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Arnold the OAK is the Greatest of All time!


Jun 30, 2002
OK after seeing the re-edit of Pumping Iron I am bodly stating that Arnold is the greatest of all time especially of the modern era.
You give Arnold the GH and the IV's that some pro's use today + all of the other chemicals/science and he would beat anyone you can possibly name that includes YATES, HANEY. COLEMAN, CUTLER, GUNTER yada yada.

He would only have to bring up his legs and calfs and of course add the super thickness but that would be no problem as he had the genetics for this. Hell big Lou weighed 268lbs and he still could not beat the OAK imagine a 275lbs of Arnie that would be fabulous.
None of you guys can whole heartedly disagree and mean it no matter who your favorite is or was.

oh "it's true" "it's true":cool:
Oh yeah!

I completely agree, he had a stunning body.
without question

He was amazing and would be unstoppable in todays time,I agree.Second place?Hmmmm,how about Dorian in his prime? Now that was a freak of nature,can't say enough about either man...........
I concur, Arnold is the greatest of all time. Give him today's gear and a solid HIT routine and he would be untouchable.

Here is proof


  • m13.jpg
    80.9 KB · Views: 261
Look at the peak

who has a peak like this with out the synth?


  • ga10.jpg
    50.6 KB · Views: 252
Arnold wouldn't be shit compared to the guys today.


Because he has already said he would NEVER do the stuff the guys have to do today to win.

You guys gotta remember Arnold KNEW bodybuilding was a means to an end. Many of the guys today think of it as the ultimate goal for them.

It is no coincidence that he is a multimillionaire TV actor with MANY business interests across the country.
no doubt..

he was totally amazing in his prime, and what's more, he was much, much smarter about BB and what it could ultimately yield than most of today's meatheads.

And the peak on that bicep - man that is outrageous without SEO!


say NOPE!

Sorry, just my opinion.

Crowler and Canino don't make me go Tony Soprano on yus guys!

OK PUT Yates and Coleman in his era and they could not hold a candle to Arnie I promise you. I have seen pics of both of them before they got the GH gut and they were not all that. Yates could not beat Haney and he sure as hell could not beat Arnie.
Yates had a great thick back , good legs he did have good abs although it did stick out but he had terrible arms and an even worse chest. I'll tell you a little story about Yates, you want to know how he got so big so fast? Yates went through a six week regime of IV's 3 times a day I can't recall exactly what was in them but this was told to me by people that trained with him and stood on stage by him the guys knew why he was so thick and massive and the reason's he retired. The dude had to or he'd be in a bodybag there are some other stories I could tell but it does not matter. Now take into consideration probably All Arnie used was a lot of test and tons of dbol no GH, INSULIN and not stacking of 6 or 7 other anabolics cmon dudes I'd take a Arnie now in this era anyday he'd win 6 or more like he did back in the day and retire.

I have a cousin although distant you probably heard of him Boyer Coe who can confirm exactly how little Arnie used and how he really did not need all that much but regardless you both should be staked to the tree of woe for such slanderous talk.

Fathead I agree and say it would be nice to bring back that look with a bit more size and detail (my goal for next year's Nationals), but also i think Haney went REAL light on the 'super-supps' and if he did what guys did today and used some Synthol he too would be on top of these guys with that tiny ass waist
he was just way too sane, LOL

also Priest is good for a small guy but if you want symmetry remeber Makkawy---and Nubret was just a precedent for Wheeler

btw what did the Oak weigh at that Olympia???
the man had no bad angles, that's the key
also that IV regimen will swell your ass , no doubt, massive gains in no time that route
Re: no doubt..

drgoodbody said:
he was totally amazing in his prime, and what's more, he was much, much smarter about BB and what it could ultimately yield than most of today's meatheads.

And the peak on that bicep - man that is outrageous without SEO!


Re: Re: no doubt..

Geoffke said:


huh, was that even arounfd in any from back then at all??

maybe esiclene, but that wouldm likely be just pre-contest or photo shoots
This one is impossible. Arnold was great back then. If you put Yates or Colman back then who knows. And if you put Arnold now, who knows. They are all amazing bbers, all leading edge in their time, all champs. Would Arnold be willing to use the drugs used today??? Would Yates and Coleman have the intensity to get results without all these new drugs???

Too many questions to answer who's best all time!!!

I like all of them by the way. They all brought bodybuilding to where its at today and without each one of them, we would be nowhere near where we are in bodybuilding.

I love Arnold just as much as the next guy, but lest we not forget that Arnold had NO LEGS...barely amateur calibur. And his back was weak. If you put Arnold at his best next to Ronnie at his best (no gh gut), it wouldn't even be close. Ronnie doesn't look mortal.

As far as Aesthetics, Arnold's physique (with the exception of his legs) is far more pleasing to the eye.

Overall size: Arnold - 6'2" - competition weight about 235
Ronnie - 5'11" - competition weight about 265
Gunther - 6'1" - competition weight 301!!!
yeah, but Arnold's size legs were the current aesthetic and wee not really considerred weak in his day so he likely was satisfied with their development and also btw his separation was very good there

in some poses his back looks pretty phenomenal IMO, yeah it's not Yates, but he was not lying around with a drip in his arm!!

(btw i do love yates and all as well and agree with ya MacDaddy by and large?
He has/had a great body and I think he's the best of all time. But I think what made him great was his intelligence. The psychological warfar that he bombarded these guys with was amazing. He talked shit to these guys and got them out of there game. It was amazing to see.
psycholifter said:

As far as Aesthetics, Arnold's physique (with the exception of his legs) is far more pleasing to the eye.

doesn't this really sum it up. isn't this what bodybuilding is all about? the distended bellies on most of todays top guys looks absolutely repulsive!!
well Wheeler had it before he ruined it and Ray always did well with his sharp lines

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