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Boldelone Cypionate

Damn. That is some high estradiol… did you switch to letro after?
no - it's strange but I don't feel any effects of such high estrogen apart from a weaker libido and this is very strange because when I was younger, when my estrogen was above 60 I was swollen with water like a balloon - it seems to change with age.
As you can see, EQ does not reduce E2 in everyone lol - I will only add that when I performed this EQ dosage was higher than the test and I also took 25mg of aromasin a day lol
How did you take 25mg aromasin a day and function ?
This time it was a Sensitive Estradiol Assay?
Curious; why would it need to be on just test and eq? I always thought the theory was for some eq converts to estrone and competes with estradiol

I could be completely wrong, haven’t looked into it for a long time.
This time it was a Sensitive Estradiol Assay?
I have already written more than once - in Poland it is not possible to perform the leading test - I don't know if there is a single laboratory that performs it... unfortunately but you can do e1 separately and it is also in roof plus my e2 level has increased by 180 out of 280 over the last month, so even if it's an ELISA test error, the increase is still huge
Curious; why would it need to be on just test and eq? I always thought the theory was for some eq converts to estrone and competes with estradiol

I could be completely wrong, haven’t looked into it for a long time.
Not just on Test and Eq. Tren can also give absurdly high (false) readings for E2.
Boldenone converts mostly to E1 indeed, and a non-sensitive assay picks it as E2.
I have already written more than once - in Poland it is not possible to perform the leading test - I don't know if there is a single laboratory that performs it... unfortunately but you can do e1 separately and it is also in roof plus my e2 level has increased by 180 out of 280 over the last month, so even if it's an ELISA test error, the increase is still huge

Your "E2" reading has nominally gone from 180 to 280, but since with this test you get totally skewed results, it may actually have gone from 20 to 23 . Or even from 20 to 12 , with a larger spike in E1 picked as E2. The Aromasin is inhibiting the Boldenone to Estrone convesion too,since at your EQ dose the E1 level is generally WAY higher than your E2+E1 total value.
The op seems to be switching out primo for eq, curious why, doesn't primo have anti effects? How do the rest of the affects and fullnes or muscle quality compare? Strength etc? I took primo at too high a dose, like 500 with 750 or more of test and felt like I was on nothing, that was before resized how it affects estrogen and inthink I've become someone who dumps estrogen or it naturally doesn't convert as much etc. I ask for future cycles. For summer if I was running higher test like a gram would 300-400 primo kill my sex drive, would it have any anabolic affect? I don't know if it's bound or what but test doesn't work like it used to for me. Even running broke twice a week makes a huge difference in high test. So how does primo compare to test and to high dose test? Thanks
Not just on Test and Eq. Tren can also give absurdly high (false) readings for E2.
Boldenone converts mostly to E1 indeed, and a non-sensitive assay picks it as E2.
Right but he stated he’s just on test and eq?

Also why would a non sensitive essay pick up e1 (estrone) as e2 (estradiol)? I thought that’s what an estrogen blood test is for.
Right but he stated he’s just on test and eq?

Also why would a non sensitive essay pick up e1 (estrone) as e2 (estradiol)? I thought that’s what an estrogen blood test is for.
Have you seen some of the now hundreds bloods posted by people on Test and Eq? With a 1:1 ratio most times E2 is below the normal range (without any AI), sometimes even undetectable. That's using the accurate method, otherwise you get spuriously high E2, but it's actually Estrone gone sky high.
The non-sensitive is old and outdated, definitely not suitable when using more than just Test.
That's using the accurate method, otherwise you get spuriously high E2, but it's actually Estrone gone sky high.
But the e2 test is testing for only e2 (estradiol), not e1 no? Even the non sensitivite? Then a total estrogen test would test for both, and an e1 test would test for estrone?
But the e2 test is testing for only e2 (estradiol), not e1 no? Even the non sensitivite? Then a total estrogen test would test for both, and an e1 test would test for estrone?
I genuinely dunno anymore what part of the picture you're missing...
Of course the E2 test should be only for E2, and this is the whole point: the old non-sensitive assay picks both E2 and E1 as Estradiol.
A total Estrogens test shows you the sum of E1, E2 and Estriol.
the old non-sensitive assay picks both E2 and E1 as Estradiol.
A total Estrogens test shows you the sum of E1, E2 and Estriol.
Okay, this is what I wasn’t understanding lol. I was not aware that the non sensitive picked up e1 as e2.
In France i dont think there is a sensitive E2
But on test and eq it gives very low readings which seems correct
While on test and tren you will have a higher like 300 500 reading depending on how much tren you are running
The op seems to be switching out primo for eq, curious why, doesn't primo have anti effects? How do the rest of the affects and fullnes or muscle quality compare? Strength etc? I took primo at too high a dose, like 500 with 750 or more of test and felt like I was on nothing, that was before resized how it affects estrogen and inthink I've become someone who dumps estrogen or it naturally doesn't convert as much etc. I ask for future cycles. For summer if I was running higher test like a gram would 300-400 primo kill my sex drive, would it have any anabolic affect? I don't know if it's bound or what but test doesn't work like it used to for me. Even running broke twice a week makes a huge difference in high test. So how does primo compare to test and to high dose test? Thanks
I haven’t run eq in years. I just tried primo this past year and loved it with a 2:1 test to primo. If I went any higher it killed my sex drive. I picked up some BC and wanted to see if it would give me the same results as primo.
I have a bad habit of fkn up a good run by changing it up. I respond well on low dose so I run it year round and pull blood panel every 6 months.
I'm going to try it again before summer. Going to start with high test and keep the primo at like 1/3 and see how that works. I wonder if there mast in what would happen with this whole estrogen and low sex drive thing. Might make worse.

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