Holy shit! Body Research!? DO you got a newspaper aticle link for this one, I'm one the way to the pharmacy in about an hour I'm gonna ask the chik there what the deal is, I thought that company was totally legit..
Apparently, the info I got.. was that the company that was making the AAS for Body Research was shut down by the Thai FDA; either for not having an import deal or for making AAS at the same place they were making anti-biotics, or something, but anyway she said BR will only be out for about a month as they make new arrangements to have their stuff made so I guess it's not a big deal..
Makes me wonder about his other products??
funny thing is this guy is backed by some of the very best..
Im sure many of you know and probly use him. Infact
he is backed by a few from here and some of my other favorite boards.
Maybe they are just old ones??
he is selling them by the 100`s though.
Regardless Ill stay away myself and not send others that direction.
|--[\\\]>------ It's a shame, the 'source' is prob. a good one, but does not know all about his products that he carries. A good source should be one who has great service AND knows every little thing about his products.