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Best efficient way to induce hyperplasia???


May 23, 2010
I am taking 8IU HGH 5/2 per week but not seeing the results as I thought I would entering 5 month here. Obviously IGF-1 LR3 does not help muscle growth but would adding MGF to the hgh help build more muscle and help with hyperplasia? My goal is to add as much muscle fiber as possible so when I start AAS my gains in strength will come along fast.

Just out of curiousity why in your opinion does IGF not help in promoting muscle growth. What about hyperplasia with IGF.???
Just out of curiousity why in your opinion does IGF not help in promoting muscle growth. What about hyperplasia with IGF.???

My thoughts exactly IGF is one of the better substances for hyperplasia (and a big gut)-its been said a couple of the interleukins have been used by Ronnie and other top pros- but dont beleive everything you hear and they are expensive and more dangerous.
I am taking 8IU HGH 5/2 per week but not seeing the results as I thought I would entering 5 month here. Obviously IGF-1 LR3 does not help muscle growth but would adding MGF to the hgh help build more muscle and help with hyperplasia? My goal is to add as much muscle fiber as possible so when I start AAS my gains in strength will come along fast.


IMO i dont think i'd be seeing much in terms of size with only GH and no AAS. If there is any hyperplasia going on right now you probably wont see it until you start the AAS cycle anyways, thats what will help the new muscle cells grow and mature.
Obviously IGF-1 LR3 does not help muscle growth

Huh?? IGF-1 = Insulin-like GROWTH factor doesn't help with growth??

"IGF-1 stimulates systemic body growth, and has growth-promoting effects on almost every cell in the body, especially skeletal muscle, cartilage, bone, liver, kidney, nerves, skin, hematopoietic cell, and lungs. In addition to the insulin-like effects, IGF-1 can also regulate cell growth and development, especially in nerve cells, as well as cellular DNA synthesis.

Deficiency of either GH or IGF-1 results in diminished stature."

However as juicin suggested, I wouldn't expect to see much, but to be under the impression IGF doesn't effect growth, is an inaccurate assumption.
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i have read on many many threads that administering GH without AAS is usless for muscle growth. just what ive read. seems like ur gonna make the leap to GH u should be using at least 500mg test/wk
IMO i dont think i'd be seeing much in terms of size with only GH and no AAS. If there is any hyperplasia going on right now you probably wont see it until you start the AAS cycle anyways, thats what will help the new muscle cells grow and mature.


TS you should have been on test as wel.. You better start right now..
Juicin and 123 have said it all:

High dose rHGH increases circulating IGF in a dose dependant manner; its this igf that is causes growth. Whether this is hyperplasia or hypertrophy has been and will be debated forever; I have read studies that support both schools of thought. IMO, hyperplasia AND hypertrophy occur, dependant upon style of training, in other words, the amount of insult put upon the body. One does not need exogenous substances to induce either form btw.

Studies wherein IGF was administered but GH was inhibited, growth/repair/increase in LBM/adipose apoptosis, etc etc all occured absent any GH.
May I ask why you claim it is useless ?? I know several people who have made amazing physical transformations using IGF-1 LR3
i have read on many many threads that administering GH without AAS is usless for muscle growth.

Not true bro. GH is known for its ability to produce cells. Bones,skin,muscels, ect.

The AAS will "blow up" the new muscles cells that have been added by the GH. make sense?

I have heard from members that IGF-1 LR3 doesn't do anything for muscle building,
But rather fat loss only. Has anyone gained muscle
On IGF-1 LR3?? The best stuff is IGF-1 only.
I have heard from members that IGF-1 LR3 doesn't do anything for muscle building,

Not sure which members you're referring to. But I believe you're misinformed.
Btw - the difference between the "good stuff" as you put it, i.e. IGF-1 and IGF-1 LR3, other than grade (receptor for instance) is it's half-life.
123, do you believe there is actually a receptor grade IGF, all the manufacturers that I deal with tell me there is no such animal, and if there was it more than likely could prove to be potentially lethal to a human. There is a posting to back this up on basskillers site. Tell me what you think??
I have heard from members that IGF-1 LR3 doesn't do anything for muscle building,
But rather fat loss only. Has anyone gained muscle
On IGF-1 LR3?? The best stuff is IGF-1 only.

Totally Untrue bro. Increases in LBM and decreases in fat mass are both common characteristics of igf 1 lr3. Its superior IMO to speed recovery following an injuury as well. I've researched it both to aid in muscle building and to aid in injury recovery, and it has produced on both accounts. If it was useless, do you think it would still be around and used and talked about to the extent it is, since being introduced to us YEARS ago?
I've been running gh, slin and test for about 6 weeks transistioning into a precontest diet....I would always get sore as hell after legs an stay sore or 3-4 days....even though i am now dieting and doing stairmaster regularly my legs do not get near as sore since adding igf-1 pre workout.... most of the asymmetry in my right pec and calf are gone (one of those minute differences usually only noticed by the indvidual). Gonna switch to mgf for a while to see if I notice a difference...peg mgf to be exact

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