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Bro's please help me out here...


New member
Nov 21, 2009
I am a severe ectomorph. On a normal day I can eat 3,000 cals and not gain a lb. However eating anything more than that is severly hard for me for a couple of reasons. 1. after easting a meal I am stuffed and feel stuffed for about 4 hours after, and 2 my appitite sucks bad. some days I eat 1 meal and thats it, others I manage 4. So my question is.... what can I do to stimuate my appitite so I can eat 6 to 8 meals per day so that I can finally bulk up and then continue to bulk without having my stomach telling me "no more food for a while" and my appitite going to shit. I have used AAS before and I did gain 30 lbs, but without the appitite to keep eating hard core I lost 20lbs. I am open to anything...... Also does GHRP-6 and EQ help as much as I have read or is in minimal.

in my later 20's
weight 147lbs
was train for 6 yrs straight until an accident that forced me to stop training until I was properly healed.
have used, Drol, Dbol, Deca, and Test before.... (not all in one cycle though)

Thanks guys for any help...
what do your meals consist of?
hey bro i have to ask same as tom, what are you eating...what makes up the 3000cals? there may be something in there that is stuffing you....also, do yourself a favor and get the trueprotein cold filtration whey protein and add those to your diet, they will not fill you up like other ones and if you are lacking in protein dept which you have to be if you cant get the food down then it will help.
also, assuming your meals are decent foods and you still cant get them down, you need to train your stomach....actually sit down and forcefeed a few meals randomly and stretch the stomach out. so those are a couple ideas on top of hardcore workouts to make yourself hungry, break down the muscles from hard workouts and the body will call for food and you should be hungry
I was the same way right out of high school before I started training. What I did to initially bulk up was train my balls off! AND I started drinking 2 weight gainer shakes per day PLUS my normal daily meals. This increased my total calories by about 1,000 per day.
Since the extra calories were liquid they digested quick and still allowed me to eat my regular meals. I gained 30lb in 3 months (70% of it muscle) and my friends all thought I was hitting the juice hard which I wasn't at the time.

I am a severe ectomorph. On a normal day I can eat 3,000 cals and not gain a lb. However eating anything more than that is severly hard for me for a couple of reasons. 1. after easting a meal I am stuffed and feel stuffed for about 4 hours after, and 2 my appitite sucks bad. some days I eat 1 meal and thats it, others I manage 4. So my question is.... what can I do to stimuate my appitite so I can eat 6 to 8 meals per day so that I can finally bulk up and then continue to bulk without having my stomach telling me "no more food for a while" and my appitite going to shit. I have used AAS before and I did gain 30 lbs, but without the appitite to keep eating hard core I lost 20lbs. I am open to anything...... Also does GHRP-6 and EQ help as much as I have read or is in minimal.

in my later 20's
weight 147lbs
was train for 6 yrs straight until an accident that forced me to stop training until I was properly healed.
have used, Drol, Dbol, Deca, and Test before.... (not all in one cycle though)

Thanks guys for any help...

You hit it with GHRP-6 and EQ. They will help with your appetite a lot. Also, keep up with your training and do your best with your meals, I guarantee you that after age 30 your metabolism will slow and you will be able to put on more weight than you want :)
Thanks guys. Normaly my daily diet consists of 50g whey protein isolate right when I wake up 7:30am (because I am under the inpression that your body is "starving" and will absorbe the first thing you put in it), but that is only mixed with water. It's not a shake, only 100% protein and water so that one is easy. 8:00 is 1/4lb ham "not the water filled shit", 3 eggs, 2 pieces white toast w/butter, and 2 glasses 2% milk. 11:00 protein shake "ON Serious Mass" (that thing hurts to get it all down). 2:00 8 ounces "marinated" chicken or fish and 2 servings of rice or pasta. (I generally mix something "i.e.butter or gravy"(ya thats a no no) with these to change to flavor to make it easier to get down). Then I train at 6:00 and post workout is another "ON" shake. 10:00 is 8oz beef, veggies, mashed potatoes. When I am not drinking the shakes I put down about 1/2gal 2% milk and 1/2 gal water per day. I was told to supplement my water intake w/milk for 2 reasons. 1- for the cals and increased protein and 2-it's 70% water anyway and simple to digest. That is an ideal day for me. However I am not going to lie, some times a meal/shake is switched with fast food/pizza (3-4 times a week) due to work situations and sometimes I can't finish off my meal plan because I am too full after my second shake.

