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Best Gym Bag

It's a bit different if you are driving to the gym because you are just bringing it to/from the car. If your stepson doesn't drive (or he simply doesn't want a giant bag) he will likely prefer something much more compact and small. Nothing worse than walking around all day with a massive/heavy bag on your shoulders. I have used duffle bags in the past but nothing too big but now I just use a backpack and that fits everything I need. Something like the below is nice and decent quality (comes in different colours)...

I have had a king knog bag for probably 5 plus years. Still in great shape!! Looks to be one that will last forever!
That Wolfpack bag looks HUGE.

I can’t get over the stupid “don’t be average. Be a wolf.” Printed on the bag lol

Reminds me of all these teenagers with their tripods and “Wolves” tee shirts.
They’re velcro patches - you can take them off. And the bag isn’t as big as you think.
It's a bit different if you are driving to the gym because you are just bringing it to/from the car. If your stepson doesn't drive (or he simply doesn't want a giant bag) he will likely prefer something much more compact and small. Nothing worse than walking around all day with a massive/heavy bag on your shoulders. I have used duffle bags in the past but nothing too big but now I just use a backpack and that fits everything I need. Something like the below is nice and decent quality (comes in different colours)...

Personally I have 3 different drawstring backpacks and they have room for the basics as I take it on the floor. Even keep my wallet, watch and phone in it. Didn't need my Rogue belt as my gym has belts that I can borrow.
Iron Rebel makes a pretty cool bag.

But I’ve found the basic Nike, Champion, etc duffel bags to be fine for all my gym gear.

It depends how much stuff you’re bringing to gym too. I know some guys are pretty basic with - straps, belt, wraps.

Other guys have everything like weighted belt, fat grips, gym pin, etc
Westside Barbell has the most heavy-duty one Ive ever owned (80.00)... All others had plastic clips, etc. (all broke quick).
This things a beast..

Might be too much for some, but I need the room for the wraps, sleeves, slingshots, belts, etc...
Westside Barbell has the most heavy-duty one Ive ever owned (80.00)... All others had plastic clips, etc. (all broke quick).
This things a beast..

Might be too much for some, but I need the room for the wraps, sleeves, slingshots, belts, etc...
Bet it weighs a ton fuly loaded for bear, and how can you carry that around the gym?
That Wolfpack bag looks HUGE.

I can’t get over the stupid “don’t be average. Be a wolf.” Printed on the bag lol

Reminds me of all these teenagers with their tripods and “Wolves” tee shirts.
This lol. I just take a regular addidas bag. Holds my water, phone, keys, and logbook which I'm trying to ditch. No need to Carry a home gym into the gym.
I don’t carry a gym bag since my workouts are done at home. But I have a few duffels for outdoor activities, travels, etc. I have this one.. It could serve as a gym bag if need be.

ive used a cheap plain old jansport trans back pack for more years then i can count.
ive gone through 2 but only because one got lost.
the middle pocket is completely water proof as in one time my back fell with a shake in it. i didnt loose a drop! just dumped it back into the container. was dirty and tasted like sweet but still drinkable.
generally i ride a bike or walk to the gym so its easier then a bag.
room for all i need.

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