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All things insulin- my take, opinion and experience.

Hey Dan how many solid meals were you eating at your all time biggest? Did you try to blend your food and if so did you find a difference between shakes and solid food? I have seen your 10 year difference photo and I was blown away. You did a great job in the past decade brother.
Hey Dan how many solid meals were you eating at your all time biggest? Did you try to blend your food and if so did you find a difference between shakes and solid food? I have seen your 10 year difference photo and I was blown away. You did a great job in the past decade brother.
I appreciate the kind words.

I've never blended food - I don't even own a blender. The act of chewing food is what releases digestive enzymes so if you're drinking blended food you're missing out on that and it could lead to digestion issues.

When growing I've always done 4 whole food meals plus intra and postworkout shakes. There were times when I was pushing 7,000-8,000 calories for months where I'd hit the wall with digestion and instead of making my whole food meals even bigger I'd just add a small protein and / or carb shake to them. Getting huge is absolutely about how much you can eat but how much you can digest effectively is just as important.
There isn't one.

If you're serious about growing you need fats in your diet - fats and protein are essential nutrients. You do want them to be the minority of you macros but nobody has a magic number for you. At my biggest I was eating 7,000-8,000 calories per day and getting probably 100-120g fats from whole eggs, meats, and almond butter.
I guess I wasn’t clear. I meant during the active time of log. Not over the course of the entire day.
I guess I wasn’t clear. I meant during the active time of log. Not over the course of the entire day.
It's the same thing - there's no magic number. You want fats to be the minority of your macros but you need them if you want to grow optimally. Nobody's going to ruin their physique if they take Humalog and eat 12oz. ground beef / 12oz. rice / 1 tbsp macadamia oil. Nobody's going to ruin their physique if they take Humalog and eat a big bacon double cheeseburger with a fried egg and chipotle mayo plus fries - trust me, I've done it many times.

If you're serious about growing then don't worry about getting fat - gaining muscle is many multiple times harder than dieting the fat off.
It's the same thing - there's no magic number. You want fats to be the minority of your macros but you need them if you want to grow optimally. Nobody's going to ruin their physique if they take Humalog and eat 12oz. ground beef / 12oz. rice / 1 tbsp macadamia oil. Nobody's going to ruin their physique if they take Humalog and eat a big bacon double cheeseburger with a fried egg and chipotle mayo plus fries - trust me, I've done it many times.

If you're serious about growing then don't worry about getting fat - gaining muscle is many multiple times harder than dieting the fat off.
Ok great thanks - I was overthinking it. Trying to keep fats as low as possible in the active time of log
Bah come on it was just something I read from Chavez or Kikel or another coach.... Jeez guys you need to take it more easy... I am not able to write anything outside your rails that everyone starts the same story over and over.

Thanks for the answer but I didn't ask you that.

The thing was "hunger increased the whole day".

Anyways I understand that sometimes people here look like women during menstrual period.
it is Broderick Chavez that does that with his athletes. 2 to 3 doses of usually humalin through the day with first dose in morning. Works up to 10ii two to three times a day. He a smart guy so I don't about it works. He does work with a lot of athletes and strong men. He did also say he would never recommend insulin in the first place unless you were already very muscular, already on gear and gh, and training hard enough to need it. I'd imagine training for strongmen is very taxing. Kikel likes the pre and post workout dosing and I believe he might of mentioned a morning soaring as well can't remember. As for lantus I think he likes to use it just once or twice a week max or refeed days. I'm sure they have all kinds of protocols and I might be off on kikel. But I've seen Broderick mention his more then once. He likes low and slow he says. I'll try it in a few weeks and report back. Lol Was just about to play with slim after not using it for at least ten years or so.

it is Broderick Chavez that does that with his athletes. 2 to 3 doses of usually humalin through the day with first dose in morning. Works up to 10ii two to three times a day. He a smart guy so I don't about it works. He does work with a lot of athletes and strong men. He did also say he would never recommend insulin in the first place unless you were already very muscular, already on gear and gh, and training hard enough to need it. I'd imagine training for strongmen is very taxing. Kikel likes the pre and post workout dosing and I believe he might of mentioned a morning soaring as well can't remember. As for lantus I think he likes to use it just once or twice a week max or refeed days. I'm sure they have all kinds of protocols and I might be off on kikel. But I've seen Broderick mention his more then once. He likes low and slow he says. I'll try it in a few weeks and report back. Lol Was just about to play with slim after not using it for at least ten years or so.
Ya I worked w Kikel before. Lantus on redress and pre/ post log
Sorry guys I haven’t even checked into my own thread in a while. I’m glad the other vets have been carrying it forward.

Did someone really ask what type of humalog to use? And how are guys still confused on lantus and amounts.

