He is correct!
Sorry to inform you all but Chad is correct as using a faster acting insulin(humulin-r) on mondays and thursdays only work far superior to an everday dosing schedule as otherwise your body builds up an insulin resistance and you have to take more and more to get the same kick and then it gets to the point you have to take daily dosages in the extreme amounts just to keep your blood sugar levels stable at which point you might as well consider yourself a diabetic because god only knows your body has. I agrue this point over and over with people and regardless of what you all think the TOP pro's are doing with insulin is WRONG I have worked with way to many of them over the years and actually got my dosage schedule from Jay Cutler I originally thought "no way this won't work" because I was under the assumtion that everyone was using 8iu pre-workout and another 8 postworkout and then there were some dividing their dosages 3 times a day depending on what type of insulin they were using and truth be told more isn't better in the case of insulin. Same deal with Test yes 1000mg is better than 500mg per week but why is that is it due to the fact that you receptors are downregulated hmmmm YES i used to use 250-500mg per week like everyone else then i heard okay you need atleast 1 gram a week and boom i researched it and then tried it and I'll tell you what the first cycle or two is worked like the first time i tried test then i had to go to 1500mg per week then 2000mg per week and this was with 6-8 week off cycles as your supposed to do. why is that well its simple the body will build up a tolerance to any chemical you put into it regardless of what it is. I cannot speak for all of you but at some point the risks far outweigh the rewards. Think and educate yourself on the specifics of certain AS,half-lives,ester versus non esterfied,androgens to anabolics,mg dosages,anti E's,ect........ as I found through years of trial and error only you know your body and what will work for you for example thai d-bol hell 50mg a day dose nothing for me whatsoever i even went up to 70mg per day! crazy you say yer but very true. as I have found that My body does respond very well to a select few androgens test being the king of the all as is the case with most. But you put me in a anabolic world and I take off better yet a good solid anabolic/androgen mix works excellent for 99 out of 100 people. All I am saying in a nutshell here is I hate to see so many people doing outrageous amounts of AS not knowing that with careful planning and the apropriate well thought out planning of your cycle it would yield you the same results with far less sides. Granted when i was younger i used anything and everything and if you asked me back then hell no I didn't abuse steroids because thats what everyone else was doing fortunately for myself I was under the watchful eye of a few great people whom are very well known and I won't mention here that set me straight. I am not preaching to anyone here just please be safe with your usage anyone that bought into and uses Boresson's theories will end up just like him. Just look at a few of todays pro's that are obviously abusers. One question look into their eyes and look at there pic's from 4-5 years back and tell me does it look healthy? I could write out exactly to the tee what a few top 10 guys are doing but i never have and never will because for the simple reason i don't want some 18 year old kid with no AS knowledge and his whole life ahead of him to try this ridiculous stack and hurt himself. BIG A and myself have talked over the phone at length about these issues as i have with other pro's and National level athletes and to be honest with you yes they do read some of these boards and Laugh their asses off at some of the ridiculous cycles they supposedly do. Please just research and read,read,read, and read more I think I have proven myself very trustworthy and knowledgable thrueout the years and have produced alot of champions some even from this board thrueout the years. best wishes wyldeone.