren. Man if gyms had people propping their phone on dumbbells and walking away from it and yelling at the phone like its a person when they go get the dumbbells they need. You could take some xanax and still get pissed about this.
Well I am at my new gym and the place has been pretty sweet since starting there. Until yesterday, there is this dude in there talking on his phone and looking at it with speaker on. He speaks English and half something else mixed in together. I can hear him over my headphones which are earbuds so I take one out and this dude and his buddy are loudly talking about banging chicks and commenting on features they like. There are chicks around and one chick saw me looking at him at then I looked at her and she started busting out laughing, which was kind of what I needed as I started laughing myself. So he props the phone on some dumbbells and stands in front of it as I realize now he is on facetime. So he is working out blabbering at the same time with his buddy on facetime the whole time he is there. He literally works out so his buddy can hear and see him the whole time in front of the dumbbells. He had on jeans a t-shirt and those stupid yellow glasses that in the 2000's let people know you do x and go to rave parties. I told the kid at the front desk about it and he was kind of like "ok, let me go ahead and file that in nowhere"

It happens again I am just going to go get the manager and if that doesn't work I am just going to go stand next to him and scream shit as I lift weights. Talk like that snap into a slim jim guy. It was the dumbest thing I have seen at the gym, to date.
I have a strong hate for anyone who talks on speakerphone in any public place. Instantly pisses me off. There is one moron who is talking in the phone the whole time he is working out in my gym and I’ve never met him but I hate him more than anyone there by default
Well I am at my new gym and the place has been pretty sweet since starting there. Until yesterday, there is this dude in there talking on his phone and looking at it with speaker on. He speaks English and half something else mixed in together. I can hear him over my headphones which are earbuds so I take one out and this dude and his buddy are loudly talking about banging chicks and commenting on features they like. There are chicks around and one chick saw me looking at him at then I looked at her and she started busting out laughing, which was kind of what I needed as I started laughing myself. So he props the phone on some dumbbells and stands in front of it as I realize now he is on facetime. So he is working out blabbering at the same time with his buddy on facetime the whole time he is there. He literally works out so his buddy can hear and see him the whole time in front of the dumbbells. He had on jeans a t-shirt and those stupid yellow glasses that in the 2000's let people know you do x and go to rave parties. I told the kid at the front desk about it and he was kind of like "ok, let me go ahead and file that in nowhere"

It happens again I am just going to go get the manager and if that doesn't work I am just going to go stand next to him and scream shit as I lift weights. Talk like that snap into a slim jim guy. It was the dumbest thing I have seen at the gym, to date.
Sounds like he just wants a little acknowledgment. I’d just walk by and tell him “sick story bro” and fist bump him. 😂 He’s the one who made his conversation public. Lol

If that doesn’t work, just drop some 100’s right by him and start doing some one arm dumbbell rows. Little serial creeps like him usually get scared off by that shit.
i try not to leave the house i with a phone and dont use it for anything other then necessary short communication. its scary how addicted to these things are. people seem to pay more attention to there phone then any other thing in the gym. generally i dont even want to talk when im working out. our species is lost.
Here are a few gym morons!
the guy should put his shirt on. whatever mirror he's looking in he's tripping, but I would not be making it a point to go say something

kali muscle is the biggest clown in bodybuilding.
Man, I have no problem controlling my emotions, but if I’m about to do a lift and someone slaps me in the face…. There ain’t noooooo talking…. I seriously don’t know how that fella kept his cool. Pure rage & adrenaline would take over for me in that particular moment.

It’s not the right thing to do, but once someone puts hands on you, you’re free to let loose in my opinion.

Man, I have no problem controlling my emotions, but if I’m about to do a lift and someone slaps me in the face…. There ain’t noooooo talking…. I seriously don’t know how that fella kept his cool. Pure rage & adrenaline would take over for me in that particular moment.

It’s not the right thing to do, but once someone puts hands on you, you’re free to let loose in my opinion.

I think from a legal perspective in my state you're right the dude just assaulted him its self-defense. I did Krav Maga we had a cop educate us on what we could get away with vs what is going to land us in jail. Stuff like if a guy has a knife and you take control of the knife you will get charges if you then use the knife. Unless you have a good story like he was reaching behind his back and you thought it was a gun. Or in this case it would be just a slap so don't break bones beyond a nose or like pick up weights and throw it at him. I wonder if in a stand your ground state that you could just shoot this guy??

I once had a guy come ask me if I was done with a hip sled I was using, there is one right next to the one I am using but it's just got less of an angle and its not really popular but the fucking thing works. I was like dude I just started I would invite you to work in but it would be too long between sets as I have a workout partner. The dude walks away and says "well fucking hurry up". If I have a partner with me we are all business so we move at a fairly quick pace but no way in fucking hell am I going to hurry up so someone can just use this machine instead of the one right next to it. I tore him an asshole for like a minute and he was just standing against a wall and finally just used the other one.

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