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*Board Rules - Everyone Read*


The "Elder" Mod
Kilo Klub Member
Jun 5, 2002
Here are the Rules in black and white:

1) NO SOURCE POSTING. Do not post a source or tell people to e-mail you for a source. That post will be deleted as it endangers the existence of this board, the source, and you.

2) Do not post ASKING for a source. This is for your protection as much as the sources. Unfortunately, there are many unscrupulous Scammers that are looking for bros that are “asking for it” and your e-mail will be full of these Scams.

3) NO flaming or threatening another bro and it will not be tolerated. A mod will delete your post and give you a warning. If you really have a problem with something that was posted, send that member a PM or email. DO NOT air dirty laundry in a post.

4) This is a board where we discuss hardcore bodybuilding and hypothetical aids such as AAS, GH, Insulin, etc. We DO NOT DISCUSS anything about Recreational Drugs.

5) Read numbers 10, 11, and 12 this post: http://www.professionalmuscle.com/fo...p?threadid=411 This board is mainly comprised of "ELITE" bodybuilders - many top-level national competitors and even several IFBB Pros (just check out http://www.professionalmuscle.com/fo...une=&forumid=4 as the proof is in the pudding!). We aren't saying don't ask questions, just put some thought and effort into your questions. Post your questions in the Beginner's Forum if you're unsure.

6) Do not post a web site or store where someone can purchase something that any of the board sponsors sells. Those references will be deleted.

7) Do not use PM (on this or any board) to discuss sources or any "private" subjects. PM is not secure messaging! So - keep those discussions to "secure" e-mails.

8) I suggest hanging around the board for a while before you even e-mail anybody. Everyone has a lot to lose in this game and discretion is always necessary. Give the other bros and bras a chance to know you first. Always use your “board handle” in correspondence. If Joe Smith e-mails me and his board handle is ImaBigOne but doesn't tell me, I have no idea who he is!

9) This site has a good Search Engine. I always try and find the answers to my questions at a site by using the Search first - I recommend you do the same.

10) Do not ask us to set up a cycle for you. We do not know enough particulars about you, your activity level, body composition, or nutritional and rest habits to give you adequate advise. DO THE RESEARCH, then post your proposed cycle and let us critique it.

11) No advertising, legal or otherwise, allowed anywhere on the board, for ANYTHING, bodybuilding related or not, unless it is one of the paid sponsors or is approved by Big A first!

12) When members post photos, if you do not have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all! Critique ONLY if the member posting the photos has asked so!

13) No political, religious or economic talk allowed. If you wish to discuss those topics, please go to www.discussworldissues.com

14) Please check the laws of your country before you order any sponsor products. The onus is on the buyer, and the sponsor or ProfessionalMuscle.com will not be responsible in any way if you break the laws of where you live.
The sponsors are legitimate legal companies in their own countries and they do not break any laws where they operate. That is why they can advertise here.
You cannot discuss openly a sponsors products or ask a sponsor about shipping methods or if they can get you certain products on the open board.
if you need to know what a sponsor carries or how they ship, go to their website or email them.

15) Members can only post in the sponsor threads if they have minimum 50 posts. Any posts from members that do not meet this criteria, will be erased and the member will get a 3 day ban.

16) If you are in a country where it is illegal to purchase products from a board sponsor, and you have an issue with your order, DO NOT ask for help from a moderator of the board, as you will be asking the mod to help you in breaking the law. Any such requests will simply be ignored.

17) There is to be no links posted on the site to illegal copyright sites or content. Any such links will be immediately erased and the member posibbly banned.

18) no porn in avatars or anywhere else on the site

19) Only sponsors and their direct staff can have banners in their sigs.
Too many members wanting to rep for free gear and because of the price of product, sponsors are willing to build up a large gang to run interference for them! Sponsors should be doing their own rep work, as these reps they have do not have access to the cores and do not know anything of the business, and therefore cannot handle any board complaints...The only thing they can do is bump threads (only because they are receiving free product). This is the same thing a loyal customer can do.

20) Sponsors and Members - no prices, product details or shipping details!

21) Members must reach 50 posts before they earn the privilege to post in the restricted forums. The posts must be of a high quality standard as deemed by the mods. Any mod at his own discretion can ban a member deemed to be post whoring trying to reach the 50 post count.

22) Keep signatures to unobtrusive text unless you are board staff, a sponsor, a sponsor representative, or a board supporter. Keep avatars within reason. No pornographic or obscene images or images of recreational drug behavior are tolerated. Sponsors and their reps cannot have banners in their signatures that are larger than the banner they pay for to advertise on the board.

