I cut and pasted this from another forum (I am not the author). IMO it has some valuable information on managing your blood pressure. High BP is a problem, and not one to be taken lightly (although your bottom number of 69 is on the low end)
Best of luck,
As a BBer fast approaching the dreaded "big four-oh" I have developed a keen interest in preventative health and making sure I can maintain this mortal coil well into old age. One of the things most overlooked by BBers is blood pressure (BP). I would hazard a guess that 90% of the AAS-users on this board simply dont know what their BP is because it hasnt been checked in months (or even years).
I am writing this thread as I am currently at a reasonably heavy off season b/weight (125 kg) and everytime I get up over 120 kg I have to be careful as the extra weight bothers my BP. I thought it would be good to share my thoughts and insights on this topic, maybe someone will even listen to me and stay healthier as a result.
What is healthy BP? - the medical establishment will tell you 120/80 is "normal" BP. Athletes, particularly strength athletes often have slightly higher BP as they have bigger stronger hearts that are subject to greater stresses than non-trained individuals. Long term use of AAS/peptides etc can also enlarge the heart which can have some impact. I have discussed this at length with my Dr and he doesnt get too concerned if my systolic (top number) is under 160, he does however prefer to see the dyostolic (bottom number) 80 or lower. I like to keep the bottom number in the 60's if I can as this is the measure of how much the heart relaxes between beats and its the one Drs worry most about.
What causes BP to rise? - A myriad of lifestyle factors (diet, exercise, genetics, smoking, stress levels, etc etc). The usual cause in BBers is rapid weight gain and its usually the fluid retention associated with the drug use rather than the drugs per se. The bad news is that fluid retention assists in muscle gain, the good news is that you can manage your BP without ruining your gains.
Why bother? - High BP (hypertension) is no trivial matter. It is a strong contributor to cardiac disease and high BP over a long period of time subjects your kidneys to unnatural stress which can lead to kidney problems/failures. If you think kidney problems are not that special, go and talk to Juzzy, Im sure he will smack you around your dumb-ass head. If your BP gets up around 160/95 you should make an appt with your Dr. If it gets near 180/110 get urgent medical attention, you are a stroke waiting to happen.
How do I know my BP? - Simple, buy a half decent BP monitor and check yourself regularly. I have an Omron (recommended brand) that cost me $170 and it has a large cuff that will fit a BBers arm. And yes I know that on the Internet we all have 21 inch arms and hence the cuff doesnt fit blah blah blah.... but the cuff seems to fit my 19 inch pipes OK (sorry I am not in the 21 inch club boys.........)
How do I measure? - I suggest doing it 1st thing when you wake up and are nice and relaxed, also, keep your arm at "heart height" so either rest it on the table or lie down as you will get a more accurate reading. I usually take 3 readings as my 1st one is always a bit higher and then (as I relax) it drops down a bit.
Word of warning - anxiety will bump your BP up alot. I had my BP tested recently at the hospital after my surgeon had described the process he intended to use to cut out some skin cancers (one which looked nasty) and my BP was 160/95. Naturally I shit my pants and when I got home I tried to relax and then took the reading myself and it was 136/67 which is fine for me.
So what can I do? - If its really high (over 160/95) you need to get medical advice, there are lots of things you can do to manage it though, the main ones for me are:
- Drink lots of water (5 litres + ED) - you should be doing this anyway
- Do cardio -20-30 minutes 4-5 days per week will do it (you should also be doing this anyway if you value your ticker)
- Keep salty shitty foods to a minimum.
- Keep use of of aromatising androgens to a minimum (OK, this aint always easy)
- If you need to use androgens, use an anti-e to keep water retention down.
- Natural supps - hawthorn berries capsules can lower BP 10-20 points but use them in conjunction with the other measures above. There are a number of natural BP formulas around (BB.com have a few) and these are helpful, I use one for added protection.
- Rx BP meds - your Dr can prescribe meds for you, these are usually a BP med like Catapres or a diuretic. I dont know about you but I would rather not take extra meds or a daily dose of diuretics (I HATE diuretics as they make me feel like shit) if I can manage it "naturally" (oxymoron I know)
I am a strong believer that you can use AAS, achieve your BBing goals and live to a ripe old age if you are smart and sensible. BP is known as the "silent killer" as people who die from BP-related ilnesses usually dont know they had the condition as often there are no physical symptoms whatsoever.
On ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure my friends.
Stay safe