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Apology to the Board and its members.


New member
Dec 11, 2004
I need to offer my apology to the board and its members for my combative and and generally stupid reply's to many threads over the past couple of weeks. I had to take a step back and re-evalute how I have been acting lately. I had to do this with my family and friends and I realized that I treated many of you here the same way. Thats not who I am. I consider this board a respit from my life where I can read and share what I cant in any other forum. Being here is a priviledge. Thanks.
DOGMA said:
I need to offer my apology to the board and its members for my combative and and generally stupid reply's to many threads over the past couple of weeks. I had to take a step back and re-evalute how I have been acting lately. I had to do this with my family and friends and I realized that I treated many of you here the same way. Thats not who I am. I consider this board a respit from my life where I can read and share what I cant in any other forum. Being here is a priviledge. Thanks.

No problems man. Everyone goes through a hard time once in a while.
It takes a man to come on here and apologize. Hats off to you. Hope you have a great day today.
Keep your chin up DOGMA. Tough Time Don't Last, Tough People Do.
littlemack said:
Keep your chin up DOGMA. Tough Time Don't Last, Tough People Do.

And he knows that for a fact since Kenny's died and come back the next episode every time. :p
I too tell people exactly what I thing and more times than not it has a negative affect. A little diplomacy has much more positive result.
Kaiser said:
And he knows that for a fact since Kenny's died and come back the next episode every time. :p

DOGMA said:
I need to offer my apology to the board and its members for my combative and and generally stupid reply's to many threads over the past couple of weeks. I had to take a step back and re-evalute how I have been acting lately. I had to do this with my family and friends and I realized that I treated many of you here the same way. Thats not who I am. I consider this board a respit from my life where I can read and share what I cant in any other forum. Being here is a priviledge. Thanks.
Seems everyone's been a little edgy lately. LittleMack is right. Keep that chin up.

This whole Jay/Ronnie upset thing has the whole country in a tailspin. I hear Bush is having a press conference to alleviate fears...

I couldn't read your "name-calling" reply to my post in the Elk thread (OTH edited it before I was able to), but whatever it was... I absolutely don't hold it against you Dogma :)

Sometimes things get outta control for us, and we tend to be aggressive when there is no really need to be. It happens to everyone.

Hope things will get better for you. Take care. :cool:
IslandGirl said:
It takes a man to come on here and apologize. Hats off to you. Hope you have a great day today.

Well said.
its all good

totally man.. noone would hold grudges here..

its the PM family!!!!
DOGMA said:
I need to offer my apology to the board and its members for my combative and and generally stupid reply's to many threads over the past couple of weeks. I had to take a step back and re-evalute how I have been acting lately. I had to do this with my family and friends and I realized that I treated many of you here the same way. Thats not who I am. I consider this board a respit from my life where I can read and share what I cant in any other forum. Being here is a priviledge. Thanks.
No need for apologizes bro, we all have are bad days, months and years........
Kaiser said:
And he knows that for a fact since Kenny's died and come back the next episode every time. :p
We all get a little testosterone flowing sometimes....

Ive been banned a few times for saying whats on my mind also....I does take a man to step back,look at himself and make the necessary changes....I do it all thetime..I know where your coming from...

Peace Bro
IslandGirl said:
It takes a man to come on here and apologize. Hats off to you. Hope you have a great day today.

I agree with IslandGirl, big of you Bro.


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