This is a really strange topic?? It's funny cuz my training partner, who is quite a bit older and more experienced than I am has just recently gotten these types of bruises too. He's taking fina, and using SEO as well. Except, it only seems to happen with the fina. I mean these frickin' bruises are BIG and DARK. And, it sounds just the same, cuz he injects in his delbts and arms, and the bruises always seem to "leak" down his arms, which made us think it was subQ layer?? Lately he has started burying the needle as deep as possible (like BillyGman explained in the post above) and has had much better luck. Only smaller, normal bruises now if any. (Although he is very thick, 5'5", and 190 showing abs) he burys 1 1/2" needles everywhere, even in his arms. SHEESH! However, he thinks this has solved his problem.
Xcel....I know this kinda repeats what others have said, but I hope this helps some.