I'm pretty sure you've got that backwards bro.
I think the study you are referring to showed desensitization to HCG NOT sensitization.
If HCG sensitized the testes, after PCT when the HPTA came back into ballance, the over sensitive testes would pump out huge natty test. (probably a good thing)
Anyway, the study showed that desensitization occurred with huge doses given over extended periods of time. This doesn't compare to the relatively tiny doses male BBers use while on cycle.
Also, I read that a TINY dose of Clomid (5-10mg approx) concurrent to HCG use has been show to reduce testicular desensitization. This means that the clomid can be used on cycle, but in tiny doses. The dose size would increase dramatically in PCT.
Good old clomid, ya just gotta love it!...