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Stomach bloat bad bacteria


New member
May 18, 2012
I’ve been reading through some threads on here about stomach bacteria, recently I’ve been struggling with appetite, gas, diarrhoea, bloating, and general crappy energy, my diet is decent aswell so no crappy diet, now I’ve had this for a few years but seems to be getting worse and I’m not getting any younger, Im beginning to think I’ve got SIBO and may try a round of antibiotics, so im thinking 2 weeks of rifaximin a 400mg 3x a day would this work? I’ve tried probiotics, apple vinegar cider, oregano oil to no avail still have the same problems

I’ve also read someone on here that does Bactrim once a year to nuke the bad bacteria in the stomach, is this also an option??
I’ve been reading through some threads on here about stomach bacteria, recently I’ve been struggling with appetite, gas, diarrhoea, bloating, and general crappy energy, my diet is decent aswell so no crappy diet, now I’ve had this for a few years but seems to be getting worse and I’m not getting any younger, Im beginning to think I’ve got SIBO and may try a round of antibiotics, so im thinking 2 weeks of rifaximin a 400mg 3x a day would this work? I’ve tried probiotics, apple vinegar cider, oregano oil to no avail still have the same problems

I’ve also read someone on here that does Bactrim once a year to nuke the bad bacteria in the stomach, is this also an option??
Gastroenteritis. Fairy common, especially for travelers to lesser ‘developed’ countries.

A virus, bacteria, or parasite can cause gastroenteritis. When it’s caused by a type of bacterium, it’s known as bacterial gastroenteritis.

When acute, AKA, travelers diarrhea. But yours sounds chronic 🙁

I would ask your doc about Bactrim before using it as it is an option but perhaps not the best depending on your condition.

Has a doctor or health care professional asked for a stool sample? Important.
No I haven’t seeked professional advice yet, I live in the UK so seeing any type of doctor is hard work atm
If it’s affecting your every day life then I’d definitely visit some sort of gastrointestinal specialist. I’d wanna nip that shit in the butt right quick! Nothing worse then having stomach issues constantly!

As others have said, see a GI doctor and take the guess work out. Beyond helping you clear it up you will need to maintain it after though.

I’d use SBO probiotics specifically, add bone broth to your meals and maybe do a run of PSMF diet with GDA’s, particularly berberine.

Nothing worse than having your gut off with bad digestive issues in bodybuilding.
I have cured my Sibo and numerous clients. I have written protocols in threads. look my name up in the search bar and "SIBO". Also, there are a few other knowledgeable guys in the GI system here, but @SouthernMuscle certainly knows a thing or two. It's an easy fix but takes a few weeks to a month to completely revitalize GI system. In the interim, I implore you to either buy or Make kefir at home it's easy (and a fun quick science experiment that takes about 18 to 24 hours in 70+F degree temp) and is a Slavic secret, a CUREALL for GI and immune system disorders. It is mandatory in every client of mines diets. Simple fix brother. greener pastures await you, exhaust your resources in the search bar. best wishes
Given you have diarreaoh, which will often come with gas and bloating, I would be fairly confident in saying something in your diet is likely the cause and probably has compounded over time.

Post your full diet from the last week with meal timings and bowel movement timings.

I don't coach any more but I used to specialise in those with GI issues.
Given you have diarreaoh, which will often come with gas and bloating, I would be fairly confident in saying something in your diet is likely the cause and probably has compounded over time.

Post your full diet from the last week with meal timings and bowel movement timings.

I don't coach any more but I used to specialise in those with GI issues.
lack of bile typically is the culprit, tudca easy fix for this issue as well as ACV diluted in water will stimulate bile production. Too much fat in diet that cannot be broken down, lipase digestive enzyme helps in conjunction with tudca in my experiences
lack of bile typically is the culprit, tudca easy fix for this issue as well as ACV diluted in water will stimulate bile production. Too much fat in diet that cannot be broken down, lipase digestive enzyme helps in conjunction with tudca in my experiences
How does tudca help with liver enzymes during orals etc? When is it dosed best? Thanks
I have a few suggestions based on my experiences:

- Do an elimination diet. Start removing things, one at a time, and see if you can identify triggers. For me, it was oatmeal. Shit was killing me. Subbed in shredded wheat (not as great I know) and I have no issues.
- Liquids before/during eating. Do you drink a ton of fluids around/during your eating times? It reduces the efficiency of your guts to breakdown food. IE: More moves further in your GI. Doctor mentioned this when I was having issues

Lastly, when I was taking low dose semi during a cut this year, my gut issues pretty much disappeared. Went from "loose" and urgent bathroom visits, to perfect 'no wipe ghost shits'. Now that I have taken the semi out, I am back to 'normal'. I am considering putting it back it simply for the positive GI impacts I experienced.
I have a few suggestions based on my experiences:

- Do an elimination diet. Start removing things, one at a time, and see if you can identify triggers. For me, it was oatmeal. Shit was killing me. Subbed in shredded wheat (not as great I know) and I have no issues.
- Liquids before/during eating. Do you drink a ton of fluids around/during your eating times? It reduces the efficiency of your guts to breakdown food. IE: More moves further in your GI. Doctor mentioned this when I was having issues

Lastly, when I was taking low dose semi during a cut this year, my gut issues pretty much disappeared. Went from "loose" and urgent bathroom visits, to perfect 'no wipe ghost shits'. Now that I have taken the semi out, I am back to 'normal'. I am considering putting it back it simply for the positive GI impacts I experienced.
You talking about semaglutide?

those effects were positive for you because you had loose stools to begin with. Had you continued w the dosing it might have went full swing the other direction.

was just talking w a friend whos coworker hadn’t shit in 2 weeks and would puke up anything she ate a few hours later. Zero stomach and intestinal motility

just sayin
I had same symptoms, maybe worse. Turned out to be an ulcer caused by H. Pylori bacteria. Doc eventually gave me antibiotics, but i was able to eliminate most of the issues with diet changes…stopped drinking coffee and alcohol, stopped eating oily, spicy, or acidic foods. Stopped drink milk entirely. Literally ate plain oatmeal, rice, chicken, and bread. Slowly began to add stuff back in to my diet. Turns out acidic (lime/lemons) and greasy foods were the trigger. Not too bad…shouldn’t have been eating greasy food anyway. Probiotics helped immensely.

I would see a doc first. Certain antibiotics can make the issue worse. Gastritis and gastroenteritis can be caused by a lot of different things. You don’t want to mess things up with the wrong meds.
I would get a GI map or see a specialist. "I think i have bad bacteria..." is not a good enough reason right now.
Gas, bloating, bad stool can be from soo many reasons and jumping to running antibiotics is very extreme.
You need to know 100% you a problem before you go that route.
Gastritis can cause gas and nasty acid reflux too. That's generally caused by bacteria which can be killed off with antibiotics.
a food allergy test is a good idea in conjunction to that before engaging in an elimination type diet, they have at home tests, also they have other microbiome at home tests all kinds of cool stuff now!
Get a GI Map done before doing or taking anything... well worth the investment trust me

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