my blood work came back from the doctors
test 6000ng
all my other values doc said were actually pretty good but not accurate,heres the kicker my blood work was not comfirmed because, my sample was hemolized (basically not handled properly)!!! Meaning contaminated which means red blood cells broke, and high potassium level from fluids will effect everything but the testosterone part of the test.... he was like WTF fuck are you on!!!LOL i said Irannies babe!! and EC.. have you heard of
but having said that I now know Irainian test E batch # 075 and #095 white and black dots are GTG!!!
i'm on right now
750mgs of test -e iranians
400 mgs of EQ from EC
going to tommorrow to get my blood redraw....
test 6000ng
all my other values doc said were actually pretty good but not accurate,heres the kicker my blood work was not comfirmed because, my sample was hemolized (basically not handled properly)!!! Meaning contaminated which means red blood cells broke, and high potassium level from fluids will effect everything but the testosterone part of the test.... he was like WTF fuck are you on!!!LOL i said Irannies babe!! and EC.. have you heard of
but having said that I now know Irainian test E batch # 075 and #095 white and black dots are GTG!!!
i'm on right now
750mgs of test -e iranians
400 mgs of EQ from EC
going to tommorrow to get my blood redraw....