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Cinnamon reduces blood glucose, triglycerides, LDL and total cholesterol in diabetics

I have been using cinammon on my oats for awhile now. I also read about cinammon being able to modify insulin response. I find that my oats are more satisfying especially during dieting if they are spiced with cinnamon

Most herbs and spices have various health benefits but it seems many bodybuilders do not take advantage of this because they dont seasoning their foods for fear of holding fluid or something (precontest) or maybe its just lack of interest in things that are "holistic" ?
I thought this was common knowledge among bb'ers?!?

I've been adding cinnamon (a fair bit of it) to my diet for over 15 years for the thermogenic benefits. I guess there's just been more stuff that's come out again about it's benefits.

I like to add cinnamon, vanilla extract and nutmeg to my whey protein isolate shakes for that eggnog flavor - YUM. Also do as Phoenix and add a ton of it to my oatmeal, along with unsweetened applesause. I eat this along with 6 eggs as my post workout meal (I workout first thing, early mornings).

i was pretty sure that cinnamon was an overall slin sensitizer, even to fat cells which is not a good thing, could b wrong though

Mr_Magoo said:
i was pretty sure that cinnamon was an overall slin sensitizer, even to fat cells which is not a good thing, could b wrong though

the reduction of blood glucose means less sugar to become fat and many endomorphs are prone to Syndrome X because of insulin resistance. This means they store fat because the body is so inefficient..the cinnamon seems to increase efficiency.

Also no reason to suppose that cinnamon cannot be protective of anyone with blood lipid issues as insulin spikes are seemingly what causes plaque to be deposited on arterial walls. In other words when blood glucose spikes insulin spikes and evidence is that plaque is deposited on blood vessel walls. This does not happen with steadier levels of bood glucose.

Lowering of triglycerides and cholesterol is important to a lot of people and , again, blood glucose levels are associated with increases in lipids due to "spikes" or out of control blood sugar. This is the reason diabetics are so prone to vascular disease and kidney problems..uncontrolled blood sugar. I believe that this info can be extrapolated to the general population and, also, the weight trained athlete.
there is a big difference in drugs that selectively increase glucose uptake and those that are not selective..... we want the ones which lower blood sugar by increasing glycogen content of muscle......it is useless to take something that lowers blodd sugar by sending glucose off to fat cells because it increases glut-4 receptors there.................if cinnamon is selective in where it increases glucose uptake , like muscle then all is good

it was my impression though that the blodd sugar lowering effect was from a non=selective glucose disposal (muscle and fat)
Sorry, Maggo

Mr_Magoo said:
there is a big difference in drugs that selectively increase glucose uptake and those that are not selective..... we want the ones which lower blood sugar by increasing glycogen content of muscle......it is useless to take something that lowers blodd sugar by sending glucose off to fat cells because it increases glut-4 receptors there.................if cinnamon is selective in where it increases glucose uptake , like muscle then all is good

it was my impression though that the blodd sugar lowering effect was from a non=selective glucose disposal (muscle and fat)

I see where you are coming from.."we want ones(drugs)" it is useless to think of health issues ..you are right...I will try and delete the thread
dont delete it, cinnamon may have merit in a postworkout shake, just not as much at other times of the day
and on that note, acetic acid found in vinegar has been shown to aid post exercise glycogen replenishment....i use it and it does make a difference
I agree Mr Magoo.We do not want increased sensitivity in fat cells.In fact,GH,Clen,ECA etc. increase resistance to insulin which is part of why they help to burn fat.By working out we increase sensitivity in muscle.On a diet moderate resistance in fat cells helps liberate the fat easier.
the increased resistance is not why they burn fat!..... with most of what u just said, the resistance is from the hormones like epinephrine which are released. an increase in insulin resistance means more insulin needs to be released from ur pancreas to get the jo a smaller amount does.......this starts to resemble a pre-diabetic state
Mr Magoo,guys like Duchaine,Lyle McDonald and many others have said that insulin resistance in fat tissue helps liberate fat and that the resistance that drugs like GH and Clen cause is part of why they help burn fat.
If you go to Lyles board he explains insulin resistance and fat loss/gain very well in a thread called:

