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Bad PIP or reaction?


Sep 20, 2007
Evening all - hope you guys are keeping safe and well.

I started a cycle of 600mg TEST E PW about 2 weeks ago. The gear I am using is 500mg/ml and therefore jabbing 0.6ml each shot.

I have done 2 shots in the glutes so far and man alive, my arse cheeks feel really weird, feels like they are made of granite, just feel really odd to touch. There is no redness, wouldn't really say there is any heat in the area, but it hurts to sit down and when I am laying in bed my backside is killing.

Read a few things about the concentration of gear that high (500/ml) could be the issue?

I did heat the gear up before I injected, I cleaned the area with alcohol etc... as I would usually do and I injected slowly and massaged the area afterwards.

I have never used anything so high in concentration before, but this is a pain in the arse!

Anyone had any similar experience or what I need to do to make it feel better?

Thank you!
I would almost guarantee it’s the concentration of your test. You could dilute it, mix it with other compounds, or split your injections into smaller more frequent doses.
Thanks you McSwickles - good idea about smaller more frequent doses, think that is the way I will go.
When I have gear like that I normally cut it with sterile grapeseed oil……you can buy sterile grapeseed oil on amazon. That helps me more than anything!
When I have gear like that I normally cut it with sterile grapeseed oil……you can buy sterile grapeseed oil on amazon. That helps me more than anything!

Oh really? Didn't know that was possible - thank you for that, I shall have a look.
its def the test....i have found only one vendor does not kill me with their test...and i have tried alot...not that it doesnt work with the others but the pain is freaking crazy..
When I have gear like that I normally cut it with sterile grapeseed oil……you can buy sterile grapeseed oil on amazon. That helps me more than anything!
Yeah, I would cut it down with oil. Do the math to get it down to no more than 250 mg/ml. I would also try to be sure that you use the same kind of oil that is in there. The color of the mixture should tell you a lot. You may need to do some research on the colors of the oils. I used cottonseed and it is a pale yellow color. Cottonseed was always the best for me. Oh, and that oil has to be sterilized. Most of the lab supply places we order from have sterile oil in vials. You may need to get a bigger vial or more vials to mix it all in too, you dont want to overfill them or run out of room. Places sell sterilized vials. In the future, dont buy any test that is over 200mg/ml.
Just piggybacking on what has been said, it's most likely the test. Only took me one time trying higher dosed test to realize that it's not for me. Either dilute it or just switch to 200-250mg/ml dosed test. Luckily test is super cheap so either solution will work. Best of luck
I never recommend getting 500mg/ml test as it's asking for pip. I remember trying supertest 450mg and that was so bad :eek::D Many are fine with it but many aren't. You can use some horrible solvents in highly concentrated gear but I would stay away from them. If 500mg/ml test is accurately dosed it's going to come with that risk of pip for some. I would always much prefer injecting 2ml test300 over 1.2ml test500 to get 600mg test. I would recommend diluting it with other gear or some sterile oil as others have mentioned.
When I have gear like that I normally cut it with sterile grapeseed oil……you can buy sterile grapeseed oil on amazon. That helps me more than anything!

always good to have some sterile oil on hand!
Evening all - hope you guys are keeping safe and well.

I started a cycle of 600mg TEST E PW about 2 weeks ago. The gear I am using is 500mg/ml and therefore jabbing 0.6ml each shot.

I have done 2 shots in the glutes so far and man alive, my arse cheeks feel really weird, feels like they are made of granite, just feel really odd to touch. There is no redness, wouldn't really say there is any heat in the area, but it hurts to sit down and when I am laying in bed my backside is killing.

Read a few things about the concentration of gear that high (500/ml) could be the issue?

I did heat the gear up before I injected, I cleaned the area with alcohol etc... as I would usually do and I injected slowly and massaged the area afterwards.

I have never used anything so high in concentration before, but this is a pain in the arse!

Anyone had any similar experience or what I need to do to make it feel better?

Thank you!
1 of 2 things or both:

First: 500/ml!! I’ve read 400/ml Is difficult to maintain stability per ml. I think we all want smaller shots at first. I’m satisfied with a stable product.

Second: listen up!!! You MAY HAVE AN ALLERGY TO ENANTHATE!!! Do you have any other lower dosed vials (like 250/ml), if so please prep a .25/ml shot. Wait a few days. If the area swells or is “hardened” with such a low amount, it’s the ester. (Usually an allergy to an ester results in painful and hot swollen areas)

.... and it could be both issues.

PS: not sure why, but when I quoted, it made a separate post)
I always add about another 1ML of MCT oil to dilute the alchohol in the suspension and this takes away the pain.
I had the same issue awhile back that I discussed on another forum. My ass would be sore for over a week from one shot. It was too high a concentration. I've also experienced site pain from frequent injections using traditional needles. I've since switched to 29g 1cc insulin needles. I just put the vials im using in warm water. Take a shower so my body is a little warmer as well. And yes it takes longer to inject but I've noticed a big difference in pip and scar tissue reduction in my glutes. I do this with pharma grade test as well which honestly is thicker than most ugl oil based compounds that I use and it still works. I also don't have anything left over in the syringe when I'm done so no waste means your getting more out of every bottle and more accurate doses.
A good quality lab should provide zero pip and shouldn’t need to further add oil to lessen pip that too me is a poor lab

from the labs I now use it’s been pip free quality gear

previously had some terrible pip from really shady labs but I can’t use high eo in any oil allergic to it as it’s horrible pain

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