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BSN Syntha 6....


Apr 28, 2010
I went into a nutrishop yesterday to buy a rtd syntha 6. I was out of protein and my order of protein isnt going to be here till today.

The guy at the store tried selling me some pro 5 protein brand that they carry. I asked him if it was his stores brand of protein. He said it was the only store who carried it. That it is an exclusive thing. He gave me a sample. Then proceeded to bash bsn and optimum and dymatize (which I havent even tried). He was telling me that there is lead and nail polish remover in syntha 6. Or at least the chemical compounds for them.

I googled some of the ingredients but didnt see anything about it. Anyone hear about this or is this guy just really trying to push the other product? When I told him I was going with the bsn anyways he was like "Its your body, you should know whats going in it." At this point I have to get to work and dont have time to argue with the guy. However his snide comment has pissed me off and I intend to go back and have a word or two with him.

Any thoughts?

(other than "why do they sell products that their sells reps claim to be harmful")
Those guys are idiots...most of them anyway! Do your own research and never listen to anyone you don't know or trust. I use Syntha 6 when my lba's run out, never had a problem.
Those guys are idiots...most of them anyway! Do your own research and never listen to anyone you don't know or trust. I use Syntha 6 when my lba's run out, never had a problem.

I have NEVER had an issue with bsn stuff. I mean every company has products I dont care for. But the syntha 6 is the best tasting protein I have ever had. I went with it anyway. I just wanted to see what you guys here had to say.
most of those clowns don't have a clue what the hell their talking about , I get the same shit every time i go in a store to buy a can of Optimum 100% whey if i run out of TP's stuff or whatever. Its always the same thing , "that stuff is garbage , tastes bad , doesn't have what you need , our product is far better" I generaly just tell them thats what i've been using and it works pretty good apparently (i'm generaly 30-40lbs bigger than them!!)

I like the way Syntha 6 taste , i just don't like all the added fat and carbs it has. I'd rather have just protein and add my own fat and carbs to it in the ratios i want.

I bought a jug at the last show from a company here local called "truscience" , the protein is called "Trutein" and its the best tasting protein I've ever had. The only problem i had was when i told the guy that i used True Protein's brand and products he started talking about their cost and shit , not realy bashing them but not speaking up for them either.

"Team Skip" is hard to beat for effectiveness and taste
I went into a nutrishop yesterday to buy a rtd syntha 6. I was out of protein and my order of protein isnt going to be here till today.

The guy at the store tried selling me some pro 5 protein brand that they carry. I asked him if it was his stores brand of protein. He said it was the only store who carried it. That it is an exclusive thing. He gave me a sample. Then proceeded to bash bsn and optimum and dymatize (which I havent even tried). He was telling me that there is lead and nail polish remover in syntha 6. Or at least the chemical compounds for them.

I googled some of the ingredients but didnt see anything about it. Anyone hear about this or is this guy just really trying to push the other product? When I told him I was going with the bsn anyways he was like "Its your body, you should know whats going in it." At this point I have to get to work and dont have time to argue with the guy. However his snide comment has pissed me off and I intend to go back and have a word or two with him.

Any thoughts?

(other than "why do they sell products that their sells reps claim to be harmful")

bro lmfao u wouldnt happen to b talking about the nurtishop in houma louisiana huh????
if ur not its crazy bc thats how the owner is there hes losing A LOT of buisness all my buddies who use to go they arent any more for tryingto push those cheap ass supplements on ppl
He was telling me that there is lead and nail polish remover in syntha 6. Or at least the chemical compounds for them.

Im sure the chemist was thinking "hmm what else should I add to the ingredients? Oooh Nail polish remover will work quite nicely."

Ingredients: Syntha-6
Sustained release ultra-premium protein matrix comprised of (ultra-filtereed whey protein concentrate (milk) rich in lactalbumin, microfiltered whey protein isolate (milk) rich in whey isolate peptide fractions, calcium caseinate, micellar alpha and beta caseinates (milk), milk protein isolate (milk), and egg albumen (egg), glutamine peptides), richmix sunflower powder, Litesse II Polydextrose, natural and artificial flavors, nutrisperse MCT powder, cellulose gum, natural vegetable color, sucralose (splenda), acesulfame potassium, lecithin soy, aminogen, and papain.
bro lmfao u wouldnt happen to b talking about the nurtishop in houma louisiana huh????
if ur not its crazy bc thats how the owner is there hes losing A LOT of buisness all my buddies who use to go they arent any more for tryingto push those cheap ass supplements on ppl

Nope this was in Port Charlotte FL. Its clear now that they are obviously making money off of this one product and are told to push it on people.
Nope this was in Port Charlotte FL. Its clear now that they are obviously making money off of this one product and are told to push it on people.

yeah i send a few of my friends there bc they r good priced tho my fiance works at gnc so i get the nice discount :D:D any way.. a few of my good friends called and said fuck that dude all he kept doing was tryin to push either pro 5 glutacore or vasacore on people i can just u can get more energy out of 2 oz of coffe than that vasacore crap

Syntha 6 wasnt mentioned.

I am sure there is unhealthy shit in everything we eat or drink. I mean the fda allows major food processing places to have a certain level of rat feces in our food. So I dont doubt that there is some unhealthy things in our stuff.

The thing is these proteins are still be sold by the company that is telling me its poison.

Here is another thought. People smoke cigs and that has been proven to cause cancer and other crazy problems with the body. But they have warning labels and general information out there. If this was the case with protein drinks you think the knowledge of it would be spread around.
was he wearing a muscletech shirt?
was he wearing a muscletech shirt?

Nope he was wearing a nurtishop shirt. He didnt bash muscletech. Only bsn muscle milk dymatize and everything else I looked at. lol.
Nope he was wearing a nurtishop shirt. He didnt bash muscletech. Only bsn muscle milk dymatize and everything else I looked at. lol.

nuff said
Look just find a protein that your body responds to and stick with it and next time you go in there tell him thanks for the advice but the nail polish remover protein and water give you the best pump and all your lifts have gone up by ten pounds !!!!! then ask if they will sell you 3 cases of it cuz you read online that its gonna be banned in the next few mths :headbang:
Yeah, I saw that article on them finding heavy metals in some of the protein powders out there.

I could have guessed Muscle Milk would be on that list.

Optimum has always worked well for me good quality at a decent price.
I have NEVER had an issue with bsn stuff. I mean every company has products I dont care for. But the syntha 6 is the best tasting protein I have ever had. I went with it anyway. I just wanted to see what you guys here had to say.

I've tried that pro 5 protein brand, the orange cream cycle is pretty damn good. (taste wise) I bought a 5lb jug from them. Wasn't bad at all. That being said I have never tried BSN Syntha 6. But I do like to experiment here and there. When I'm up in the Warren Pa. area I stop at my buddies shop and shoot the sh!t with him. He owns his own Nutrishop. I gotta say the kid is pretty damn knowledgable. Graduating soon with a BS in nutrition and something else. The guy in florida may have been pushing too hard the stores blend. Some people are good salesmen and some are not. Not sure where that guy falls in at. They do have a a product called "GLUTA-CORE"(?) or something like that, that my body responds to pretty well. I'll have to give the Syntha 6 a shot soon.
Yeah, I saw that article on them finding heavy metals in some of the protein powders out there.

I could have guessed Muscle Milk would be on that list.

Optimum has always worked well for me good quality at a decent price.

He knocked the optimum whey too. I forgot to add that. He said it wasnt as bad as muscle milk but still bad.

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