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best place for t-3?


New member
Jun 6, 2002
guys when and how should I add the t-3? durning the bulking or start of the cutting?

1-20 1g arimidex EOD
1-4 50mg dbol ED
1-10 1g test enathate
1-10 600mg EQ
11-19 100mg test prop EOD
15-20 50mg winny ED ( stop Thursday before)
11-20 100mg fina EOD (stop Thursday before)
20- 100mg test suspension (sun, tues, thurs)
18-20 35mg halotesten ED
16-20 50mg proviron ED (up to the day of the show)

weeks (11 12 15 16 19 20)clen 2 weeks on 2 weeks off. Eca off weeks
12ius slin 3 times a week 3-6 / 11-14

for your goal t4 is better. i helped many bros in their cycle. i have their analisys in my hand: nobody shut down his tyroid, even with 8 week on t4!!!
Obviusly the result are good! :)
while on diet, good and lean mass gain! :cool:
split 100mcg twice daily.

just MHO.
i think u don't need that much test. :)
Remeber that a small % of boldenone converts itself in testosterone. Abstract in my hand! :D
henry said:

for your goal t4 is better. i helped many bros in their cycle. i have their analisys in my hand: nobody shut down his tyroid, even with 8 week on t4!!!
Obviusly the result are good! :)
while on diet, good and lean mass gain! :cool:
split 100mcg twice daily.

just MHO.

t4 is only active through conversion to t3 and its ability to convert is very easy to mess with so y not use t3? u know exactly how much of the active ingredient is working, its like taking a prohormone over the drug it converts to, when u have the option y let conversion factors which vary from person to person even be an option? btw they dont get shut down bc t3 does not shut down thyroid like was previously thought, there was a study in which they took perople who had been on thyroid extacts for like 30 years and then took them off of it and their thyroid bounced back easily, and how does boldenone convert to test? i was thought like d-bol it was a dervative of test
well I am going to just run 25-75 for the whole cycle, with long tapers up and down
i know it's strange to hear, but a small percentage of boldenone converts itself in test. i've pubmed's abstract on hand.
with a small t3 dose nobody can be sure that your ft3 blood level is higher than baseline.
henry said:
i know it's strange to hear, but a small percentage of boldenone converts itself in test. i've pubmed's abstract on hand.
with a small t3 dose nobody can be sure that your ft3 blood level is higher than baseline.

then how do u know ur t3 level is above baseline with a drug that first has to convert to t3?
i tried and it works for me, then no tyroid shut down.
however, i hope everyone know that t3 isn't triiodotironine but liotironine. It's different!!! :eek: Liotironine is 75%t4 + 25%t3.
ill say it again t4 converts to t3 to be active, if one popped a 25 mcg tab of t3, he would absorption is gonna be very high and he dpes not need to worry about his enzyme conversion to a more active forn as he is using the active component straight up, like taking test vs. 4-ad, if ur goal is testosterone levels, why even do the 4-ad as u have no doubt how much is going to be converted while with test u know that what u put in is what u get.

and u didnt get suppression? hmmm, maybe thats because the thyroid does not really get shut down, it bounces back very quickly, talk to raver or go find the freaking study where people who had been on thyroid extracts 4 a number of years were taken off and all bounced back quickly
I'll back up what Mr. Magoo says, all the Medical manuals that discuss endocrine function state that T4, I think the most common form is Synthroid will convert in some % age to T3

That is why people with a slight metabolic imbalance tend to get Synthroid as the T3 dose is much lower after conversion

Raver over on the old 'gade did a bunch of research on T3 and nailed it that the Thyroid will bounce back pretty quickly after a course. I'm living proof of that.

The only issue with T3 I think is finding the optimal dosing to lose fat but not burm yourself into a crisp

Boing "the English_Bulldog"
boing said:
I'll back up what Mr. Magoo says, all the Medical manuals that discuss endocrine function state that T4, I think the most common form is Synthroid will convert in some % age to T3

That is why people with a slight metabolic imbalance tend to get Synthroid as the T3 dose is much lower after conversion

Raver over on the old 'gade did a bunch of research on T3 and nailed it that the Thyroid will bounce back pretty quickly after a course. I'm living proof of that.

The only issue with T3 I think is finding the optimal dosing to lose fat but not burm yourself into a crisp

Boing "the English_Bulldog"

good post in general but ur last statement was the best about finding optimal dosage
Question: Given the above, do you still need to taper T3? I've heard for years to be really careful about tapering up and down. Not true?
Can any of the old vets around here address my question? Is everything we thought we knew about using T3 and the "dangers" of not tapering out the window? I personally wouldn't just jump into using T3 w/o tapering, etc. but I would be interested in some other opinions about this issue. If its really not necessary to taper t3 and duration of use is not really a problem, it would be a lot easier to use.
Chuck999 said:
Question: Given the above, do you still need to taper T3? I've heard for years to be really careful about tapering up and down. Not true?

u could just go right off, but i agree with the cycling practices that people like Doggcrapp emphasizes, even if he is going completly off he will taper his dosages. this was common practice for many years then people said that it is still suppression, and not recovery and just delaying the recovery proces which it is but i do feel ull hold ur gains and not loose as much mass this way or with t3, not get as much of a rebound. while taking 750 mg's test a week, and 50 mcg t3 a day will give a fair bit of suppression and i do believe someone who tapers down to 250 mg's test a week and 20 mcg t3 a day is gonna be suppressed less but yet still suppressed. if u were to go right off, i have seen many run into problems.
i stumbled upon this approach without even knowing it, later when DC shared his experiences i was more able to see why it worked for me. i would always run my cycles at a good dose for a good deal of time and when i saw i was getting low id keep reducing my dose slowly over a few weeks to about 1/4 of what it was while at my highest point of my cycle, and then just go off with some ancillaries or sometimes without and id always be close to my on strength but never the strength and size losses u see on some people
Taper it allows for faster recovery on the system

U can go cold turkey but it will slow your recovery time by about 2 weeks before the thyroid comes back to full function

Boing "the English_Bulldog"
boing said:
Taper it allows for faster recovery on the system

U can go cold turkey but it will slow your recovery time by about 2 weeks before the thyroid comes back to full function

Boing "the English_Bulldog"

do you have a study on this?
crackerjack414 said:
henry do you have any lab tests on your tsh ?

lets just still be polite although i pushed it a bit too far, and it was pumpred who asked the most recent question before yours, or were u replying to one of his earliest posts,

and Pumped, no I do not have any studies on this but anecdotal evidence, It makes sense if u read my lenghty posts

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