Remember the rule- don’t post at the end of the thread until you’re read the whole thread. It’s all been answered in here. 😊
LOL...yeah. Vial or pen? Ya know, the devil is in the details 🤣
But really though… my curiosity wants to know how many versions of Humalog do they think exist. 🤣

Thank God I didn’t go into why I use Humalin R on all workout days for my carnitine. Some guys just can’t handle too much info. LOL
Hey brother, thank you for all of this info. It’s been very helpful. One question I have: with that 2x/wk protocol you run now, do you do that year round, or do you take time off of slin? I’m currently using 10iu of gh per day in my growth phase and have a lot of humalog and lantus laying around. I’d like to start using the log, just tough to find that specific answer anywhere. I feel like I know everything about this stuff except for the duration guys run it, or what to look out for as a clue of when to stop.
Hey brother, thank you for all of this info. It’s been very helpful. One question I have: with that 2x/wk protocol you run now, do you do that year round, or do you take time off of slin? I’m currently using 10iu of gh per day in my growth phase and have a lot of humalog and lantus laying around. I’d like to start using the log, just tough to find that specific answer anywhere. I feel like I know everything about this stuff except for the duration guys run it, or what to look out for as a clue of when to stop.
It’s been answered in the thread. You always monitor BG and take measures to keep it and a1C in range.

But go back to my post where I outline what I suggest all start with on insulin which was John Meadow’s program. It’s outlined there.
It’s been answered in the thread. You always monitor BG and take measures to keep it and a1C in range.

But go back to my post where I outline what I suggest all start with on insulin which was John Meadow’s program. It’s outlined there.
Sorry brother saw you were doing the 4-5 weeks with the meadows program but wasn’t sure if that was the case with the 2x/wk strategy as well. On the John meadows protocol, were you using it every training day?

When you say monitor bg and a1c, you’re referring to when to use insulin, not when to stop, correct? My fasted glucose is creeping up despite berberine, chromium, and ALA. so I was thinking it would be a good time to begin.
Sorry brother saw you were doing the 4-5 weeks with the meadows program but wasn’t sure if that was the case with the 2x/wk strategy as well. On the John meadows protocol, were you using it every training day?

When you say monitor bg and a1c, you’re referring to when to use insulin, not when to stop, correct? My fasted glucose is creeping up despite berberine, chromium, and ALA. so I was thinking it would be a good time to begin.
Opposite IMO. You may find someone here who says “throw insulin at it”, but guys like me and @luki7788 will tell you that you want to get the body in a primed state before adding insulin.

I would actually do a mini cut, increase cardio (or add it), consider PSMF diet for a short period and reset the insulin sensitivity.

The best time to use insulin is rebounding from a cut while in a primed state. If not you start using insulin to abuse food and chasing one problem with enough IMO.
Opposite IMO. You may find someone here who says “throw insulin at it”, but guys like me and @luki7788 will tell you that you want to get the body in a primed state before adding insulin.

I would actually do a mini cut, increase cardio (or add it), consider PSMF diet for a short period and reset the insulin sensitivity.

The best time to use insulin is rebounding from a cut while in a primed state. If not you start using insulin to abuse food and chasing one problem with enough IMO.
Awesome. This is actually perfect for me. I just finished a very successful cut, did my obligatory photoshoot, and started growing again just two weeks ago. I’m getting between 12000-16000 steps per day, and am doing HIIT cardio up to 95% max HR 2-3x per week. I’ve actually kept my calories very low and only increased slightly since switching gears, and eat extremely clean. I don’t cheat on my diet, whatsoever. I’m a robot. Maybe this would be the perfect time to do it! I’ll start with the meadows protocol!
Opposite IMO. You may find someone here who says “throw insulin at it”, but guys like me and @luki7788 will tell you that you want to get the body in a primed state before adding insulin.

I would actually do a mini cut, increase cardio (or add it), consider PSMF diet for a short period and reset the insulin sensitivity.

The best time to use insulin is rebounding from a cut while in a primed state. If not you start using insulin to abuse food and chasing one problem with enough IMO.
With regards to the meadows protocol, is that meant to be run every training day? I’m assuming so but I’ve been wrong before.
With regards to the meadows protocol, is that meant to be run every training day? I’m assuming so but I’ve been wrong before.
Yes, every training day pre workout only. It’s all outlined in the first post of this thread.

I am sure this has been covered/discussed in this thread before. But don´t got the time atm to read 24 pages.

A friend of mine and I were discussing the following:

We were talking about novarapid. My opinion is the days you use novarapid(for example pre/post wo) your fats should be really low that day(of course in the working period of insulin that is a no brainer), but also the rest of the day. I rather eat most of my fats on insulin ´off days´.

He says he slams fats outside the working time of novarapid and that it doesn´t matter.

Not interested in opinions if high or low fats are better for bodybuilding.


I am sure this has been covered/discussed in this thread before. But don´t got the time atm to read 24 pages.

A friend of mine and I were discussing the following:

We were talking about novarapid. My opinion is the days you use novarapid(for example pre/post wo) your fats should be really low that day(of course in the working period of insulin that is a no brainer), but also the rest of the day. I rather eat most of my fats on insulin ´off days´.

He says he slams fats outside the working time of novarapid and that it doesn´t matter.

Not interested in opinions if high or low fats are better for bodybuilding.

If you don’t have time to read the thread to find this answer, what makes you think we have the time to answer this question… 😂

That question has been beaten to death in this entire thread, you won’t have to look very hard. 😊

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