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Blood Type Diets?


Featured Member
Sep 8, 2004
Anybody follow a blood type diet? Results? Been reading up and find it quite interesting. Alot of the foods on the "AVOID" list for my type (A) are foods that I have had bad reactions to in the past. Unfortunately there is no "BENEFICIAL" proteins only "TYPICALLY TOLERATED" for my type, and I am supposed to avoid beef. Not sure about that one :( Thoughts?

It is BS. No scientific proof that a blood type diet is any better for you than eating wisely.

Anybody follow a blood type diet? Results? Been reading up and find it quite interesting. Alot of the foods on the "AVOID" list for my type (A) are foods that I have had bad reactions to in the past. Unfortunately there is no "BENEFICIAL" proteins only "TYPICALLY TOLERATED" for my type, and I am supposed to avoid beef. Not sure about that one :( Thoughts?


I used to follow it and I got Jeremy Freeman on it years ago. I trained the guy from univ. of New Mexico that was working on it originally 15 years ago. I think there is some validity to it but it goes way beyond just your type, but they seem to be on track............I guess.:)
I used to follow it and I got Jeremy Freeman on it years ago. I trained the guy from univ. of New Mexico that was working on it originally 15 years ago. I think there is some validity to it but it goes way beyond just your type, but they seem to be on track............I guess.:)

Jeremy actually refered me to the book I am reading. Eat right for 4 your Type by Peter Dadamo.

there was an article on t-nation like 2 weeks ago named something like nutriogenomics explaining how our genes dictate how we respond to certain foods and even coffee. there is some validity to it but more work needs to be done. Eric Talmant rights a lot about it on elitefts.com

Phil, why are you no longer on the diet?
Real or BS

I flipped through one of the books at Boarders and it told me to stay away from Eggs since i am O- . i eat a good amount of eggs and now every time my wife gives them to me i ask myself is their something better i could be consuming. I just thought egg whites/ whole eggs were good protein. i dont take in enough calories to put the size on my frame i want (currently 6'3 220 aprox. 12%BF) eggs and chicken are a staple. is it worth reading more indepth?
i thougth it was interesting because i am o and the foods that give me the worst problems were the foods on my list of foods to avoid cut them out feel ten times better.
I just read that book and started to clean my diet up. Like others I am a type O. Many of the avid foods are ones that cause me problems, especially dairy and wheat. I still eat eggs but not like I used too. Now I save the whey isolate for post workout only and use the Gemma Isolate made from green peas as my main protein powder. I've been on the "diet" for 2 wks now and I'm down 10lbs and the goal is to drop 20 more. I look at the program as one that makes me stop and think about what I'm eating to make sure I stay on track. In another month I get blood work done and I'll see if it has an effect on that.

just read about it in planet muscle,good info.i dont know how much truth is behide it,its worth looking into.
I think I am going to experiment with it for a bit. Have the wifey doing it as well. Gonna be hard for me to get the calories I need without the red meat, will have to supplement with more oils etc. The part I did like was that Peanut Butter was considered "Highly Beneficial" which made me feel better about the 2+ jars a week I have been downing. Its like medicine......almost:D

Jay Cutler said he follows it, he talks about it in his new dvd.
issui the book I gave to him 12 years ago, hahahahahahaha

My new endocrinologist had me read this book this past week. I guess its a more updated issues "Live Right 4 Your Type", by Dr. Peter D'Adamo. He says the Blood Type Diets really are legit and benefit all his patents and he has been using them for the past 20 years. He told me to try it for a few months then switch back and to non blood type diet for a week and see what happens and how I feel. This doctor has 3 MD's by the way. He is a geneticist, rheumatologist , and endocrinologist and is partner is a DO and ,ND so he also takes a holistic approach.

My thing is I can't eat chicken and tomatoes on the diet and thats all I use to eat. I can eat pretty much all meat accept chicken and pork. No Gluten. Going to do brown rice and buy brown rice pasta and use a cream of mushroom soup instead of tomatoes for my post workout pasta meals.
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I think I am going to experiment with it for a bit. Have the wifey doing it as well. Gonna be hard for me to get the calories I need without the red meat, will have to supplement with more oils etc. The part I did like was that Peanut Butter was considered "Highly Beneficial" which made me feel better about the 2+ jars a week I have been downing. Its like medicine......almost:D


what oils will you be supplementing with?

I am just curious as I try to use a variety on my diet but sometimes find myself using natural PB more and more the deeper I get into my prep...lol..:p
Dave Villegas where are you? This is your specialty
what oils will you be supplementing with?

I am just curious as I try to use a variety on my diet but sometimes find myself using natural PB more and more the deeper I get into my prep...lol..:p

I mix the olive in with my shakes.... and probably use it on my chicken as well. That and I am sticking with the All Nat PB by the tablespoon. Keep a jar in my desk at work :D This weekend though all bets are off and your buying me a nice fat steak:)

I mix the olive in with my shakes.... and probably use it on my chicken as well. That and I am sticking with the All Nat PB by the tablespoon. Keep a jar in my desk at work :D This weekend though all bets are off and your buying me a nice fat steak:)


Try UDO's Oil.
This stuff has been great for me. Deffinately helps with inflimation, digestion and the list goes on. Check it out. You can find it in most 'Whole Foods' type of store.
Udo's Oil

**broken link removed**
heres a link for info your blood type diet with the type of foods that are allowed/no allowed if anyone is interested.

**broken link removed**

im thinking about giving this a try as well. Im type AB and im just not digging the red meat anymore. I have always felt better when i stuck to fish. Everything else is pretty much the same.Im just going to have to use my oils for cals now. Except im going to have to give up my frosted flakes :(
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