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BALCO: Patrick Arnold reveals the inside story


Active member
Oct 2, 2023
So cool. All this was very exciting to see unfold back in the day circa 1996 or so.
With Duchaine introducing PA to the world via MM2K and through Usenet.
Then watch the PH market explode with the andros. Then 1ad(DHB), etc etc. Those were the days for sure.
If you want to waste your time you can watch this documentary where you will discover that Victor and the federal agent were the same breed of filthy rats.

I missed the interventions of Milos and Patrick.

If I remember rightly the federal agent was racially motivated (or atleast suspected to be) and only showed real interest in going after the black athletes - Tim Montgomery, Barry Bonds, Marion Jones etc but showed less interest in exposing the white athletes?
So cool. All this was very exciting to see unfold back in the day circa 1996 or so.
With Duchaine introducing PA to the world via MM2K and through Usenet.
Then watch the PH market explode with the andros. Then 1ad(DHB), etc etc. Those were the days for sure.
I remember back about 2004 my introduction to ped was avantlabs 1 -test transdermal...I used to rub that shit all on my body.... Lol. The same company promoted a product called leptigen too...lol...snake oil 101
I remember back about 2004 my introduction to ped was avantlabs 1 -test transdermal...I used to rub that shit all on my body.... Lol. The same company promoted a product called leptigen too...lol...snake oil 101
That was Par Deus's company (Avant Labs). He was a rather bright guy. He had some pretty cool supp's back in that time.

I'm not sure where he went, it seems he and his forum were very popular and then he just sort of withered away and stopped posting. I'm not sure if he just got tired of the lifestyle and the forums, or something else.
Avant labs 1test dermal was certainly not snake oil. The leptigen probably. But not their dermal.
Yeah the leptigen is what I was talking about...back in 2004 leptin, refeeds, bromocriptine, all that shit was popular. Now days seems like the consensus is calorie in calories out. Dieting then refeeding will not boost metabolism temporarily....the refeed is nothing more than a mental break and those calories absolutely can negate the fat loss from the previous dieting days
That was Par Deus's company (Avant Labs). He was a rather bright guy. He had some pretty cool supp's back in that time.

I'm not sure where he went, it seems he and his forum were very popular and then he just sort of withered away and stopped posting. I'm not sure if he just got tired of the lifestyle and the forums, or something else.
Yep he had some good articles not sure what happened to him. Maybe he changed his name to datbtrue and made a killing convincing the masses that peptides were the secret ha
That was Par Deus's company (Avant Labs). He was a rather bright guy. He had some pretty cool supp's back in that time.

I'm not sure where he went, it seems he and his forum were very popular and then he just sort of withered away and stopped posting. I'm not sure if he just got tired of the lifestyle and the forums, or something else.
Think he now started XPG Gels.
If I remember rightly the federal agent was racially motivated (or atleast suspected to be) and only showed real interest in going after the black athletes - Tim Montgomery, Barry Bonds, Marion Jones etc but showed less interest in exposing the white athletes?
my old screen name was barrybonds@safemail back in the safe mail days lol!!! 2011 maybe
Think he now started XPG Gels.
yeah, he is partners with Steve @ SNS and CEL
just to clarify, I do not know if Par is involved with SNS and CEL. I know he and Steve are partners with XPG Gels (great products by the way) but I cannot confirm or deny that Par is involved with Steve's other companies.

Steve is involved with SNS, CEL, XPG, and Muscle Addiction. All are fantastic companies and products and are targeted a bit more to the natural community, but the products benefit all. My mom uses and loves Liver Assist and Kidney Assist, and has had the best bloods ever since starting them. I am not affiliated

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