"Insulin sensitivity/resistance"


"So when fat cell insulin resistance is high, fatty acids are easier to mobilze. When muscle cell insulin resistance is high, glucose isn't used for fuel and fatty acids are. So in a caloric deficit, this means you use more fat for fuel b/c they are coming out of fat cells more easily and muscle is usingg them preferentially for fuel.

this is part of how things like clen, EC and GH work. By mobilizing fatty acids at a high rate and making the muscle cell insulin resistant, muscle has to forego glucose for fuel and use the mobilized fatty acids instead (note: this also spares protein in a carb insufficient state). A recent study on GH found that the fatty acid mobilizing effect of GH was THE key to its protein sparing effects: block the increase in fatty acids and you get the same amount of protein loss" -Lyle McDonald


Here is an interesting paper regarding GH,insulin resistance etc.

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Good article - it starts out with "To test the hypothesis that GH-induced insulin resistance is mediated by an increase in FFA levels we assessed insulin sensitivity after inhibiting the increase in FFA by a nicotine acid derivative, Acipimox, in nine GH-deficient adults receiving GH replacement therapy."

Does this insinuate that Nicotine is a good thermogenic agent - Animal talked about this?!?

No,it's nicotinic acid aka niacin aka vitamin B3.

Yes,nicotine is an amazing thermogenic.
Just 1mg with 100mg caffeine 3 X daily works great:

Effect of chewing gum containing nicotine and caffeine on energy expenditure and substrate utilization in men.

Jessen AB, Toubro S, Astrup A.

Department of Human Nutrition, Centre for Advanced Food Studies, The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Frederiksberg, Denmark.

BACKGROUND: Nicotine replacement therapy limits weight gain after smoking cessation. This finding is partly attributable to the thermogenic effect of nicotine, which may be enhanced by caffeine. OBJECTIVE: We assessed the acute thermogenic effects of chewing gum containing different doses of nicotine and caffeine. DESIGN: This randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover study included 12 healthy, normal-weight men (aged 18-45 y). Energy expenditure was measured with indirect calorimetry before and 2.5 h after subjects chewed each of 7 different types of gum containing the following doses of nicotine/caffeine: 0/0, 1/0, 2/0, 1/50, 2/50, 1/100, and 2/100 mg/mg. RESULTS: The thermogenic responses (increases over the response to placebo) were 3.7%, 4.9%, 7.9%, 6.3%, 8.5%, and 9.8%, respectively, for the gums containing 1/0, 2/0, 1/50, 2/50, 1/100, and 2/100 mg nicotine/mg caffeine (P < 0.05 for all). Adding caffeine to 1 and 2 mg nicotine significantly enhanced the thermogenic response, but changing the caffeine dose (from 50 to 100 mg) did not change the thermogenic effect. None of the combinations changed the respiratory quotient compared with placebo, which indicates that glucose and fat oxidation rates were increased to a similar extent. Side effects occurred only with 2 mg nicotine. CONCLUSIONS: One milligram of nicotine has a pronounced thermogenic effect, which can be increased by approximately 100% by adding 100 mg caffeine. Increasing the nicotine dose to 2 mg does not increase the thermogenic effect but produces side effects in most subjects. Caffeine may be useful in preventing weight gain after smoking cessation if its thermogenic effect can be used to enhance nicotine's effect on long-term energy balance.
KillerStack said:
No,it's nicotinic acid aka niacin aka vitamin B3.

Yes,nicotine is an amazing thermogenic.
Just 1mg with 100mg caffeine 3 X daily works great:

Effect of chewing gum containing nicotine and caffeine on energy expenditure and substrate utilization in men.
Yea - too bad the gum tastes like various flavors of battery acid! :p

my mistake, i thought u were referring to an overall state of insulin resistance where even muscle is insensitive.........yes, insulin resistant fat cells is something we want and stuff like fish oils help that
the nic gum does taste like crap but gets me through some tough days..........it burns fat too which is why i started on the stuff a while back..............seriously!

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