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Bumping this as there have been a lot of questions on insulin recently and new members joining.
As an added layer of where I would start outside of what I have already outlined I would suggest the following:
New to Insulin or where to start:
1. 2 units Humalin R, Humalog or Novolin R pre-workout with 200-400mg injectable carnitine. 25g carbs from Karbolyn or similar intra. This is strictly for shuttling carnitine absorption and nutrients.
2. Once past the above, you can consider advancing to 4-6 units of Humalog pre-workout on larger party days- legs and back. Or weak body parts. 50-75 units of karbolyn or carbs.
After completing the above and gauging your body’s response you can advance to the John Meadow’s program as outlined in my first post which is where I suggest all start who can benefit from insulin or need it (if you need it).
For anyone looking to softly step into insulin the above is what I would suggest even prior to my initial suggestions as many rush into insulin too quickly IMO. Methods always evolve so hope this helps those looking to step in slower.
Updated Stance On Advance Guys and Lantus:
On the other end- my initial stance was tough on lantus but know it does have a place for guys in open and who are advanced.
The key IMO with lantus is ensuring you have cardio in daily, only use trace fats on the day it is used and most importantly on the days it is not used that you utilize GDA’s twice daily.
For guys trying to push up in weight who are advanced and that can truly benefit form insulin-
1. Start with 10 units lantus with meal one on 1-2 high days with trace fats. Utilize short acting insulin in addition still pre and post. This should be maximized before adding lantus.
2. Work up to 15-20 units max two days a week once you have maxed out carbs and short acting insulin.
The goal should be to keep GB in range and not use lantus to offset, but only to push more carbs and increase gastric emptying. If you’re using lantus to keep BG levels in check then you’re using it for the wrong reason IMO.
Can and do guys do more? Absolutely, but same principles apply as above. If I get one more DM on here from someone under 170-200lb asking me how to fix their BG after using 20iu or more lantus I’m going to lose it.
If you’re at that level, 99% chance you don’t need it unless you’re Shaun Claurida. Don’t create a long term problem with a short term solution.
And don’t worry guys who have sent me DM’s- we live and learn. No judgment.
Last closing reminder: while I am a huge fan of insulin used right for the guys who need it. I am forever reminded of what Andrew Vu told me:
“There is no quicker way to lose and blur your lines than abusing insulin.”
Followed by- “many of the top guys now have “insulin head”.
First time I had heard that last one. But has set with me ever since. Be responsible if you’re going to use insulin as it’s hard to go back once you ruin your physique if you abuse it and food IMO.
Enjoy and welcome any top guys or coaches input on here as it’s always evolving.
As an added layer of where I would start outside of what I have already outlined I would suggest the following:
New to Insulin or where to start:
1. 2 units Humalin R, Humalog or Novolin R pre-workout with 200-400mg injectable carnitine. 25g carbs from Karbolyn or similar intra. This is strictly for shuttling carnitine absorption and nutrients.
2. Once past the above, you can consider advancing to 4-6 units of Humalog pre-workout on larger party days- legs and back. Or weak body parts. 50-75 units of karbolyn or carbs.
After completing the above and gauging your body’s response you can advance to the John Meadow’s program as outlined in my first post which is where I suggest all start who can benefit from insulin or need it (if you need it).
For anyone looking to softly step into insulin the above is what I would suggest even prior to my initial suggestions as many rush into insulin too quickly IMO. Methods always evolve so hope this helps those looking to step in slower.
Updated Stance On Advance Guys and Lantus:
On the other end- my initial stance was tough on lantus but know it does have a place for guys in open and who are advanced.
The key IMO with lantus is ensuring you have cardio in daily, only use trace fats on the day it is used and most importantly on the days it is not used that you utilize GDA’s twice daily.
For guys trying to push up in weight who are advanced and that can truly benefit form insulin-
1. Start with 10 units lantus with meal one on 1-2 high days with trace fats. Utilize short acting insulin in addition still pre and post. This should be maximized before adding lantus.
2. Work up to 15-20 units max two days a week once you have maxed out carbs and short acting insulin.
The goal should be to keep GB in range and not use lantus to offset, but only to push more carbs and increase gastric emptying. If you’re using lantus to keep BG levels in check then you’re using it for the wrong reason IMO.
Can and do guys do more? Absolutely, but same principles apply as above. If I get one more DM on here from someone under 170-200lb asking me how to fix their BG after using 20iu or more lantus I’m going to lose it.

And don’t worry guys who have sent me DM’s- we live and learn. No judgment.
Last closing reminder: while I am a huge fan of insulin used right for the guys who need it. I am forever reminded of what Andrew Vu told me:
“There is no quicker way to lose and blur your lines than abusing insulin.”
Followed by- “many of the top guys now have “insulin head”.

First time I had heard that last one. But has set with me ever since. Be responsible if you’re going to use insulin as it’s hard to go back once you ruin your physique if you abuse it and food IMO.
Enjoy and welcome any top guys or coaches input on here as it’s always evolving.