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Random weight loss / flat physique


Apr 2, 2024
I’m having a problem where the last few days my weight has dropped 3-4 lbs but my diet and water intake has stayed the exact same. My training + cardio hasn’t changed either. However, the last few days my weight has dropped and my physique appears way more flat.

I’m not sure how this could happen but it is quite frustrating during a bulk. Anyone have any ideas off the top of their head?
low estrogen?
Perhaps but I’m not sure what would cause it. My current cycle is 800 test weekly, 350 mast e weekly, 50mg anadrol daily and 4iu growth. Have had no problems getting food in at all and water consumption is even higher than normal.
if water consumption is higher, did you already increase salt?
low sodium will also make you flat
I lowered sodium consumption at the beginning when I started anadrol to keep my blood pressure down but my weight was still climbing. I’m about 4 weeks in and it is now dropping.

This could have caused it but I feel as if it would have happened a lot sooner
Hard to postulate but you may have hit a threshold where your micronutrients have finally tapered below baseline.

3-4 pounds is a relatively low weight fluctuation, in all sincerity this could be discounted simply due to timing of a large bowel movement and hydration.

I've had unusual drops in weight from - CNS overstimulation, stress, hydration and sodium concers, environmental factors (humidity and temperature changes), and a few others.
Hard to postulate but you may have hit a threshold where your micronutrients have finally tapered below baseline.

3-4 pounds is a relatively low weight fluctuation, in all sincerity this could be discounted simply due to timing of a large bowel movement and hydration.

I've had unusual drops in weight from - CNS overstimulation, stress, hydration and sodium concers, environmental factors (humidity and temperature changes), and a few others.
Thank you.

On the bright side, my strength hasn’t seemed to drop. I had a great leg day yesterday. I’ll see how this effects my chest day tomorrow because my pressing strength is the first thing to drop when my body weight drops.
Thank you.

On the bright side, my strength hasn’t seemed to drop. I had a great leg day yesterday. I’ll see how this effects my chest day tomorrow because my pressing strength is the first thing to drop when my body weight drops.
how much do you weigh?

3-4lbs should not be cause for concern
I wouldnt be concerned; you may have dropped a little inflammation, some water, bowel contents etc. Fluctuations of 2-5lbs during a bulk are quite normal. Your body isn't a computer, thus it isn't exact in how it behaves and responds.

Don't sweat it.
Dropping several pounds quickly generally isn't an issue if its coming from things like gut inflammation , sub Q water retention ect , but if your flat as in less vascularity and less pump in the gym them it could be from electrolyte imbalance ESPECIALLY if you reduced your sodium.
If you are over 200lbs then 3-4lbs could be a large dump and a couple times peeing along with sweating from a leg workout. I would worry if you lost 10lbs or more unexpectedly
Dropping several pounds quickly generally isn't an issue if its coming from things like gut inflammation , sub Q water retention ect , but if your flat as in less vascularity and less pump in the gym them it could be from electrolyte imbalance ESPECIALLY if you reduced your sodium.
Still very vascular but less full overall. When I first started the anadrol I remember the pumps being incredible and I’d stay pumped for hours after the gym.
Sleep? Alcohol? Caffeine? Stress? Appetite?
I’m having a problem where the last few days my weight has dropped 3-4 lbs but my diet and water intake has stayed the exact same. My training + cardio hasn’t changed either. However, the last few days my weight has dropped and my physique appears way more flat.

I’m not sure how this could happen but it is quite frustrating during a bulk. Anyone have any ideas off the top of their head?
Maybe overtraining

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