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Broscience opinion: which is safer on hemoglobin, kidneys, etc. 50mg ANADROL or 50mg TREN ACE (daily dose each)


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Kilo Klub Member
Mar 6, 2009
Have any of you guys had blood work done while adding either anadrol or Tren to your TRT?
Which caused hemoglobin to increase the most?
Which, in your opinion, is harder on the kidneys?
Which would be safer for a 60 day run of 50mg daily added to your HRT/TRT?
I’m just curious what everyone’s opinion is on the harshness of each compound on health in general for a short burst cycle added to HRT.
All broscience is welcome.
My bioscience opinion, tren is worse. Both harsh but at least one was developed and prescribed for human use. Tren being developed for cattle and given to them before they are slaughtered, their health is of zero concern. I have no bloodwork to confirm that.
Considering you are already taking both test and deca, adding either anadrol or tren would make it a cycle, not trt/hrt. I think drol would be more harsh because it's a 17-aa, but the tren could mess with your lipid profile and make your hdl take a dive. If I were you JJ1, I might try dropping the test down to 100mg/week , and add 100mg of tren per week, and use the drol pre-workout only. Dr. G had some of his clients running 100/100 test/tren a week several years ago, and they had good results with good bloodwork. I know deca is your fav, but you might want to drop it for a little while just to see how the tren and drol effects you.
My bioscience opinion, tren is worse. Both harsh but at least one was developed and prescribed for human use. Tren being developed for cattle and given to them before they are slaughtered, their health is of zero concern. I have no bloodwork to confirm that.
Tren in the form of parabolin was first developed for human use. It was made available for medical patients in 1980. Fina pellets started being used on cattle later on.
Tren in the form of parabolin was first developed for human use. It was made available for medical patients in 1980. Fina pellets started being used on cattle later on.

and how much human research/studies do we have on tren vs drol?
tren is pretty unique as an aas.
the severity of drol i think is highly over rated.
plus compare drol doses to tren doses in human info...
i dont think either is a very good choice to use with deca.
and how much human research/studies do we have on tren vs drol?
tren is pretty unique as an aas.
the severity of drol i think is highly over rated.
plus compare drol doses to tren doses in human info...
i dont think either is a very good choice to use with deca.
Even if the severity of drol is over rated, he is talking about running 50mg/day for 60 days. I agree that neither one would be good to run with deca. If I remember correctly JJ1, it wasn't that long ago that your blood was as thick as molasses in January. You might want to keep that in mind.
id say neither will harm kidneys at that dose,,,unless they raise your BP which they shouldn't unless your doing other things you shouldn't (like skipping cardio, bulking up to too high a bodyweight, eating 300g protein, etc)

50mg of var may hurt the kidneys
300g of protein. day long term may
simply being 220plus lbs on a 180lb frame will harm kidneys (most people here)
drinking way too much or too little water will harm kidneys
but 50mg of var or tren should not, by itself

just my opinion, lots of bb'er have compromised kidneys but its not because of a tiny bit of tren or drol, its due to massive bodyweight plus high bp plus tons of protein plus large cycles etc
One thing to consider is that the FDA used to approve Anadrol for anemia. Not sure if it is still used today, we have more modern drugs. So there is a reason they used it to treat anemia.

Indications and Usage for Anadrol

Anadrol®-50 Tablets is indicated in the treatment of anemias caused by deficient red cell production. Acquired aplastic anemia, congenital aplastic anemia, myelofibrosis and the hypoplastic anemias due to the administration of myelotoxic drugs often respond. Anadrol®-50 Tablets should not replace other supportive measures such as transfusion, correction of iron, folic acid, vitamin B12 or pyridoxine deficiency, antibacterial therapy and the appropriate use of corticosteroid"

