u can put on a ton of fat and water and some muscle then work twice as hard and diet twice as long to get it off. My last off season I stayed a lot leaner, the AB rule if u cant see all 6 better back off the calories and get doing cardio. the farther u push that skin away from the muscle the harder it is to get it back. So have fun gain some weight but dont go crazy, have your ice cream and your pizza but dont have it all the time, keep it clean but eat more carbs then u would if were not dieting. Rice, oatmeal, pasta, red meats these are all good during off season, but try to keep that waist line down and put on muscle not fat and water retention, believe me itz a lot easier to get off that way to stay closer to your comp weight and BF% otherwise u will b hating life when u hit the carido and low carbs again