23)"Rules For The Counselling Forum":

a)The Counselling Forum rules do not nullify any existing Professionalmuscle rules. Additionally, all of the main forum's rules of Professionalmuscle still apply to the Counselling Forum. In addition to the standard forum rules, the following additional rules will apply both forwardly and retroactively as the case may be, inside the Counselling Forum:

b) Since the possibility exists of severe harm to an individual's mental (or other) health, any moderator can, at his or her discretion, temporarily or permanently terminate membership immediately and without warning and without regard to any status of the member.

c) The Counselling Forum should never be used to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Any posts, threads, or questions related to these actions will be removed or locked. This is not an arguable point and any action on the part of a member to disrupt the forum can have his/her membership revoked temporarily or permanently at the moderators' discretion.

d) Discussing drugs and/or drug-related therapies is prohibited. A member may already be in treatment and/or receiving treatment and such discussion could cause a disruption in treatment and possible irreparable harm to a fellow member. Be extremely cautious in this area. Medications should be discussed with a doctor or other licensed professional only, not in the Counselling Forum.

e) No medical advice will be given in any way whatsoever other than to direct an individual to a professional, and if a professional is not available, to call the nearest emergency response centre for emergency care.

f) Be nice to one another. Any responses that contain vitriol or otherwise harsh words or phrases can worsen another member's situation to a great degree. Special care must be taken to be a friend to a member's situation in their time of need. Harsh words and language in the Counselling Forum can result in your membership being temporarily or permanently revoked.

g) Be tolerant at all times. Any posts deemed to be prejudicial or hateful to any gender, race, creed, financial status, religion, sexual orientation, or any other specific group will be deleted immediately and if necessary, possible further action in regards to the offender's membership.

h) Lastly, the Counselling Forum is not to be used by new members to increase their post count. Any appearance of "post whoring" will not be tolerated, the posts will be removed, and you may be subject to membership suspension or elimination.

i) These rules have been approved of and by the board administrators and the owner and are not open to debate. We are all here to help one another in a friendly way. Be a friend and feel free to offer friendly advice in regards to another member's predicament. If you feel that the member has asked a question that is beyond the scope of friendly advice, please contact a moderator or direct them to a professional to receive proper treatment as indicated above.

j) Summary of rules is simple and direct. Be kind and caring to one another. This forum is to remain a haven for members to come and discuss the ordinary problems of everyday life. In order for a forum of this kind to be successful, an individual must be safe from harsh and hurtful responses from other members. Please be kind and keep each other safe from harm. You have that power. Use it responsibly.


ProfessionalMuscle.com DOES NOT condone illegal activity, so if you wish to break the laws in your country, then it is your responsability.

If any of your questions are such as those mentioned above, it may be either locked up (so you can see that we don't tolerate this here) OR simply deleted. If you want to make a stink about this, simply find another board that tolerates this before you get banned.

Understand we are trying to insure the safety and enjoyment of EVERYONE involved and appreciate your cooperation. If you have any further questions, please feel free to PM or e-mail a mod.

If you wish to discuss the rules, you can do so in this thread:
one point that i would like to rehash is the "asking for a source" type e mails that i have gotten lately. guys, please do not take offense when we can not recommend a source. it is the policy of this board to not recommend anyone. it is for everyones own safety. remember that the monitors do not know everyone that posts. so we can not recommend anyone to someone who e mails us out of the blue asking for help. not because we are trying to be jerks but, we have a obligation to protect the board first. there is a lot of b.s. going on out there nowadays, the last thing we want is for anyone to get"hurt"....
one more thing

If your low carbing restrict your posts to carb days.. :) I think this would stop some of the less constructive posts at least for me :)
Re: *Board Rules - Please Read*

Roger that.

xcelbeyond said:
Here’s the Rules in black and white –

1) NO SOURCE POSTING. Do not post a source or tell people to e-mail you for a source. That post will be deleted as it endangers the existence of this board, the source, and you.

2) Do not post ASKING for a source. This is for your protection as much as the sources. Unfortunately, there are many unscrupulous Scammers that are looking for bros that are “asking for it” and your e-mail will be full of these Scams.

3) NO flaming or threatening another bro and it will not be tolerated. A mod will delete your post and give you a warning. Now that Big A has taught me how to perform the “admin functions” of the board, I’ll be on the hunt. :D (I would’ve cut-off the “To Grape Ape” thread if I had known how to do it!).

