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bodyfat estimation and critique please


Active member
Feb 9, 2010
Hey Everyone,
Haven't been posting on the boards in a while, but I constantly checkout whats going on here. I've been wanting to post some pics and finally found my camera. Looking for a bodyfat estimation and members recommendation on my lagging parts. Obviously my chest, had trouble with that until recently because of torn rotator. Anyway, thanks in advance!

**broken link removed**

175 lbs
lifting 4 years
Its hard to tell. I haven't ever checked my fat percentage in my life. I just gage by the mirror. That is all that really matters anyway. calipers might say you are around 8%..
Im not so great at this but Ill say 8% give or take.
yea thanks. Seems like I've been cutting forever. Came down alot of weight and need that abdominal area to tighten up skin wise. Thanks for the replies and looking forward to eating more soon.
You are very lean. I'm guessing you are eating to few calories. If you try to keep dropping to make the loose skin disappear I'm afraid your body is just eating away lean muscle mass for energy. My suggestion is to slowing start adding calories back in. Get a good macro plan and start to rebuild your body.
Just my .02cents from what I see on my screen.
If you want to drop that last little bit of stomach skin fat, you sometimes have to actually eat MORE, low carb of course, but you must actually work MORE as well. Sometimes the body is very resistant at letting go of the last little bit of fat it has, so in order to do this, you must trick the body into thinking it has plenty calories and nutrients at its access, but you must also work even harder for this trick to work. I would suggest you always have BCAA's in your system while youre doing cardio, and do some very intense sprinting, intense cardio is known for its visceral fat burning, and as long as you have plenty of aminos in you, you shouldnt lose muscle, especially if youre on gear.
low. 7-8%. but throwing it off is a lack of muscle. At the same BF%, with significantly more muscle, you would look really impressive.
Keep working in the gym.
Thanks for the posts guys. Actually this week I was feeling a little run down so I substituted a meal with a supreme protein bar and felt like I was on speed. I plan to do just that, with eating more protein and increasing the workload a little bit more while cutting my running down some also. Now that I'm finally heading down bf wise to where I want to be I am getting very eager to add some muscle again.

I don't know if anyone's interested, but I posted a while back saying that I had a problem with the flab and stretch marks. I've been reading about skin and weight loss and the opinion most people have is that as long as you stay lean long enough for your body to tighten up, that it has a decent chance of doing so. Now of course depends on some variables but, I had a consultation for some laser skin tightening and stretch mark removal. I'll post more pics after all that's done as well. Going to be a little time on that. Thanks for the motivation.

KDT & JimmyJones are right on. BCAA's are on the way ;)
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You are very lean. I'm guessing you are eating to few calories. If you try to keep dropping to make the loose skin disappear I'm afraid your body is just eating away lean muscle mass for energy. My suggestion is to slowing start adding calories back in. Get a good macro plan and start to rebuild your body.
Just my .02cents from what I see on my screen.
K have diet off any muscle you may have had and if you eat to stay lean you won't put any more. EAT & LIFT HEAVY!
Yea Amazon, I can see how that happened. I've been pretty much cutting since I first started training at all. I was really heavy before, 280 lbs when I was in high school. I ballooned after eating McDonald's all day when I worked there. I have never really had a goal to gain muscle in mind. I just lifted because I knew there were alot of benefits and wanted to try and "tighten and tone" as I used to think haha. So for about 5 years now or so, I've been cutting through a lot of trial and error. I am excited as hell to get going in another direction for a little bit but I'm on such a roll right now that I don't want to stop just yet.

I do have a question, with the bcaa's. You guys recommend them pre workout and maybe with breakfast as well? Also, someone from another board was saying that if I insist on cutting more to use a low dose prop or some winny/var for the remainder. What do you guys think? Thanks for the replies.
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Yea Amazon, I can see how that happened. I've been pretty much cutting since I first started training at all. I was really heavy before, 280 lbs when I was in high school. I ballooned after eating McDonald's all day when I worked there. I have never really had a goal to gain muscle in mind. I just lifted because I knew there were alot of benefits and wanted to try and "tighten and tone" as I used to think haha. So for about 5 years now or so, I've been cutting through a lot of trial and error. I am excited as hell to get going in another direction for a little bit but I'm on such a roll right now that I don't want to stop just yet.

I do have a question, with the bcaa's. You guys recommend them pre workout and maybe with breakfast as well? Also, someone from another board was saying that if I insist on cutting more to use a low dose prop or some winny/var for the remainder. What do you guys think? Thanks for the replies.

You can take the BCAAs anytime, first thing in am and pre and post workout as well. Low dose test will help to keep muscle while dieting and doing cardio.

Congrats on your transformation bro! Going from 280 to where you are now took some discipline and hard work.

I agree with what everybody is saying here. If you were to put some size on in your chest, traps, shoulders and arms, you would be looking good! If you stay lean, just a small amount of extra mass will make a huge difference. I think it is just a matter of making small changes and seeing how those work. Add in calories slowly. Make sure you are taking in healthy fats, maybe throw some CLA in with the fish oil.

All in all, good job bro. I don't know your lifting routine but it looks like some incline barbell or dumbell presses could help with filling out those upper pecs!

Good luck!
Hey thanks for the motivation guys. I relaxed for a couple days on the diet and started back up today. Feeling pretty good, but how do you guys work in the leg days doing cardio constantly? Pretty much just skip/light cardio when doing quads? Figured this could work, but I noticed that my legs lost some size.

I will start hitting the incline presses. I tend to overdo it sometimes with the sets and cardio from time to time. One thing that I definitely notice is that I hold a noticeable amount of water when I put carbs back in. Like right now, I have no abs and its only been 3 days. Ouch. I am very excited to move on to trying to gain some size though. :headbang:

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