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Boot Camp


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Jan 28, 2007
I know we got some military guys running around here. How was boot camp in terms of weight and even muscle loss? Some of my buddies came out looking like skeletor. I plan on joining the Israeli army at some point and I was just wondering about what I will be looking at terms of losing muscle.
I know we got some military guys running around here. How was boot camp in terms of weight and even muscle loss? Some of my buddies came out looking like skeletor. I plan on joining the Israeli army at some point and I was just wondering about what I will be looking at terms of losing muscle.
Boot camp is very intense cardio wise. I went to united states marine corps boot camp. We were constantly running around and screaming. Speed and intensity. We were lucky to get 5 hours of sleep a night. We did field ops where we were awake for 3 straight days. It's tough and you will lose muscle and size. You will be much stronger mentally though
really really skinny guys put on weight. Anyone with any appreciable amount of muscle mass will lose ALOT of it.
I just got back like 8 days ago. I lost 30lbs, a good bit of it muscle and a TON of strength. Like 80lbs on my bench, I can hardly squat now. Its pitiful. I can run like a 5:20 mile though, ahah.
Yea I am considering either the Marines and going to Israel and doing some combat. But that will require 3 months of learning hebrew then another 14.5 months of training and then combat
as stated above it will be cardio intense,i saw skinny guys put on a little muscle,soft guys lose fat and yes muscular guys lost muscle.
Yea I am considering either the Marines and going to Israel and doing some combat. But that will require 3 months of learning hebrew then another 14.5 months of training and then combat

Nice plan, but I can almost GUARENTEE you that it will not go down like that.
Nice plan, but I can almost GUARENTEE you that it will not go down like that.

Which part? And whichever part, break it down for me, I would love to hear how knowledgeable you are about this since you are guaranteeing me that it wont happen that way. And I was being broad. But if I do go to Israel, I will do the 3 months in the army ulpan to learn hebrew. Then I go to basic training for 4 months or so and then I become an IDF soldier.. its broad, but that is the process
You should be more worried about getting your cardio and endurance up rather then how much muscle you'll lose. Your going to lose a lot, trust me. I was in teh US Marine Corps and i lost a shit ton of weight in boot.
You should be more worried about getting your cardio and endurance up rather then how much muscle you'll lose. Your going to lose a lot, trust me. I was in teh US Marine Corps and i lost a shit ton of weight in boot.

Yea I hear ya bro. I was just curious as to how much one would lose. If I do go, I will probably be taking some time off just to start preparing for it.
Which part? And whichever part, break it down for me, I would love to hear how knowledgeable you are about this since you are guaranteeing me that it wont happen that way. And I was being broad. But if I do go to Israel, I will do the 3 months in the army ulpan to learn hebrew. Then I go to basic training for 4 months or so and then I become an IDF soldier.. its broad, but that is the process

First off, if you're considering going into the service, you can't always get your panties in a bunch so easily...get some thick skin or the army/marines will wear you out.
Also, I'd love to hear how you came up with this plan, a recruiter? Why would you spend four months in basic? And no, if you think the process is just that simple, you are being deceived. Do you have any idea how many guys join with airborne, or ranger in their CONTRACT, and never make it.

Also, I'm sure some of the more experienced guys on the board, AAS wise, if they were to give you gear advice, you'd jump all over it...right? You might want to be a little more receptive to someone whos BEEN THERE and DONE THAT.
My buddy went off to boot camp about 15lbs bigger than me (bigger arms too), he came back 10lbs lighter and you can tell he really lost a lot of muscle. But for the first time in his life, he could outrun me. :D
First off, if you're considering going into the service, you can't always get your panties in a bunch so easily...get some thick skin or the army/marines will wear you out.
Also, I'd love to hear how you came up with this plan, a recruiter? Why would you spend four months in basic? And no, if you think the process is just that simple, you are being deceived. Do you have any idea how many guys join with airborne, or ranger in their CONTRACT, and never make it.

Also, I'm sure some of the more experienced guys on the board, AAS wise, if they were to give you gear advice, you'd jump all over it...right? You might want to be a little more receptive to someone whos BEEN THERE and DONE THAT.

This isn't bootcamp, so I am free to get as pissed off as I want :).

I didn't come up with that plan. Its the basic plan laid out for non-Israeli's who are looking to join the IDF. Obviously things can pan out differently, but I was just stating what I had read and have been told my people in the IDF.

And yes I am aware of the process etc, i have several friends who were and are currently in the marines and the army. Remember, that plan I mentioned had has NOTHING to do with the US military. I just stated that the marines were something I was considering as well.

Thanks for helping though
well shoot, I just figured no one in their right mind would go with anyone other than US :D
Either way, war isn't all it's cracked up to be...
I wish you the best man, no matter your endeavor.
This isn't bootcamp, so I am free to get as pissed off as I want :).

I didn't come up with that plan. Its the basic plan laid out for non-Israeli's who are looking to join the IDF. Obviously things can pan out differently, but I was just stating what I had read and have been told my people in the IDF.

And yes I am aware of the process etc, i have several friends who were and are currently in the marines and the army. Remember, that plan I mentioned had has NOTHING to do with the US military. I just stated that the marines were something I was considering as well.

Thanks for helping though
Back in 97' I was in Marine Corps boot & lost 15lbs...& I was skinny when I went(155 down to 140lbs:eek:)
Marines 1993 to 1997. I came out of boot camp a kite - small legs with bigger shoulders and chest from doing so many push-ups and pull-ups (I was never a fan of the damn kip).

I am still working on bringing up the skinny running legs to this day. I went in at 190 and came out at 153. Gained weight powerlifting in the fleet though - when I wasn't deployed.
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Which part?

Well the part about learning hebrew in 3 months is a pretty lofty goal.. The language is nothing like English, not to mention the alphabet looks like hieroglyphics and written right to left.. If you have previous experience in foreign languages, you'd have a little bit of an advantage, but in 3 months you'd only learn some very basic stuff, and no way in hell would you be conversing with native speakers.. And that's if someone that actually speaks hebrew is teaching you, cuz 3 months of just studying a book would do very little for actual talking..

I had this weird knack for languages in school and can read/write/speak Spanish nearly fluently, but comprehension of a native, usually slang speaker is still very difficult.. If they were to write down what they were saying, I'd kno it exactly.. Even with my fluency, 3 months with native speakers and I still wouldn't be 100%

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