Even if the severity of drol is over rated, he is talking about running 50mg/day for 60 days. I agree that neither one would be good to run with deca. If I remember correctly JJ1, it wasn't that long ago that your blood was as thick as molasses in January. You might want to keep that in mind.
I’m not saying I’m going to do either. I’m just curious on opinions. I’m very pleased with the gains I’m making now. In all honestly I highly doubt I’ll ever do Tren again. It’s my broscience belief that it kills kidneys. Adrol, I’m sure I’ll be tempted to try again. 3 weeks is about all I can stand on it though before I feel like crap.
Broscience opinion. Tren is healthier and more effective. Just use that and lower dose to 200. Orals rape your lipids, drol is especially shit on your bp (and therefore kidneys) yet is the inferior lean mass builder as you just pee out what you get. I prefer orals but that is on an already fat dose of test. If i was running low test and cared about health id def go for an injectable or at least up the test before i consider orals as i find orals even var worse for long term health than a low dose of tren. You should do your own bloods and bp to find out tho Tbh.
I would say Anadrol due to it's properties of promoting increasing Hct and blood pressure for many.

I could counter and say tren could increase BP, and if one were using it during prep and were dehydrated, then both of those factors in the long-term could also effect the kidneys.

I'll go with Anadrol though...….I guess, for my complete speculation of painting everybody with a single brush stroke:)
It s hard to choose but tren could be the worse
Tren due to the stronger activation of the AR, which besides the MR and AT, are the drivers of renal and myocardial damage.
I’m not saying I’m going to do either. I’m just curious on opinions. I’m very pleased with the gains I’m making now. In all honestly I highly doubt I’ll ever do Tren again. It’s my broscience belief that it kills kidneys. Adrol, I’m sure I’ll be tempted to try again. 3 weeks is about all I can stand on it though before I feel like crap.

well bro...
i have zero interest in tren, but....
i do have ten grams of drol in a baggy just calling my name!!!! lol
maybe that helps with the opinion part!
i havent used drol in years either, sooooo tempting!
i have never felt bad on drol either.
Have any of you guys had blood work done while adding either anadrol or Tren to your TRT?
Which caused hemoglobin to increase the most?
Which, in your opinion, is harder on the kidneys?
Which would be safer for a 60 day run of 50mg daily added to your HRT/TRT?
I’m just curious what everyone’s opinion is on the harshness of each compound on health in general for a short burst cycle added to HRT.
All broscience is welcome.


..TREN & i get along very well ..i used/cruised 50/PROP+50/TREN EOD for a very long time with no noticeable "ill-effects" other than some hair loss
..you'll have more "slack/elbow room" in your diet with TREN

^^^that said, i think 50mg/TREN ED is far from TRT ..even what i described above (..50mg/EOD) isn't
..but BW looked good (..tho i did use supps)
i had no BP issues
..no insomnia issues
..no anger issues (..but i don't even @higher doses)
..i'v only had "the cough" a handful of times

DROL ..different animal ..impact on lipids & BP was noticeable almost right away +HCT def went up
^^^& to run @50mg/ED for 60 DAYS!! ..esp with concerns for kidneys=no thanks for me
other than that, i tolerated DROL well
..no stomach issues
..no real appetite loss
..no real bloat/just full (..but my diet's always been pretty clean)
..i felt alright/good? ..but BW did not reflect that

***another thing is these 2 aren't even really comparable ..2 different results/looks for sure
..if you'r looking for lean & mean=TREN
..if you'r looking for full/bigger=DROL

..both made me stupid strong
..both made me shed

Have you tried MENT? at a low dose it will do all the things you are expecting to get from deca tren and drol. Bloods will be better too.
well bro...
i have zero interest in tren, but....
i do have ten grams of drol in a baggy just calling my name!!!! lol
maybe that helps with the opinion part!
i havent used drol in years either, sooooo tempting!
i have never felt bad on drol either.
I look great on adrol. It’s a fun compound. 😀
Have you tried MENT? at a low dose it will do all the things you are expecting to get from deca tren and drol. Bloods will be better too.
I did MENT at 100mg/day for 60 days. Got very bloated. Good compound for mass.

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