I don't know I guess if you run it high enough for long enough but then again I thought that it was a vaible means of birth controle but I've got a "new"
11yr old daughter to prove its not , I was most of the way (more than 7 weeks) of a pretty heavy cycle 750mg/wk Sust , 300wk Tren and 40mg/ed winny when this child was concieved , nuts about half the size as normal. This is one of the main reasons I proclaimed the child wasen't mine all thos years ago , along with a bad injury that was said to have caused major damage to the testies a couple years earlier AND the mother only had one ovarie and was told she would likely never have kids ,I figured that the ods were stacked in my favor
don't trust it , if you looking for the most reliable birth controle , jerk off , next would be go get clipped !!
don't count of drugs to do it