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Big Bappers last Competition!

mrs bapper

New member
Jul 21, 2009
Hi everyone I just wanted to post these photos of Seamus Aka Big Bapper, The following pix were taken the night before The British Championships at Southport 2008...In loving memory of Seamus Warrington who passed away 20th June 2009...Always in our hearts and never forgotten for the true legend that he was and always will be...Love always Michelle and Jessica x


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How did he place in that show?
How did he place in that show?

Big Bapper decided that he was'nt up too standard, so he did nt finish competing the show that day...But I always valued and respected his decision as at the end of the day he knew his body better than anyone...Seamus was a perfectionist and it showed...In my opinion I think he would have placed quite well :)
I always enjoy reading his posts. They will always be frozen in time on here. He always looked great. I only live down the road from Southport... nice place to visit during the day.
Hey Michelle I Hope you and Jessica are doing well.
Hey Mrs. Bapper,
How are you and little Jess getting on theses days? I am sure that little girl is not all that little anymore and getting more beautiful as the weeks go by. Really good to see you post these up. It reminds us all of just how good Seamus looked and had one of those physiques that looked good from all the angles. Funny I sit and look at those pics and said...."hell, Seamus' bad day was better than many others' good day". Yes I agree with you, he would have placed very favorably in that show. :D

Thanks again for the memories and all the very best to you and Jess. ;)
I always enjoy reading his posts. They will always be frozen in time on here. He always looked great. I only live down the road from Southport... nice place to visit during the day.

Thank you, Yeah Seanus was an extremley knowledgable guy when it come to bodybuilding and also in many other aspects of life too...No one will ever come close to him and thats for sure...I went over to Southport with Seamus and it was my first time there, I loved it and hope to return there someday again soon :)
Hey Michelle I Hope you and Jessica are doing well.

Thank you rAJJIN, Yeah myself and little Bapper are doing fantasic..We are living in a real quiet area in a beautiful house and Jessica is at school now and she loves it and I am starting work soon..So lifes on the up and we're making the most off it and treasuring all the precious memories of Seamus along the way...I hope life is being kind to you also buddy..:)
Hey Mrs. Bapper,
How are you and little Jess getting on theses days? I am sure that little girl is not all that little anymore and getting more beautiful as the weeks go by. Really good to see you post these up. It reminds us all of just how good Seamus looked and had one of those physiques that looked good from all the angles. Funny I sit and look at those pics and said...."hell, Seamus' bad day was better than many others' good day". Yes I agree with you, he would have placed very favorably in that show. :D

Thanks again for the memories and all the very best to you and Jess. ;)

We are doing great thank you Oldfella, Jessica is well grown up now and well beyond her years, she so intelligent its unreal, just like Seamus was...Theres something very unique about Jessicas intelligence though shes going to go real far in life..I know that sounds bias because Im her mum but its clear to be seen in her..Im gonna post up some recent photos of Jessica..Shes changing at a rapid rate..Good to hear from you take care mate :)x
Respect to Big Bapper! Glad you 2 are checking in and letting us know how you getting on! I know that Big Bapper would be so proud of you and as well as little Jessica! Respect !
Respect to Big Bapper! Glad you 2 are checking in and letting us know how you getting on! I know that Big Bapper would be so proud of you and as well as little Jessica! Respect !

Thanx so much big fella that means alot too me and Jessica..Respect right bacl at ya!!:)
Glad you posted these!!

He was in Great shape and love to give info to others.

You must be a Shoe girl! You gave it away in those pics. I don't see one man's or kid's shoe in the whole lot! lol

That's Ok I have a Shoe girl at home too.
He was in Great shape and love to give info to others.

You must be a Shoe girl! You gave it away in those pics. I don't see one man's or kid's shoe in the whole lot! lol

That's Ok I have a Shoe girl at home too.

Yes Big Bapper diffinetly liked to share his knowledge as he was a very giving guy and by no means selfish and always put others first, His genorosity of knowledge and affection to myself and others was outstanding to say the least..Seamus diffinetly had the makings of a Pro thats for sure..These pix were taken at our mates flat in Liverpool..Unfortunatley all the shoes that you see do not belong to me lol...But yes I deafo am a shoe gal anyhow.. :)
Only knew Seamus through the forums, but knew right away that he was a wonderful person. And I know he is watching over you and Jessica with great pride and affection.

Glad you are in a good place now, and we were all blessed to have known him, or at least known of him. Best wishes always.
Only knew Seamus through the forums, but knew right away that he was a wonderful person. And I know he is watching over you and Jessica with great pride and affection.

Glad you are in a good place now, and we were all blessed to have known him, or at least known of him. Best wishes always.

Thank you Gerry you words are truly touching :)
I often go back and read Seamus's posts, his wisdom and kindness is clear from the posts. I am very touched by how much you loved him, Mrs. Bapper, it is so incredible the strength you show.
Thank you rAJJIN, Yeah myself and little Bapper are doing fantasic..We are living in a real quiet area in a beautiful house and Jessica is at school now and she loves it and I am starting work soon..So lifes on the up and we're making the most off it and treasuring all the precious memories of Seamus along the way...I hope life is being kind to you also buddy..:)

Mrs. B, it's nice to hear that you and the little one are doing good. :) He is truly missed. :( What ever happen to the gym, please tell me you still have it? :)
I often go back and read Seamus's posts, his wisdom and kindness is clear from the posts. I am very touched by how much you loved him, Mrs. Bapper, it is so incredible the strength you show.

Thank you thats really nice of you.. Seamus had so much to give in many aspects of his life....Life experiences can only make me stronger, I have no other choice and its the way I want to continue to be for my little girls sake, So hopefully when Jessica is older it will rub off on her..:)
Mrs. B, it's nice to hear that you and the little one are doing good. :) He is truly missed. :( What ever happen to the gym, please tell me you still have it? :)

Thank you, Its the least I can do on here for you guys after all that yous did for me and Jessica...Yeah I think about Seamus all the time, there are times when I think of him and it really saddens me, but there are also times that his memory makes me stronger too and anyway I cant complain he has left me with our very precious little gift Jessica, which means the absolute world too me...

In regards to the Gym situation, I am still pushing this matter and its still with the solicitors..Unfortunately it is by no means straight forward due to certain implications..But I will by no means give up..I will fight to the bitter end for my daughters future and will do what evers nessacary to get there in the end, even if I dont have the back up over here , nothing will stop me...At the end of the day what cant kill us can only make us stronger! :)

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