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Best Ways To Losing Weight


New member
Oct 5, 2010
How to lose weight in my body? To lose weight what are the supplements should i take?
There is no magic bullet for losing weight .

The question should be How do I lose unwanted fat".
My answer would be................
Be very conscious of you caloric intake.
Hence choose your food sources wisely.
Go for the less caloric foods .
Get yourself a calorie counting book so you know what the values of the foods you consume and adjust accordantly.

As with any undertaking educated yourself with the task at hand.

I would determine what my and average caloric intake is and adjust slowly downward from there .
You have to know where you are at before you begin .
You didn't get the fat in a day and neither will it fall off in a day.
Obviously , exercise is a great part of the equation.
Last edited:
There is no magic bullet for losing weight .

The question should be How do I lose unwanted fat".
My answer would be................
Be very conscious of you caloric intake.
Hence choose your food sources wisely.
Go for the less caloric foods .
Get yourself a calorie counting book so you know what the values of the foods you consume and adjust accordantly.

As with any undertaking educated yourself with the task at hand.

I would determine what my and average caloric intake is and adjust slowly downward from there .
You have to know where you are at before you begin .
You didn't get the fat in a day and neither will it fall off in a day.
Obviously , exercise is a great part of the equation.

Great answer, but if you look under her/his question there is a link that person would like you to follow! SCAMMER!
The second post is the spammer isn't it ?
Maya is the one asking the question. Right ?
The second post is the spammer isn't it ?
Maya is the one asking the question. Right ?

Two seconds ago, MAYA had a link to a webstore promoting a certain product. As of right now it's been taken down off the signature. One can only imagine why!
Well !
My post was in vain I guess !
I appreciated the way you broke it down, HotRocks. Very common-sensical.
i quit working out and quit taking supps and i am down 10 pouonds:):eek::(
The best way to lose weight is to cut calories, either through food restriction or exercise. The more you cut, the faster the weight comes off. If you cut low enough you'll see daily results on the scale. 3-5 pounds the first day, 2-3 pounds next, 1-2 next few days, then goes down to half pound increments with random 1-2 drop days. That's how it is for me at around 1000 net calories. So that could mean 2k consumed, 1k burned.
Cutting calories only works if you have a healthy metabolism. Most people who want to lose weight (and are not bodybuilders) have to first "fix" their metabolism, then they can cut back calories and drop fat.

The irony is, most people who are overweight became that way from under eating the majority of the time, with only occational over eating.

If you do have a slowed down metabolism:

1. Gain muscle (lift).
2. Do cardio (not a lot).
3. Eat clean, get your macro's in order (learn exactly what you are putting into your body).
4. Increase calories to the point that you aren't losing or gaining weight (this should be a shitload of food because you are doing cardio and eating clean).
5. Track what you eat so you get a baseline.
6. Start slowly cutting back calories once your metabolism gets cranking (reduced carbs or fat each meal).

It's that simple, but people are too lazy to even track what they eat for a week or two, and they are too impatient to not just jump right into calorie restriction. I'd get your thyroid checked also next time you get a chance, your doc will likely be happy to order the bloodwork for you if you ask. You can actually watch your thyroid level go up as you increase your metabolism through diet.
Do morning cardio if you can that has always worked best for me, eat healthy, don't have cheat meals until you are at your desired weight or close to it, exercise at least 4-5 days a week

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