I'm going to look into the trueprotein cold filtration whey protein
like someone else said, i would go to trueprotein and get a good protein (i prefer the ion exchange isolate) and drink some of your calories.
I am a severe ectomorph. On a normal day I can eat 3,000 cals and not gain a lb. However eating anything more than that is severly hard for me for a couple of reasons. 1. after easting a meal I am stuffed and feel stuffed for about 4 hours after, and 2 my appitite sucks bad. some days I eat 1 meal and thats it, others I manage 4. So my question is.... what can I do to stimuate my appitite so I can eat 6 to 8 meals per day so that I can finally bulk up and then continue to bulk without having my stomach telling me "no more food for a while" and my appitite going to shit. I have used AAS before and I did gain 30 lbs, but without the appitite to keep eating hard core I lost 20lbs. I am open to anything...... Also does GHRP-6 and EQ help as much as I have read or is in minimal.

in my later 20's
weight 147lbs
was train for 6 yrs straight until an accident that forced me to stop training until I was properly healed.
have used, Drol, Dbol, Deca, and Test before.... (not all in one cycle though)

Thanks guys for any help...

Not to be harsh, but think about this. Yuo've done AAS, trained for 6 yrs. and are 147 lbs. Perhaps, aside from lifting for health and enjoyment, bodybuilding - as in getting a lot bigger/stronger - is just not in your genetics. I will concede that you've not said how tall you are - if it's 4' 10'' then 147 may not be too bad, but if not...

No one likes to hear this, but what would you tell me if I said I'd been playing serious basketbll for years, wantd to be a lot better against good players, and then found out I was 5' 7" barely (which I am). Would you tell me that somehow I'll overcome that?

Again, not trying to be harsh, but just voicing something a lot of guys on message boards might do well to consider.
Last edited:
Not once did I hear about a training routine. You could be over training. I believe Michael Phelps eats 8000 calories and he is skinny too. I would not go with that diet either, not the best for 3000 calories. I am extremely ectomorph too, but manage to put on muscle size at 2700 calories, and I weigh 220. I am not on alot of gear, either. By the way, when you get off the gear it is common to lose some of it.;) It takes time to grow muscle, you are only in your 20's. I would suggest to go with an educated trainer who will fine tune your routine and diet.
well he said he had an accident that forced him to stop training for awhile so maybe that accounts for the 147,but like pesty i would change that diet.
id like to know about stimulating appetite as well...luckily im not a ecto..

does anyone train with weights in morning on empty stomach or preworkout drink to help stimulate hunger in mornings?
* I just copy/pasted this from another post I made on a different thread but it's applicable *

I'm a hard gainer too but I've been able to break through it. A good tip for you is to make sure you start your day with a good amount of calories, say by 8am. Then if you can force a second meal between 10-11am you should be on your way to a decent caloric intake day. Here's the shake I create daily:

Mix in blender for about 45 sec:

20oz organic skim milk
(2) scoops NOW Whey Protein Isolate - Chocolate
(2) scoops Jiffy Natural Peanut Butter
(1) tablespoon organic cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil
(2) tablespoons organic cold-pressed extra virgin coconut oil

That should put you at a nice 1,015 calories, 75+ grams protein, low in sugar, great mix of poly/mono/healthy saturated fats and I promise you it will be smooth as butter. I can pound it all in less than a minute.

Also, make sure you avoid things that may suppress your appetite such as caffeine, etc.

In addition, try reserving to push/pull workout routines just 3 times/wk with at least a day inbetween each. Consider also using higher weights/lower reps and keep cardio to a minimal. If possible get at least 7 hours of sleep and keep stress, if possible, to a minimum.

If you're following a method similar to this and consistently getting 3k+ calories a day you should see gains. If not then unfortunately as others have mentioned, you are not genetically predisponsed to carry mass.

And BTW, I'm over 30 yet my metabolism is still through the roof. So for some folks, our resting metabolic rate just doesn't slow down like others.
thanks man....I always forget about adding EVOO and Cocunut oil..usually I use almond butter+fruit+isolate...Im going to try that out with adding some oils
WOW and thank you for all your knowledge. I am truly taken back by how many people have chimed in to help out a new member to this board. BTW I am 5"11. J_Diggs your protein shake sounds a lot better than what I am using and I am going to the store to buy the ingrediants right away. And DAD what you stated could well be true. My genetics might suck as far as body building goes. Also I was 160lbs preaccident, then down to 147ish post accident. Motorcycle accident had me out of the gym for 6 months casted up. Well before my accident I did Deca, Sus, and Drol, for 9 weeks and got up to 180 from 150, but within 4 months I was back down to 160.
My bf has the same problem. He cut out all wheat products and the horrible feeling of fullness has gone away. He still has to work at getting up to 4000 cals but he dosn't moan in pain all day from it now and drive me nuts. :p
so you were in an accident and were out of the gym casted up? there is the issue right there. How can you possibly train hard enough, with the weakness and atrophy to gain muscle and speed up your metabolism enough to be hungry?

on the days you eat 1 meal....whats the issue? on other days you get 4 meals whats going on on that day with the 1 meal?

your problem....consistency in the gym, with the eating, and especially after healing from an accident. there are many things working against you right now.

