Anabolic Steroids And Osseointegration
R. RODRIGUEZ Y BAENA1, S. RIZZO1, C. BRUSOTTI1, D. ZAFFE2, A. ADDIS3, and F. MARZATICO1, 1Pavia University, Italy, 2Modena University, Italy, Milan University, Milano, Italy
Objectives: Implantologists have been using many materials to achieve a quicker bone healing. BMPs seem to be highly osteoinductive but they suffer of supply difficulty. Platelet growth factors concentrated in the PRP, mixed with either autologous bone or bone substitutes, have recently reported to allow good results in bone healing; moreover these factors stimulate the soft tissues regeneration. Testosterone is a natural steroid that is effective on the metabolism. The synthetic steroids are classified on the basis of their anabolic/androgenic (A/A) ratio compared with that of testosterone (A/A=1/1). It has been postulated that steroids can boost the bone regeneration after fractures. The aim of our work was the study of the effect of steroids on bone healing processes. Methods: Stanazolol (A/A ratio=10/1) was choosen for this test because of its low androgenic action. Four commercial 14x3.75mm titanium fixtures with blasted surface (Hofmann, Italy) were installed in the proximal epiphysis of each tibia of 4 adult minipigs (40 kg). Stanazolol was daily (4 mg) supplied to two minipigs for 20 days after the surgery (steroid treated minipigs). As a control two minipigs were left heal untreated. Minipigs were sacrified after 21 days from surgical treatment and the bone specimens were harvested, fixed in paraformaldeyde, included in PMMA and serially sectioned. Microradiography, Optical and Scanning Electron Microscopy were performed to analyze the sections. Results: All the specimens show a good amount of newly formed bone but TBV of periimplant bone is statistically higher in steroid treated minipigs. Zone of several erosion of the pre-existing and newly formed bone are recorded in control minipigs, whereas osteoblasts active on several surfaces can be seen in steroid treated minipigs. Conclusions: Within the limits of the present research the steroid treatment seems to boost the bone metabolism. However further studies must be performed to evaluate their use in humans.
Seq #267 - Implants and Tissue Regeneration II
3:45 PM-5:00 PM, Friday, 8 March 2002 San Diego Convention Center Exhibit Hall C
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