4) This is a board where we discuss hardcore bodybuilding and hypothetical aids such as AAS, GH, Insulin, etc. We DO NOT DISCUSS anything about Recreational Drugs.

Other Suggestions -

~ Do not use PM (on this or any board) to discuss sources or any "private" subjects. PM is not secure messaging! So - keep those discussions to "secure" e-mails.

~ I suggest hanging around the board for a while before you even e-mail anybody. Everyone has a lot to lose in this game and discretion is always necessary. Give the other bros and bras a chance to know you first. Always use your “board handle” in correspondence. If Joe Smith e-mails me and his board handle is ImaBigOne but doesn't tell me, I have no idea who he is!

~ This site has a good Search Engine. I always try and find the answers to my questions at a site by using the Search first - I recommend you do the same.

Understand we are trying to insure the safety and enjoyment of EVERYONE involved and appreciate your cooperation. If you have any further questions, please feel free to e-mail a mod.

tourets syndrome....lmao......uh-ohhhh....seizure....coming.....on......coc* sucker muther fu**** son of a bi***.....lol :D Seriously though, these are the rules that all of the great boards, past and present usually live by! I know that when I was a mod over at the Gade, we stuck to the same guns and it worked well, same at the old UG and Bolex...at the same time, there are a lot of great guys here that are always helpful in many ways and have excellent advice in just about all areas of bb'ing ;)

thnx bro!

but i don't understand why there are still so many guys showing the infos of source.

who knows?
This shouldn't be happening. PM me with a specific example.
What can we discuss?

Seems so far the messages are restricted to not talking about much. I am a new member learning the rules. Could I recommend a good book written by the most sought after attorney in the HGH and steroid field. It could help out and clear up misconceptions about the laws regarding these issues and it talks about each state individually. Anyway, let me know if I could share this good book. Thanks.
Seems so far the messages are restricted to not talking about much. I am a new member learning the rules. Could I recommend a good book written by the most sought after attorney in the HGH and steroid field. It could help out and clear up misconceptions about the laws regarding these issues and it talks about each state individually. Anyway, let me know if I could share this good book. Thanks.

Books are not drugs, so its ok. If someone needs the info, post it but dont be like 'hey for 19.99 you too can get blah blah blah."
Rule 15 Cheers for a Sponsor

I got great service from a sponsor who requested that I post my experience with its service and support. I would like to do that but under Rule 15 I have not been a member here long enough and do not yet have enough posts to do that. I was wondering what is the purpose of Rule 15 and if there are any exceptions to it?
I got great service from a sponsor who requested that I post my experience with its service and support. I would like to do that but under Rule 15 I have not been a member here long enough and do not yet have enough posts to do that. I was wondering what is the purpose of Rule 15 and if there are any exceptions to it?

The purpose of rule 15 is to weed out newbies that cant' be bothered reading the rules and post stupid shit in sponsor's threads. So there are no arguments, there are no exceptions.
Y big A I hate that

Ya I hate it when new people post stupid stuff in sponsor threads too. I also hate it when people type on here and use bad language in their posts. It shows a certain lack of maturity. There should be a rule about that.
ok I ve been a menber to this form for a while and I cant seem to leave any replys or feedback on the sponsors pages, whats the deal?

Considering you ju8st post whored yourself over 50 MEANINGFUL posts in the last hour, it might take the system a while to update. I love seeing one persons name in the Some Thougths thread with killer info like"I am getting hungry now".

Sometimes i am really amazed at people
Considering you ju8st post whored yourself over 50 MEANINGFUL posts in the last hour, it might take the system a while to update. I love seeing one persons name in the Some Thougths thread with killer info like"I am getting hungry now".

Sometimes i am really amazed at people

Sometimes I'm amazed at stuff like this. He'll be in the banned forum in about 2 minutes bitching and asking why we didn't just warn him:rolleyes:
Good Stuff.

I totally agree with what your saying: I was one of them jerks whom asked about the top 5 on here..Was'nt thinking..Sometimes i forget that NOT everyone on this site is here for the knowledge and Information..Sad but very true...So keep it up Gentleman..Im 51 and still love to read the info in here..Knowledge is Power!!!

Semper Fi.
Mods, just wanted to see if rule 14 could be updated to make it clear that NO T/A or shipping information shall be discussed on the open forum?

It seems some newer members are interpreting the rules correctly and this would allow member to reference rule 14 when a new member posts T/A time and there would be no confusion.

Ive been on this board for 6 months. I read threads and so forth. But i would like to start accumulating post. Were do u start.

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