Hi guys, just wanted to start this in case I ever lose my logbook and for some constructive criticism.
Blast Start
Week 1
A1 1-25-2010, starting weight = 5'10 225lbs, 17% bf, natty
Incline BB - 275 x 14 RP
Deadlifts - 275 x 12, 295x8 (weak lower back, just beginning to really work on strengthening with deads)
Lat Pulldowns - 150 x failure
Hammer Strength Military - 270x15 RP
DB Lateral Raises - 45 x failure
Reverse Grip BP - 275 x 12 RP
B1 1-27-2010
Back Squats - 275 x 12, 315 x 8, Leg Press WM - 14 plates x 32
RDL - warmup, 135 x complete failure (could hardly stand after these)
Standing EZ Bar curls - 95x20 RP, CG bi pulldowns, 110 x failure (30+)
A2 1-29-2010
Incline Smith - 275x16 RP
DC style Pec Dec - 130xfailure
BB Rows - 185 x fail, 225x5 (first implementation)
Seated military, 225 x 10 RP
Neutral Grip Pulldowns - 130 x fail
Floorskullz - 115 x failure
Blast Start
Week 1
A1 1-25-2010, starting weight = 5'10 225lbs, 17% bf, natty
Incline BB - 275 x 14 RP
Deadlifts - 275 x 12, 295x8 (weak lower back, just beginning to really work on strengthening with deads)
Lat Pulldowns - 150 x failure
Hammer Strength Military - 270x15 RP
DB Lateral Raises - 45 x failure
Reverse Grip BP - 275 x 12 RP
B1 1-27-2010
Back Squats - 275 x 12, 315 x 8, Leg Press WM - 14 plates x 32
RDL - warmup, 135 x complete failure (could hardly stand after these)
Standing EZ Bar curls - 95x20 RP, CG bi pulldowns, 110 x failure (30+)
A2 1-29-2010
Incline Smith - 275x16 RP
DC style Pec Dec - 130xfailure
BB Rows - 185 x fail, 225x5 (first implementation)
Seated military, 225 x 10 RP
Neutral Grip Pulldowns - 130 x fail
Floorskullz - 115 x failure