my advice, ease back into training. and ease back into gaining. if you took 6 months off, expect 6 months to get back even with muscle memory because you had an injury, which believe it or not is still healing even though you feel better.

best of luck,

* I just copy/pasted this from another post I made on a different thread but it's applicable *

I'm a hard gainer too but I've been able to break through it. A good tip for you is to make sure you start your day with a good amount of calories, say by 8am. Then if you can force a second meal between 10-11am you should be on your way to a decent caloric intake day. Here's the shake I create daily:

Mix in blender for about 45 sec:

20oz organic skim milk
(2) scoops NOW Whey Protein Isolate - Chocolate
(2) scoops Jiffy Natural Peanut Butter
(1) tablespoon organic cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil
(2) tablespoons organic cold-pressed extra virgin coconut oil

That should put you at a nice 1,015 calories, 75+ grams protein, low in sugar, great mix of poly/mono/healthy saturated fats and I promise you it will be smooth as butter. I can pound it all in less than a minute.

Also, make sure you avoid things that may suppress your appetite such as caffeine, etc.

In addition, try reserving to push/pull workout routines just 3 times/wk with at least a day inbetween each. Consider also using higher weights/lower reps and keep cardio to a minimal. If possible get at least 7 hours of sleep and keep stress, if possible, to a minimum.

If you're following a method similar to this and consistently getting 3k+ calories a day you should see gains. If not then unfortunately as others have mentioned, you are not genetically predisponsed to carry mass.

And BTW, I'm over 30 yet my metabolism is still through the roof. So for some folks, our resting metabolic rate just doesn't slow down like others.

Wow, I imagine you are taking in about at least 2 tablespoons of peanut butter per scoop, that alone tell me you are taking in a whopping 72 grams of fats. This drink will just make you fat. 1000 calories is not advisable in 1 setting either if you are eating about 6 times a day for digestion purposes. Of course you could be taking in about 6000 calories a day.:rolleyes: Not the best drink IMO.
Wow, I imagine you are taking in about at least 2 tablespoons of peanut butter per scoop, that alone tell me you are taking in a whopping 72 grams of fats. This drink will just make you fat. 1000 calories is not advisable in 1 setting either if you are eating about 6 times a day for digestion purposes. Of course you could be taking in about 6000 calories a day.:rolleyes: Not the best drink IMO.

Well, this thread is for a hard gainer, like myself, so by nature our metabolism is higher than the average person. Second, the fats are a mixture of mono/poly/and medium-chain triglycerides. The saturated fat in the peanut butter is <3g. Since you're a bodybuilder, I'm assuming you're well aware of coconut oil and the benefits of its key fatty acids. I've been consuming this mix for some time and I've very lean. Is it for everyone, no. Is it for someone who has difficulty consuming enough calories in a day and is by nature a hard gainer, perhaps. Is it better than a disgusted filler and sugar filled weight gainer shake...of course! Also, if you're worried about digestion you should have probiotics/digestive enzymes in your daily arsenal.
Well, this thread is for a hard gainer, like myself, so by nature our metabolism is higher than the average person. Second, the fats are a mixture of mono/poly/and medium-chain triglycerides. The saturated fat in the peanut butter is <3g. Since you're a bodybuilder, I'm assuming you're well aware of coconut oil and the benefits of its key fatty acids. I've been consuming this mix for some time and I've very lean. Is it for everyone, no. Is it for someone who has difficulty consuming enough calories in a day and is by nature a hard gainer, perhaps. Is it better than a disgusted filler and sugar filled weight gainer shake...of course! Also, if you're worried about digestion you should have probiotics/digestive enzymes in your daily arsenal.

Every time I hear hard gainer, I am perplexed. You see, I have a metabolism, that people would love of my age. When Is the last time you check your thyroid? Most people with fast metabolisma do not train right. They over train. You probally didn't see my above post about commenting on Michael Phelps. I am well aware of where these fats are coming from, but 72 grams of fats in 1 setting is not a good thing, wether healthy or not. Your idea of lean, might be different from mine also.

I have no problems with digestion, unless I drank that amount of fats in 1 setting. It is not a good thing. If you guys would stop us from having to specualate what you are doing, maybe we can help more. That is why you do not see experince people on this board helping. We are not good at guessing. You need to tell the whole picture and not bits. EX: Training, age, BF, weight, height, years of training, training routine, exact diet and amounts. Like I said before, most who called theirselves hard gainers do not do right training routine or diet.

If you looked at the original post, he had problems being consistant, dued to his accident. ;)
Please list the following.
Detailed weeks training (exercises, sets, reps, weights).
Diet macro ratios, and food sources for each macronutrient.
daily non training day activity levels, are you relatively sedentary on non training days, what does you weekly schedual look like including training, work/school?

How often do you get hungry and not eat?

give me that information and i will give you back a plan.

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